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Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging
Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

Although, good God, remember that Faces of Source show where it showed the guy getting the chair? Holy shit, I think I'd rather be eaten alive by rats than go through that. But seriously, if you asked everyone on death row how they'd rather go, I bet most would choose something decidedly quick like a firing squad over something unknown like lethal injection.

Persuasive Essay On The Death Penalty

I mean, nobody really knows what the hell they're feeling when they're unconscious. It may be painful beyond imagination even though it looks "pleasant. One can only hope.

Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

Given that none of us really know what it's like to die, nobody can rule out the idea that any of those methods are excruciatingly painful. Anyway, I don't ever anticipate being on death row, so hopefully I'll never know. Let the punishment fit the crime. However, there have been issues of the firing squads aim being off and injuring the guy and causing a long slow death.

The Death Penalty : Lethal Injection Or Lethal Gas Essay

The perception that someone just flipped a switch and it is the chair that actually does the killing, not the person. That is why there are so many weird methods.

Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

Automated firing squad machines have even been developed. So that actual people are not the ones pulling the triggers. He kind of got shafted in his trial, he was a military officer can't remember his name at the moment and when they brought him out, he called out to the firing squad, something along the lines of "you'd better aim properly, you bastards!


Make it a nasty way to go. Suck the air out of the room and let them die of asphyxiation. Use Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging for bullet design testing. An execution no matter how you do it is still theoretically 'inhumane' yet humans have been killing each other since humans opened for business. General George Washington our first president for those taught in public school used hanging as an execution method and flogging with a cat-o-nine-tails for discipline on the Continental Army. If it was not 'cruel and unusual' during the creation of our Constitution and employed by our founding fathers, rhetorically it should be valid today. He kind of got shafted in his trial, he was a military officer can't remember his name at the moment.]

Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging - final, sorry

Actually, here in Florida, they botched a legal injection and it took 20 minutes for the criminal to die. Half the state said that was cruel punishment. Screw them. How long do you think a rape victim suffers? Has anyone in your family ever been raped?

Talk, what: Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

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The effects of sleep deprivation Apr 24,  · Following its introduction to the US in , lethal injection became the primary method of execution there, largely replacing execution by hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, and electrocution. Each of these older methods has come to be seen as inhumane or excessively violent by most states, but each remains an option in a handful of modernalternativemama.comted Reading Time: 10 mins. Nov 22,  · The most humane way to execute someone is to do so in a manner than causes instant death. Thus, the guillotine, a bullet that severs the spinal cord, or a properly-performed hanging would be more humane than lethal injection. Jan 29,  · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR, AK, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
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Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging. Is Lethal Injection More Humane Than Hanging

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