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Compare and Contrast the Pre and Post

Compare and Contrast the Pre and Post

Compare and Contrast the Pre and Post

Compare and contrast the way preth century poets reflect on the theme of love.

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Extracts from this document Introduction Rowan Cooper 11c1 Compare and contrast the way preth century poets reflect on the theme of love. The five poems I have chosen to discuss are; Villeggiature, First love, when we two parted, so we'll go no more a-roving, and A Red, Red Rose.

Compare and Contrast the Pre and Post

The first poem I will be discussing is called Villeggiature by Edith Nesbit, the poem is symmetrical, it has 4 verses with 4 lines, it has a very simple rhyme scheme which is every other line. The title is Villeggiature, a Villeggiature was a place where women with broken hearts or were depressed would flee to, they were usually country houses, from this Evaluation Of A Sdlc System Development Life can tell the theme of this poem is 'love'. In the first verse she writes about her thinking of her lover 'your ghost last night climbed uninvited' this shows that she is thinking about her lover and that she fantasises about him coming back for her, this is also a metaphor as she compares her lover to a ghost, this also shows she is fantasising. We can tell this poem is set in spring as the writer mentions pear-tree bloom and pear trees bloom in spring. The second verse starts with 'your solid self, long leagues away' this shows that she's fantasising and in reality her love is a long way away.

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She says her lover is 'deep in dull books, had hardly missed me' this shows she finds her lover boring and that he is more interested in Middle cheek and cold, colder thy kiss' here he is saying that the older they got the less each loved each other so they decided to split. In the second verse starts with a reference to nature 'The dew of the morning sank chill on my brow' this shows that he meets his lover at a strange time and again refers to his relationship with his lover is a secret. Conclusion the rocks melt wi' the sun' this is saying that he will love her till the rocks melt with the sun end of time.

Compare and Contrast the Pre and Post

He goes on to say 'And I will luve thee still, my dear, while the sands o'life shall run, here he is stating that he will love her to the end of time, like an hour glass while the sand is passing through it until it stops which he compares to the end of time. In the fourth verse the writer is saying farewell to his love and that he would only be going away for a short amount of time, 'And fare thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel a while! Although the main theme of this poem is 'love' I think that there is also a theme of 'nature'.

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For example, Burn's speaks about roses, June, sea, rocks, the sun and sand; all of these words are associated with the natural world. Another theme of this poem is 'local dialect'. Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet and this poem has many words associated with is country; for example, 'my bonie lass', 'gang dry' and 'Fare thee weel'.

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