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How Free Independent Reading Can Successfully Impact

How Free Independent Reading Can Successfully Impact

Share this news on xing The conservative movement needs to be aware that a "propaganda war" is being waged on America. That's our product, but we're doing this in a wartime environment. Tillman joins "The Daily Signal Podcast" to discuss the importance of advancing pro-American policies and how conservatives can use social media and other mediums to promote a message of freedom. John, thank you for being with us on The Daily Signal. John Tillman: It's great to be with you. Del Guidice: It's great having you with us.

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So, just to start off, can you tell us about the Illinois Policy Institute? Tillman: Well, we're a think tank.

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Everybody loves a think tank, right? But we're really a marketing organization hiding inside of a think tank.

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From the very beginning, when I got involved inwe focused on taking a marketing-centric approach to selling the greatest force for good ever created in the human sphere, which is How Free Independent Reading Can Successfully Impact enterprise and the founding principles of this country, and that's what we've been doing in Illinois. Started out with a couple of people and now we have a robust staff, a robust budget, and we're fighting the great battle in what people perceive to be a blue state, but we hope to turn purple and eventually red. Del Guidice: Well, more big picture, but John, what's at stake for the conservative movement when it comes to just messaging to the broader public?

Tillman: I think one of the biggest things that our entire movement has to learn is that we're in a propaganda war. This is not a policy war. Policy obviously matters. That's what all of us are trying to advance, And it is very much like the Cold War and it is a propaganda war.

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We need to think of ourselves as Radio Free Europe. We need to think of ourselves as Radio Liberty, and we are teleporting our message, if you will, in a variety of ways -- social media, the entire digital platforms, direct mail events, television -- on the benefits of our ideas compared to what the radicalized left is doing.

We're for setting people free to pursue their dreams and therefore drawing people [out of] dependency and decline and despair.

How Free Independent Reading Can Successfully Impact

And we have a great message, but we have to learn how to sell it in the language the audience consumes. How would you encourage and what are you working on in terms of driving messaging and engagement strategies that really expand and reach, especially, American parents who are concerned about civics right now? Tillman: Well, our marketing agency, where I'm co-founder and chairman, Iron Light, is working with the Feulner Institute and Angela [Sailor, vice president of the Institute,] and everybody there to advance an entire recommitment to teaching civics at the grassroots level.

One How Free Independent Reading Can Successfully Impact the things we know is that parents, in particular, are being intimidated by the radicalized left, who are taking over their local school districts, local school boards. The teachers unions are really running the show now and subordinating governance, which is supposedly the elected school boards, to the whims of the teachers union.

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What the Feulner Institute is doing is working with parents in Florida as a test case to help them learn how to fight back, how to message, how to engage and really retake control of their Eulers Inequality communities and particularly the schools. Del Guidice: What would you say to parents who might not know about the Feulner Institute, what they're offering? I know particularly, one mom, who she was talking about her son's classroom, and they were pushing this gender ideology in his classroom. And one of the moms decided to talk about it on a Facebook page, and she got bullied out of that.

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So for parents who do feel overwhelmed and aren't sure how to address this as this continues on, what would be your message to them? The exact idea is to help empower her first, by educating her, bring her into a group that has united in common purpose to fight back. And the first step is, before you sort of launch your Facebook effort, is to learn how to fight back in a way that is effective.]

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