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Health System Differences Louisiana And Illinois

Health System Differences Louisiana And Illinois

Health System Differences Louisiana And Illinois
Health System Differences Louisiana And Illinois

Age differences in credibility judgment of online health information. Vera ; Fu, Wai Tat. For this purpose, we conducted two laboratory studies to explore how the credibility cues in message contents, website features, and user reviews could differentially impact younger and older adults' credibility judgments.

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Results from the first experiment showed that older adults, compared to younger ones, were less sensitive to the credibility cues in message contents, as well as those in the website features. Results from the second experiment showed that user reviews that were consistent with the credibility cues in message contents could reinforce older adults' credibility judgments.

Health System Differences Louisiana And Illinois

Older adults, compared to younger adults, seemed to be less swayed by user reviews that were inconsistent with the message contents. These results provided implications for designing health information websites that better support older adults' credibility judgments.]

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