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Silence And Silence

Silence And Silence

People can and should be wondering how a country that boasts about freedom and civil rights can be silent while other humans are being butchered because they desire that same freedom and those same rights?

Silence And Silence

Iran, with its current regime, is a danger not just to its long-suffering people, but to Silence And Silence. These protesters, who are flooding the streets and demanding that their voices be heard, are displaying acts of heroism that will be felt throughout the world and throughout history While many Silence And Silence Iran are risking their lives in their struggle to change their predatory regime, and while many have been killed by the Iranian regime's force, the Biden administration has so far not shown even the slightest interest in even verbally condemning the brutal mullahs of Iran. Instead, the current US administration continues cozying up to them, presumably in the hope of reviving the disastrous nuclear deal and lifting all sanctions to help them continue their marauding, expansion and terror.

When the people of Iran rose up by the millions against the Iranian regime inthe Obama administration stayed abhorrently silent.

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This year, on July 15, many in Iran rose against the regime again; again, the Biden administration remained totally silent, just as Obama did. Pictured: People in Tehran, Iran, protest during the popular uprising in the name of the "Green Movement," on June 16, People on the streets in Iran began chanting"Obama, Obama, are you with them [the ruling mullahs] or with us? The administration's dismissal of their agony not only enabled the mullahs brutally to crush the demonstrations with impunity; the mullahs were even rewarded with a deal that would enable them to have legitimate nuclear weapons capability down the road and billions of dollars thrown in.

Obama and the Iranian regime sold the world the idea that appeasement towards the mullahs and lifting UN sanctions would supposedly help the Iranian people and make the Iranian government a constructive player. Instead, the opposite took place. When people in dozens of cities in the oil-rich province of Khuzestan rose up against the regime, young demonstrators have reportedly been killed by security forces. Videos have emerged showing that people in Tehran Silence And Silence other cities were heard chanting "Death to the Dictator" and "Death to Khamenei". In addition, workers of the essential oil and gas industry have gone on a nationwide strike. According to Amnesty International: "Iran's security forces have deployed unlawful force, including by firing live ammunition and birdshot, to crush mostly peaceful protests taking place across the southern province of Khuzestan Video footage from the past week, coupled with consistent accounts from the ground, indicate security forces used deadly automatic weapons, shotguns Silence And Silence inherently indiscriminate ammunition, and tear gas to disperse protesters.

As Tara Sepehri Far, a researcher Silence And Silence Iran at Human Rights Watch, pointed out: "Iranian authorities remarkable, dissertation help services where a very troubling record of responding with bullets to protesters frustrated with mounting economic difficulties and deteriorating living conditions.

Silence And Silence

Is silence not a betrayal of justice, freedom and democracy? It is also no secret that that the Iranian regime is, according to the US Department of State, not only still the leading state sponsor of terrorism ; it also " wins [the] world record " for the most executions per capita.

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The regime, according to Amnesty International, is also a " leading executioner " of children. The Biden administration then must surely know, then, that if the Iranian people succeed in changing this brutal Islamist regime, they will bring down the foremost state sponsor of terrorism, a leading regime in human rights violationsand a leading state sponsor of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitic propaganda.

Silence And Silence

Moreover, Iran, with its proxies, having effectively taken control of LebanonYemenSyria, Iraq and the Gaza Strip -- and now reportedly eyeing Jordan -- seems to have plans to become the leading hegemon in the region. It also has for decades been setting Silence And Silence proxy operations in Latin America, particularly Cuba and Venezuelathe soft underbelly of the United States.

Silence And Silence

These protesters, who are flooding the streets and demanding that their voices be heard, are displaying acts of heroism that will be felt throughout the Solution Focused Group Therapy for Depressed Individuals and throughout history. The Biden administration should know that " he who is silent consents.

It is just so https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/research-paper/how-effective-is-napoleon-a-hero.php and heartbreaking to see that the international community and the United Nations simply watch while peaceful protesters are beaten, brutalized and killed — with not a breath of international condemnation for the tyrants or of support for these brave and long-suffering souls. While many in Iran are risking their lives in their struggle to change their predatory regime, and while many have been killed by the Iranian regime's force, the Biden administration has so far not shown even the slightest interest in even verbally condemning the brutal mullahs of Iran.

Majid Silence And Silence is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US foreign policy. He can be reached at Dr.]

Silence And Silence - that

She left Tokyo on a flight bound for Austria early Wednesday after spending two nights in the Polish embassy in Tokyo. She is expected to head to Poland, which offered her a humanitarian visa on Monday. It will have irritated him. For this she and her husband, Arseni Zdanevich, who has fled from Belarus to Ukraine, The Associated Press reported, must now start a new life in a new country. In an interview with the AP on Tuesday night, Tsimanouskaya said officials "made it clear that, upon return home, I would definitely face some form of punishment. There were also thinly disguised hints that more would await me. Tens of thousands joined marches calling for him to step down and hand over power to opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya , who fled to neighboring Lithuania and has in the past week met with both President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Lukashenko rode out the protest movement — thousands were arrested and many remain in jail — but observers say it has left him more belligerent and sensitive to criticism. Krystsina Tsimanouskaya runs in the women's meter run at the Tokyo Olympics on July 30,

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Consider: Silence And Silence

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Silence And Silence 4 days ago · The officers who defended the Capitol have noticed the FOP’s relative silence. Officer Michael Fanone, who also testified this week, told CNN that . 2 days ago · Silence Perhaps it is simply summertime, but the last few months have been frighteningly quiet on the stock markets. Concerning the indices S&P and Dow Jones, which can be taken as. Jul 31,  · When the people of Iran rose up by the millions against the Iranian regime in , the Obama administration stayed abhorrently silent. This year, .
Silence And Silence 3 days ago · The post Security guard breaks silence about escaping Surfside condo collapse appeared first on TheGrio. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, . 4 days ago · The officers who defended the Capitol have noticed the FOP’s relative silence. Officer Michael Fanone, who also testified this week, told CNN that . 2 days ago · Silence Perhaps it is simply summertime, but the last few months have been frighteningly quiet on the stock markets. Concerning the indices S&P and Dow Jones, which can be taken as.
Silence And Silence



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