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Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

The major Hellenistic kingdoms in BC, including territories controlled by the Seleucid dynastythe Ptolemaic dynastythe Attalid dynastythe Antigonid dynastyand independent poleis of Hellenistic Greece Antigonus then sent his son Demetrius to regain control of Greece. In BC he took Athens, expelling Demetrius of PhaleronCassander's governor, and proclaiming the city free again.

Demetrius now turned his attention to Ptolemy, defeating his fleet at the Battle of Salamis and taking control of Cyprus. In the aftermath of this victory, Antigonus took the title of king basileus and bestowed it on his son Demetrius Poliorcetesthe rest of the Diadochi soon followed suit. The decisive engagement of the war came when Lysimachus invaded and overran much of western Anatolia, but was soon isolated by Antigonus and Demetrius near Ipsus in Phrygia. Seleucus' war elephants proved decisive, Antigonus was killed, and Demetrius fled back to Greece to attempt to preserve the remnants of his rule there by recapturing a rebellious Athens.

After Cassander's death in c.

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Demetrius fled to central Greece with his mercenaries and began to build support there and in the northern Peloponnese. He once again laid siege to Athens after they turned on him, but then struck a treaty with the Athenians and Ptolemy, which allowed him to cross over to Asia Minor and wage war on Lysimachus' holdings in Ionialeaving his son Antigonus Gonatas in Greece.

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

After initial successes, he was forced to surrender to Seleucus in BC and later died in captivity. Seleucus then attempted to conquer Lysimachus' European territories in Thrace and Macedon, but he was assassinated by Ptolemy Ceraunus "the thunderbolt"who had taken refuge at the Seleucid court and then had himself acclaimed as king of Macedon. Ptolemy was killed when Macedon was invaded by Gauls in BC —his head stuck on a spear—and the country fell into anarchy.

He was quickly hailed as king of Macedon and went on to rule for 35 years.

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

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February Learn how and when to remove this template message Kingdom of Epirus[ edit ] Main article: Epirus ancient state Pyrrhus and his elephants. Epirus was a northwestern Greek kingdom in the western Balkans ruled by the Molossian Aeacidae dynasty. In Pyrrhus nicknamed "the eagle", aetos invaded southern Italy to aid the city state of Tarentum.

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

Though victorious, he was forced to retreat due to heavy losses, hence the term " Pyrrhic victory ". Pyrrhus then turned south and invaded Sicily but was unsuccessful and returned to Italy. Afterwards he invaded southern Greece, and was killed in battle against Argos in BC. After the death of Pyrrhus, Epirus remained a minor power.

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In BC the Aeacid royal family was deposed and a federal state was set up called the Epirote League. Kingdom of Macedon[ edit ] Philip V"the darling of Hellas", wearing the royal diadem. Under the Antigonids, Macedonia was often short on funds, the Pangaeum mines were no longer as productive as under Philip II, the wealth from Alexander's campaigns had been used up and the countryside pillaged by the Gallic invasion.

Power And Pathos Of The Hellenistic Era

Up to two-thirds of the population emigrated, and the Macedonian army could only count on a levy of 25, men, a significantly smaller force than under Philip II. Philip Vwho came to power when Doson died in BC, was the last Macedonian ruler with both the talent and the opportunity to unite Greece and preserve its independence against the "cloud rising in the west": the ever-increasing power of Rome. He was known as "the darling of Hellas". Philip continued to wage war against Pergamum and Rhodes for control of the Aegean — BC and ignored Roman demands for non-intervention in Greece by invading Attica. Southern Greece was now thoroughly brought into the Roman sphere of influencethough it retained nominal autonomy.]

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Book Description Is there art after modernism? Many of today's art students and professionals are finding the answer — "yes" — lies in the long-neglected field of figurative sculpture, a demanding form of expression that requires extremely rigorous technical training. Most modern schools, however, are simply not equipped to provide the necessary technical background. The republication of this highly valuable text by Edouard Lanteri, renowned teacher, sculptor, and intimate friend of Rodin Rodin called him "my dear master, my dear friend" , makes it possible for serious students to gain the requisite skills and bridge the gap between artistic concept and figurative realization. Representing at least three thousand years of studio lore, this readily understandable, authoritative guide is a goldmine of technical information, easily comprising a four-year sculpture curriculum unavailable elsewhere. Beginning with a detailed study of modelling a head from a cast model, Lanteri gives meticulous descriptions of the anatomical features that comprise the head. Next, there are instructions for sculpting a bust from a live model: how to place the model, use the clay, take measurements, set up the all-important framework, put on hair, etc. The author also covers modelling the figure from nature, including such factors as the scale of proportions, posing the model, the chief line, contrasts of line, building up the figure, and more. Part III covers sculpting in relief poses, fixing the background, tools, superposition of planes, color, change of light, etc.



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