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Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

News — The Dakota Access Pipeline should continue operating while an environmental impact study remains pending because shutting down the pipeline would shift millions of barrels of oil to rail transportation, clogging the rail system at the expense of farmers and agribusinesses in the midst of the COVID pandemic, Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt told a federal court in a legal brief filed last week.

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

Schmidt, along with the attorneys general of 13 other states, on Friday filed an amicus brief with the U. District Court for the District of Columbia arguing that if an easement allowing operation of the pipeline is vacated, the market will demand that as much North Dakota oil as possible be diverted to the railroads that currently transport grain produced in Kansas and the other states.

Subsequently, that lack of rail transportation for grain would lead to higher transportation costs for Kansas farmers and agribusinesses and could contribute food shortages amidst the global COVID pandemic.

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

Since the North Dakota oil ordinarily carries a higher value than grain, the attorneys general argue in the brief, shutting down the pipeline likely would displace railroad grain cargo in favor of oil and bring back transportation-market conditions that existed before the pipeline became operational in Some of those conditions included intractable railroad congestion, rotting grain that could not be moved for lack of rail capacity, higher food prices and, ultimately, a potential for food shortages.

The most food-secure nation on earth could well experience food shortages, to say nothing of the consequences for developing nations whose industries and food security also rely on American grain exports.]

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

For: Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

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Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A

Should The North Dakota Pipeline Lead A Video

Joe Biden Canceled Keystone XL. Indigenous Leaders Demand the Same for the Dakota Access Pipeline



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