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How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

In addition to increased body mass, obesity is often accompanied by comorbidities such as Type II Diabetes Mellitus and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease, with serious impacts on public health. Our understanding of the role the intestinal microbiota in obesity has rapidly advanced in recent years, especially with respect to the bacterial constituents.

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

However, we know little of when changes in these microbial populations occur as obesity develops. Further, we know little about how other domains of the microbiota, namely bacteriophage populations, are affected during the progression of obesity. Our goal in this study was to monitor changes in the intestinal microbiome and metabolic phenotype following western diet feeding.

We accomplished this by collecting metabolic data and fecal samples for shotgun metagenomic sequencing in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity.

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

We found that after two weeks of consuming a western diet WDthe animals weighed significantly more and were less metabolically stable than their chow fed counterparts. The western diet induced rapid changes in the intestinal microbiome with the most pronounced dissimilarity at 12 weeks.

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Our study highlights the dynamic nature of microbiota composition following WD feeding and puts these events in the context of the metabolic status of the mammalian host. A contributing cause for this rapid rise is the prevalence and popularity of foods high in saturated fats and added sugars Popkin and Gordon-Larsen, ; Popkin et al. Individuals consuming a high-fat western diet WD are prone to developing diseases comorbid with obesity such as Type-II Diabetes Mellitus, metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel disease and colon cancer Klein How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The al.

The comorbidity of gastrointestinal GI disease and obesity have prompted investigations into potential links between the two disorders. Among the potential connections that have received a lot of attention are diet-induced alterations within the intestinal microbiota. The intestinal microbiome is a diverse and dynamic microbial ecosystem residing within the GI tract. It consists primarily of organisms from the domain Was buy personal statement online, as well as populations of Archaea, Eukaryota, and numerous Viruses Lewis et al. Healthy diets, such as those high in plant polysaccharides, drive a colonic microbiota profile dominated by the phylum Bacteroidetes Duncan et al. Members of the Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria phyla are also common components of the intestinal microbiota Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Resident commensal bacteria carry out important functions for the host such as synthesis of vitamins and short chain fatty acids, degradation of host dietary oxalates, and many other metabolic functions Cantarel et al.

However, the microbiota can negatively impact the host when the balance of microbial populations becomes disrupted, a condition generally known as dysbiosis Hollister et al. For example, the dysbiotic profile of the intestinal microbiota in obesity consistently reflects an increased abundance of Firmicutes, reversing the Bacteroidetes : Firmicutes ratio Duncan et al.

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However, while consistent across numerous studies, this finding has been reported primarily at the endpoint of obesity. Thus, the kinetics with which microbial dysbiosis progresses during How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The development of obesity remains poorly defined. Whereas much is known about the bacterial constituents within the microbiome bacteriomethere is a substantial gap in our understanding of how other microbiome constituents, such as bacteriophage populations, change in abundance or composition source the development of obesity Duncan et al. Bacteriophages are viruses that target bacteria and enter one of two lifecycles: lysogenic or lytic. Temperate bacteriophages may reside within the bacteria as a lysogen, or quickly replicate and lyse the host in a lytic cycle Ul Haq et al.

Virulent phages, however, do not possess the genes necessary to carry out lysogeny and are purely lytic Hepworth et al.

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

Given the predator:prey relationship of bacteriophage and their host bacteria, diet-induced changes in intestinal environment are likely to drastically alter bacteriophage populations, and vice versa. One study utilizing gnotobiotic mice demonstrated that introduction of specific bacteriophage can induce compositional changes, in both bacteria and bacteriophage populations, shaping the intestinal microbiome and metabolome Reyes et al. Bacteriophage populations, collectively known as the phageome, have also displayed diet-induced disturbances Minot et al. However, our understanding of diet-induced longitudinal changes in bacteria:bacteriophage dynamics remains incomplete. Bacteriophages represent an attractive agent for tailoring the gut bacteriome, targeting specific bacteria, leaving other beneficial commensals unaffected.

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Therefore, it is critical to understand their role in the development and progression of metabolic disease. In the current study, we explore microbial population dynamics in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. We collected fecal samples and metabolic readouts from animals across 12 weeks on a chow or high-fat Western Diet WD to determine how these populations changed as parameters of metabolic disease developed.

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

Metabolic disruptions were apparent in animals after two weeks of WD feeding while microbial population shifts were detected rapidly with the most dissimilarity seen at 12 weeks. At 12 weeks, bacterial and bacteriophage communities were examined in the context of the metabolic data, revealing https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/critical-thinking/search-for-identity-in-alices-adventures-in.php between bacteria, phage, and metabolic profiles characteristic of obese or lean. Interestingly, the correlations between most bacteriophage populations and their putative hosts were similar, but this was not always evident.

Our study highlights novel connections between diet-induced metabolic changes and constituents of the intestinal microbiome.]

How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The - have

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and development bridging childhood and adulthood. Practicing healthy eating behaviour is one of the most important factors to meet the nutritional needs of adolescents. Proper eating behaviours that are learned in early life are maintained in adulthood thus reducing the risk of major chronic disease. Physical and psychological changes occurring during this period usually significantly influence their dietary behaviours. As teens become more independent, they make more of their own food choices. However, being influenced by a massive amount of factors biological, social, physical, economic, psychological beliefs and knowledge about food and changing of lifestyle may affect their dietary choices and eating behaviour, thus making them fail to adhere to healthy eating practices. Peer pressure in colleges leads adolescents to eat non-nutritional foods like pizzas and burgers. Due to irregular college schedules, intake of caffeinated drinks increases and water intake reduces. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced concentration in studies, low stamina, depression or poor posture. As per the author, how does dietary behavior in adolescence affect health in adulthood? How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

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Healthy adipose tissue helps provide energy, supports cell growth, protects organs, and keeps the body warm. Researchers have found that a high-quality diet and a rhythmic diet that is, during our activity cycle are very important for maintaining healthy fats. Adipocyte progenitor cells mature into fat cells—healthy fat cells that make up our fat tissues, which store energy in the form of fat. Researchers found that under normal energy intake patterns, adipocyte progenitor cells proliferate rhythmically every day for the entire hour cycle. However, when the researchers introduced a high-fat diet or changed the time pattern of eating so that the mice ate the same amount of food during sleep and waking phases, this pattern of adipocyte proliferation 24 hours before was destroyed. Christine Eckel Mahan said. Studies have shown that this damage may be difficult to reverse. How Diet And Health Changes Throughout The

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