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Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

What is the self-presentation theory?

It is hypothesized that self-presentation and consumer interaction styles are interrelated. Specifically those people who adopt an acquisitive self- presentation style are expected to be more assertive than others with respect to requesting information, seeking redress, and resisting sales requests. People adopting a protective self-presentation style are expected to be less assertive with respect to these same consumer interactions.

The results of the study sup- port the expectations and imply the importance of considering self-presentation styles in understanding interpersonal influence and interpersonal communica- tions in the marketplace.

Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

Self-monitoring and serf-presentation styles are important issues in understanding how interpersonal influence affects the marketplace be- cause self-monitoring is related to susceptibility to interpersonal influ- ence Snyder, and different self-presentation styles imply different forms of interpersonal interaction Arkin, These different forms of interpersonal interaction could influence marketplace behaviors includ- ing sales transactions, complaint behaviors, and word-of-mouth commu- nications. The purpose of this research is to examine how self-presentation styles relate to consumers' marketplace interaction styles.

Specifically, acquisitive and protective self-presentation styles Wolfe, Lennox, and Cutler, are hypothesized to be related positively and negatively respectively to three forms of marketplace assertion Richins, in- cluding redress seeking, resisting sales requests and requesting mar- ketplace information. An important Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour in this research is the recognition that self-mon- itoring is not imidimensional as has been previously assumed in con- The authors thank three anonymous reviewersfor theirparticularlyhelpfulcomments.

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Therefore, we begin by examining conceptual and measurement issues relating to self-monitor- ing in order to make the case that both acquisitive and protective self- presentation styles exist relating to the motives underlying self-mon- itoring as suggested by Arkin and Wolfe, Lennox, and Cutler We then present: the rationale for the hypotheses regarding how self-presentation styles are related to marketplace assertion, a descrip- tion of the research, and a discussion of the research results in terms of applying a multidlmensionai perspective on self-presentation to con- sumer behavior research. Self-Monitoring and Self-Presentation Styles Self-monitoring is the idea that some people regulate their behavior and preferences depending on the social situation while others tend to be less sensitive to social cues and act in accordance with their internal predispositions Snyder and Gangestad, In Snyder intro- duced a scale to measure the trait of self-monitoring and since that time it has been widely studied in relationship to numerous social phenom- ena including: attitude-behavior consistency, romantic and sexual inter- action, the nature of friendships, and psychopathology Snyder and Gangestad, Self-monitoring is of wide interest because it is an intuitively ap- pealing concept many people feel that they alter their behavior due to social influences and also because it was originally expected to help explain low correlations between predispositions such as attitudes and Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour traits and behaviors.

It was thought that people scoring high in self-monitoring would exhibit lower correlations between predis- positions and behavior because of their sensitivity to situational social cues than people who score low on self-monitoring. Unfortunately, research results have been miTed and considerable controversy has emerged regarding Snyder's self-monitoring scale and The Code Of Ethics For Education nature of the concept it captures Lennox, The scale has been used as a unldimensional scale.

Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

However, factor analyses generally yield three factors Briggs, Cheek and Buss, ; Gabrenya and Arkin, ; Miller and Thayer, Whether or not they represent a single concept their re- lationships with third variables are slml]ar and they tend to correlate positively with various measures of social surgency e. In an extensive review of evidence suggesting the existence of pro- tective as well as acquisitive self-presentations,Arkin describes the occurrence of protective and acquisitive self-presentations as being contingent on: the target audience of the self-presentation,the context, and the person making the self-presentation.

Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

O n the other hand, people more often adopting an acquisitive self-presentationstyle are described as be- ing more self-confident and higher in self-esteem.]

Remarkable: Self Presentation Theory Consumer Behaviour

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Caose Theorem Theories Of Consumer Behaviour. Francis Bacon WHAT IS SELF-PRESENTATION? Self Presentation is part of the Self Concept and Impression Management modernalternativemama.comsion management (IM) theory suggests that any individual or organization must establish and maintain impressions that are compatible with the perceptions one wants to give to the public. From both a communications and . Self Presentation Theory - Consumer Behaviour. Self-Presentation β€˜It might be said of self praise (if it not entirely shameful and ridiculous) that we praise ourselves fearlessly, something always sticks.’ – Francis Bacon WHAT IS SELF-PRESENTATION?Self Presentation is part of the Self Concept and Impression Management theory. Impression management (IM) theory suggests that any individual. Self Presentation Theory - Consumer Behaviour. Francis Bacon WHAT IS SELF-PRESENTATION? Self Presentation is part of the Self Concept and Impression Management modernalternativemama.comsion management (IM) theory suggests that any individual or organization must establish and maintain impressions that are compatible with the perceptions one wants to give to the public.
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