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Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Any subject. Any type of essay. Niccolo Machiavelli portrayed how this click leader should be in his book, The Prince. Machiavelli displays in his book some principles and qualities that he believes a true leader should have in order to maintain his power and influence for a long period of time.

Leaders from all over the world, especially totalitarian leaders, read the book and tried to adapt its principles to their rule. He bolsters the notion that humans are greedy, evil, and cruel by nature. A Machiavellian leader must be cunning, well-learned in politics, industrious, able to have both friends and enemies, skilled in both war and politics, and must possess leadership qualities; whatever decisions he takes or actions he makes, the ends justify the means. If we look in depth into the qualifications of a Machiavellian leader, we find that Joseph Stalin possessed most of these characteristics during his reign. He was a totalitarian leader who ruled using his power to terrorize his Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo and make them follow his rules.

Many wondered if Stalin represents the Machiavellian prince.

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He used the military to take the grains from peasants of Russia. It resulted in a famine, but at the end the USSR became an industrialized, rich country. Such a policy will always be more useful than that of neutrality; for if two powerful neighbors of yours come to blows, Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo will be of the type that, when one has emerged victorious, you will either have cause to fear the victor or you will not. Stalin also knew that the USSR was one of the most powerful countries in the world, so he had to choose wisely which side to be on in order for the world to notice how strong his country is, and considering the history of Germany, it always seemed that it always loses no matter how strong it is, so Stalin chose the Allies.

Stalin and Machiavelli establish Totalitarian regimes Both leaders, Joseph Stalin and the Machiavellian leader, wanted to control and regulate all the private and public aspects in their countries.

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

They aimed to establish full political, social, and cultural control over all the residents. Indeed, there was an extreme repression towards all capitalistic businesses, labor union, religious building or figures, and political parties. As for Joseph Stalin, he A History Of The World methods of terror to keep his residents under his full control, terrified to break any of the strict rules displayed by Stalin. The significance of the ideologies to the leaders The vast array of ideologies that was spreading during the time of ruling of Stalin and the Machiavellian leader was an obstacle in front of the controlling plans that were done. We would not let our enemies have guns. Why should we let them have ideas? Joseph Stalin utilized propaganda which portrayed only the god deeds -with their finest details- done by him.

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

Stalin was seen to be exaggerating in displaying his achievements. Therefore, the only choice he had was to utilize secret police and other terror tactics to repress the political cults against the perfect pictured he portrayed about himself.

Moreover, freedom of speech and all political parties than his were regulated and restricted.

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

No man- no problem. Indeed, he followed the steps of Caesar Borgia and criticized Florentines. Borgia was a cruel leader; however, he was successful. Social classes from the perspective of both leaders Joseph Stalin saw his residents as three different classes.

Descriptions of the Machiavellian leader

The social impact of both leaders Joseph Stalin had future vision or a plan for his society. Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo, Stalin insisted on making enormous impacts on social aspects and making education a main core in Russia. For instance, literacy rates increased due to the compulsivity of education. Under Stalin, education was under the total control of the government from nursery schools to universities. Not only students but also peasants were forced to study the doctrines of the Communist party. However, industrialization was revived as the students were obliged to study technical and practical subjects. Women gained their suffrage and other unalienable rights. Moreover, women were highly encouraged to join the working force and be households indeed.]

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo - sorry

Among the economic miracles unfolding in China over the past two decades, the most mysterious may be how a country that skipped the Industrial Revolution, substituting the Cultural Revolution, became the low-cost factory floor to the world. Chinese manufacturers cut corners wherever they can, from product quality to factory equipment and maintenance. They unilaterally change product and packaging specifications to trim costs. They raise prices after the deal is signed, leaving the importer to absorb the added cost. With support from government, bankers, and networks of fellow manufacturers, they conduct manufacturing and customer relations as a game, treating the other party as a patsy not a partner, playing for the short term of making an extra penny at the risk of product quality but also taking a long-term, multidimensional outlook that outflanks the hapless customer. A Chinese-speaking American with more than a decade of experience in China and a Wharton MBA, Midler himself seems to have followed the relationship curve he describes for Chinese manufacturers and importers. It begins with infatuation and satisfaction beyond expectation, but turns into a source of constant frustration at a situation in which the Chinese manufacturer has the upper hand, taking advantage because the bond is now too difficult to sever.

Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo - aside!

See also: Timeline of the Napoleonic era Napoleon 's retreat from Russia in The war swings decisively against the French Empire The Napoleonic Wars were a series of major conflicts from to pitting the French Empire and its allies, led by Napoleon I , against a fluctuating array of European powers formed into various coalitions , financed and usually led by the United Kingdom. The wars stemmed from the unresolved disputes associated with the French Revolution and its resultant conflict. Later efforts were less successful. In , the French invasion of Russia had massive French casualties, and was a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars. Later that year, he escaped exile and began the Hundred Days before finally being defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to Saint Helena , an island in the South Atlantic Ocean. After Napoleon's defeat, the Congress of Vienna was held to determine new national borders. The Concert of Europe attempted to preserve this settlement was established to preserve these borders, with limited impact. Comparsion of Realism and Idealism in Niccolo.

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