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Personal Philosophy Essay

Personal Philosophy Essay

By the due date assigned, submit your scholarly paper, in which you have identified, described, researched and applied the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy for professional nursing practice.

Personal Philosophy Essay

Collate the work that you have done so far from Weeks 1—3, and submit your paper in the prescribed format to the Submissions Area. Your paper should include: Nursing Autobiography: A brief 1 page discussion of your background in nursing.

Personal Philosophy Essay

The Four Metaparadigms: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on the four metaparadigms of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Two Practice-Specific Concepts: Identification, discussion, and documentation from the literature of your perspective on at least two concepts specific to your own practice.

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List of Propositions: A numbered list of at least five propositions or assumption statements that clearly connect the concepts described. Your paper should integrate these discrete elements and reflect your personal nursing philosophy.

Personal Philosophy Essay

The paper should be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. The current APA Manual is to be used throughout the paper.

Personal Philosophy Essay

Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to pages.

Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately.]

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Personal Philosophy Essay - and

In the essay you will describe your personal philosophy In the essay you will describe your personal philosophy. In the essay you will describe your personal philosophy of education. Then you will point to three examples from the Ravitch and Hitch readings that align or conflict with your personal philosophy of education. Include the quotes from Ravitch and Hicks, and describe points of agreement or dissent. Provide examples of how you might demonstrate your philosophy through your instruction. Personal Philosophy Essay Personal Philosophy Essay.



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