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Restorative Justice And Restitution Process

Restorative Justice And Restitution Process

Restorative Justice And Restitution Process

Restorative justice in cases of serious crime: an evaluation Tanya Rugge and Robert Cormier Abstract This chapter focuses upon the evaluation results of the Collaborative Justice Project CJPa demonstration project running in the Ottawa, Ontario area. Whereas many restorative justice programmes such as mediation and family group conferencing focus on relatively minor offences, the CJP employs a restorative justice approach in cases of serious crime.

The goal of the research is to expand the empirical base regarding restorative justice by determining whether programmes like the CJP are successful.

The research evaluates the CJP by examining satisfaction levels of victims, offenders and participating community members; by determining whether participation with the CJP meets the needs of clients; and by assessing the source of clients and key criminal justice personnel to the CJP.

Several outcome measures are examined through a pre- and post-measure design. The sample consists of CJP clients and matched comparison groups of offenders and victims. Results assessing whether the CJP served as an alternative to incarceration and whether participation by offenders reduced their likelihood of reoffending, are also addressed. The implications of the research are discussed from a restorative justice perspective. Introduction This Restorative Justice And Restitution Process reports on the preliminary results of an evaluation of a restorative justice programme called the Collaborative Justice Project, which has operated as a demonstration project in Ottawa, Canada for the past three and a half years.

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Before discussing the project and the findings of the evaluation, it may be useful to begin with a brief introduction to restorative justice. There is no single, universally accepted definition of restorative justice, although a central feature of any definition would include some notion of repairing the harm caused by crime and restoring the parties to a state of wellness or wholeness which was disturbed by the criminal act. For our purposes we adopted the following working definition of restorative justice: Restorative justice is an approach to justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by crime while holding the offender responsible for his or her actions, by providing an opportunity for https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-samples/entrepreneurship-theory.php parties directly affected by a crime — victim soffender and community — to identify and address their needs in the aftermath of a crime, and seek a resolution that affords healing, reparation and reintegration, and prevents future harm Cormier, 1.

The values, as reflected in the above definition, include responsibility, inclusiveness, openness, trust, hope and healing. Since restorative justice is an approach to justice, it has a potentially broad application to the field. It can be applied to prevent crime; for example, mediation can be used to resolve conflicts before they escalate Restorative Justice And Restitution Process reach the threshold of criminal behaviour.

As a response to crime, restorative justice can be applied at every stage of the criminal justice system, from police diversion to the post-sentence incarceration and parole stage. In Canada, the most extensive application Restorative Justice And Restitution Process restorative justice in the criminal justice system has been court-based Victim—Offender mediation programmes and police-led Community Justice Forums. Community Justice Forums are based on the family group conferencing model, which has been widely applied in New Zealand and Australia. Both of these applications in Canada, however, have focused on minor or less serious crimes. What about the application of restorative justice in cases of serious crimes? One could argue that the potential benefits of restorative justice are greater in cases of serious crime because healing and reparation are especially important where the amount of harm done has been significant.

Accordingly, the application of restorative justice in cases of serious crimes has been largely restricted to the postsentence stage. Ina programme in Canada involving the use of Reflective account mediation post-sentence in cases of serious crime, such as Values In Anne The Burning Of sexual assault, murder and armed robbery, was the subject of a preliminary evaluation Roberts, This Victim—Offender Mediation Programme, operated by Community Justice Initiatives in Langley, British Columbia, conducts extensive Restorative Justice And Restitution Process and provides therapeutic preparation for victims and offenders before a face-to-face meeting is arranged.]

Restorative Justice And Restitution Process Video

Restorative Practices to Resolve Conflict/Build Relationships: Katy Hutchison at TEDxWestVancouverED

Restorative Justice And Restitution Process - are

The inmate is currently on death row, awaiting execution. The inmate wants to seek forgiveness before he is executed. The members of your family are outraged that this group dared to even contact your family. Members of your family express their concern regarding the invasion of their privacy. Most your family members are opposed to meeting the convicted murderer, but you have some unanswered questions, and this would help you deal with the death of your loved one. You are going to have a family meeting on this matter to decide what action your family should take. You are preparing some information and performing research on whether or not meeting the convicted murderer would benefit your family and bring closure to this tragedy. In your discussion, include theories of morality, values, and consequences. You must also include the following information for the family to ensure that everyone is fully informed: In terms of ethics, describe the concepts and purposes of restorative justice and restitution. Restorative Justice And Restitution Process.



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