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Reconstruction After the Civil War

Reconstruction After the Civil War

Reconstruction After the Civil War

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Get Custom Essay The United State had to go through many wars to become the most powerful country in the world like nowadays. At that hard and long history, the Civil War and the Reconstruction were the names of those famous wars that not only every single person who is living in the U.

S but also people all around the world have to know about it. That two wars could be seen literally as the background to create superb America as we see in the present.

Reconstruction After the Civil War

The Civil War started in and end in In the middle of the nineteen century, the territory of America consists of 36 states, which dived into 2 distinct areas: The Northern developed the capitalist industry while the Southern developed the plantation economy mostly cotton based on the exploitation of slave labor mostly black people. The first 13 colonies in Reconstruction After the Civil War United States exchanged and trade a lot with Britain, and the industry also flourished in the 19th century.

While the Southern economy was still highly dependent on slave labor.

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In the agricultural sector mainly cottonit is quite backward, rarely uses machinery and jut only uses black slave labor with very low labor costs. The North developed a massive industry, producing machines and equipment, so they definitely needed a consumer market. If it exported to other countries, of course, the North is forced to import the taxes, however, if the North sold in the South, of course, it will be much more beneficial.

Reconstruction After the Civil War

For the South to buy their products, what the Reconstruction After the Civil War had to do was to abolish the slavery possession that had existed for more than years. With cheap labor costs and no need to invest much, Southern slave owners did not want to give up, so the southern states wanted to separate from the United States and that lead to the Civil War. The South, with its weaker military potential, eventually surrendered, and the reconstruction of the United States shortly thereafter made the United States stronger.

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We will write a unique paper on this topic for you! The Reconstruction After the Civil War of the won in the North not happen in a long time since it brought to the end because of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on April 14th, Andrew Johnson was a vice president at the meantime, he becomes the 17th president of the United State after the president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. He was the one that makes the wrong decision in American History since he chooses to stand for the side of white people at the Northern. On the other hand, the Northern parliamentary at that time decided to expand the civil rights for blacks, while also preventing the members of the Southern Confederacy from regaining power.]

Reconstruction After the Civil War

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Page: 48 View: Reconstruction EraThe American Civil War, fought from to , produced casualties and destruction on an unprecedented scale. Up to , soldiers were killed, and huge swathes of the American south were devastated. However, although the defeat of the Confederate States and the end of the war brought peace of a sort, it left many unresolved issues. The period following the end of the Civil War has become known as the Reconstruction Era, and during this time there were efforts to achieve two separate goals: to reintegrate the former rebel southern states fully into the Union and to achieve not only the abolition of slavery-which had been a war aim for the north-but also the emancipation and granting of civil rights to freed slaves. Inside you will read about The Reconstruction Era proved almost as divisive as the Civil War itself-the freeing of slaves threatened to undermine the very basis of society and many southerners resisted. For some in the north, the unwillingness of people in the south to adopt new laws and new ways of life seemed to negate the whole point of the war. After all, what was the point of fighting and winning a war if the very things that were fought for failed to happen? The Reconstruction Era was a period of turmoil and change in the United States, and it ended not with a complete victory for either side but with a compromise which satisfied no-one.



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Attempt not torture.

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And so too happens:)

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