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Residential Schools And The Effect On The

Residential Schools And The Effect On The

Residential Schools And The Effect On The

The show will focus on local issues from the unique perspective of the Portuguese-speaking community and will also feature special guests in-studio to tackle hot topics, including provincial and municipal news, healthcare, business and the environment.

Residential Schools And The Effect On The

OMNI Television viewers are invited to join the conversation by sharing their opinions, thoughts, and ideas with the hosts via social media. Latest Episodes.]

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They were taken from their families and forced into the schools. The main goals of the schools were to remove the children from their homes in order to assimilate them into the Euro-Canadian and Christian ways of living, isolating them from their own culture. Why did they want to assimilate Indigenous Children? Indigenous children were not allowed to speak their own language, use their own names, or practice anything of their own religion and culture. To detach the children from their culture, they would give them new names, cut their hair short, and force them to wear uniforms. Therefore, they assimilated Indigenous youth with similar tactics that the United States used. The major key of aggressive civilization was the use of religious instruction and skills training that would help Natives catch up with western society.

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