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Critical Thinking And Decision Making

Critical Thinking And Decision Making

Critical Thinking And Decision Making

Essay writing service Reason for change presentation PHL Critical Thinking And Decision Making In Business University of Phoenix For this assignment, you will learn to identify fallacious statements, apply reasoning to support a decision or argument, and provide solutions to business scenarios.

Critical Thinking And Decision Making

The presentation should be planned for 15 minutes. Select one of the two scenarios below and weigh the pros of cons of the statements presented. Your employer has given you the task of increasing overall production within your department using the same number of permanent employees but no additional hours to complete the work. Determine some possible solutions e.

Critical Thinking And Decision Making

Select a final proposed solution, and explain why you think this solution will be more effective than the others. Your company wants to hire a third-party vendor to handle all of the customer service calls because they are a well-known leader in the industry with many clients. You are the manager of the customer service department for your company and have consistently reduced expenses over the past three years. What argument should you present to your employer to not hire a third-party vendor to handle customer service calls?


Include the following in your presentation: Identify the fallacious statements in the selected Learning Team business scenario. Select five or more points of reasoning that support your decision or argument. Describe how your logical reasoning counteracts the fallacious statements. Summarize why your selected business decision would be more effective. Calculate your paper price.]

Critical Thinking And Decision Making

Critical Thinking And Decision Making - excellent

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Critical Thinking And Decision Making - above

In this course, you'll explore a structured way to approach and dismantle problems with a view toward optimum outcomes. Applying the techniques of critical thinking allows you to dismantle complex problems and to understand the inputs and implications of your thought processes. By applying problem analysis and good practices you'll be able to develop positions and arrive at decisions that are logical and explicable to others. After completing the course, you'll understand why most decisions are of poor quality and be able to impose quality controls on both your decisions and the decisions of others.

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