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Forced Marriage During The Middle East

Forced Marriage During The Middle East

Forced Marriage During The Middle East

Ancient, deeply-embedded traditions passed down from generation to generation has carried old patriarchal practices through the ages, preserving arranged child marriage traditions.

Forced Marriage During The Middle East

Systemically forced child marriage, particularly in the Middle East, is a tradition that feels like a relic of the Middle Ages, seemingly impossible to grasp for those raised outside the region. The key causes of forced child marriage are revealed to be a combination of cultural factors and misinterpreted religious law.

A Thousand Splendid Suns Report

Religion, particularly Islam in the Middle East, is a heavily influential factor in forced child marriage, as innocence and purity are of paramount importance in the Muslim culture. Though he eventually accepts her, Zana still faces prejudice from the rest of the town, because despite the fact that she was married off at a young age, she was still viewed as tainted in comparison to the rest of the young married women.

Forced Marriage During The Middle East

The deeply embedded religious traditions stemming from varying Quranic interpretations, can turn a religion founded on notions of the love between man and God into a construct that seeks to control women by marrying them off at a young age to keep them pure, whether it be voluntary or Related Documents Women's Rights In The Middle East centuries. The Middle East is one of the toughest places to be a woman.

Women's Rights In The Middle East

There are many restrictions placed on women, and many rights that women are not entitled to have. In a marriage everything is supposed to be equal between the man and the woman, but in the Middle East it is the opposite of equal.

Forced Marriage During The Middle East

Married life for a woman is extremely difficult and unfair in the Middle East, in Saudi Arabia marriage for women just gets worse, in Iraq marriage is very unfair, and in Afghanistan marriage is both deadly….]

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Williams commented: "it's not as if we're bringing in an alien and rival system". However, two recent widely reported cases of marriage between Muslim men and under-age girls raise troubling questions about these assumptions. One case in New South Wales where an imam married a twelve-year-old girl to a twenty-six-year-old man with her father's consent is before the court. In another case involving a custody battle, however, a judgment has been made that questions the way Western jurisdictions interact with sharia marriage regulations, specifically in relation to the widespread practice of conducting private, unregistered religious marriages. A Sydney Muslim girl aged fourteen was forced by her parents to become the child "bride" of a twenty-one-year-old man. Her mother had told her she would "get to attend theme parks and movies and eat lollies and ice-cream with her new husband".



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