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Police Administration And Protecting The Community

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

They are under tremendous pressure and need more grace. I'm sure that Andy has done much good in his community, and for that, I applaud him. However, I don't think that his comments Police Administration And Protecting The Community go unchecked: "Iron sharpens iron" Proverbs We need to abandon fear and stop believing falsehoods leveled by those with an agenda to silence the pulpits and stop the spread of the gospel. Agenda Over Science What makes me think it is an agenda? I don't have time to go into all the inconsistencies, but let me present just a handful: Why did numbers drop substantially after the inauguration on January 20th and the language about the virus change?

Why are cases of the flu and pneumonia nearly extinct?

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

Why are Walmart and Costco packed every day of the year, while small businesses are being strangled? Why can people gather to protest the police, but more than 10 at a Thanksgiving dinner is a "super-spreader"? What about masks?

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One day they tell us not to wear masks. Why are law-abiding citizens being harassed and arrested, while those breaking the law, destroying property, and attacking innocent people are declared to be part of a " summer of love "? This is why so many Americans are beyond angry, and I believe it may be a righteous anger.

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

We have been subjected to skewed numbers, fake pictures, and elevated statistics with the undeniable goal of instilling fear. There are numerous stories of doctors being told to write COVID as the click of death even if it was not. The San Diego Tribune ran a story in quoting county supervisor Jim Desmond as saying, "We've unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths -- six out of 3.

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These are not my words -- these are the words of the World Health Organization's special envoy on COVID : "In the United States alone, article source have been tied to increased thoughts of suicide from children, a Police Administration And Protecting The Community in drug overdoses, an uptick in domestic violence, and a study conducted in May concluded that stress and anxiety from lockdowns could destroy seven times the years of life that lockdowns potentially save. Over the past year we have learned a lot about this virus -- and nearly as much about those who would seek to use tragedy to further a political or social agenda.

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

As the church, it is our responsibility to stand against the deceptions rather than surrender to it. Removing the Veil of Deception Andy Stanley continues, "The thing that has been concerning to me about the local church is how quickly so many local churches felt like, 'We've got to get back in our building, shoulder to shoulder, doing what we've always done.

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

We are now a year into this.]

Police Administration And Protecting The Community

Police Administration And Protecting The Community - have

It was tempting to dismiss the show unfolding inside the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, as an unintended comedy. Styled as a documentary, the movie asserts that the Presidential election was stolen by supporters of Joe Biden , including by Antifa members who chatted about their sinister plot on a conference call. Approximately 2. Since the election, the county has become a focus of ire for Trump and his supporters. On July 28th, the auditors completed a hand recount, but they are still demanding access to the computer routers used by Maricopa County and also want to scrutinize images of mail-in-ballot envelopes. The U. Some inspectors used microscopes to investigate surreal allegations: that some ballots had been filled out by machines or were Asian counterfeits with telltale bamboo fibres. Other inspectors looked for creases in mail-in ballots, to determine whether they had been legitimately sent in envelopes or—as Trump has alleged—dumped in bulk. As the audit has unfolded, various violations of professional norms have been observed, including inspectors caught with pens whose ink matched what was used on ballots. Police Administration And Protecting The Community

Police Administration And Protecting The Community Video

The importance of mindset in policing - Chip Huth - TEDxTacoma



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