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Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline

Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline

Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline
Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline

Many moved from the countryside to the cities. This forced displacement transformed parts of Europe.

Chapter 30 Ap Euro Outline

An estimated 46 million people were displaced Governments began to spend more on social welfare than they did on the military. S primary handle and funded. In both the German and British systems, workers were insured only against the risks from disease, injury on the job, and old age. In Britain, William B. Beveridge set forth this concept in The 1st major European nation to begin to create a welfare state was Britain under the labor ministry of Clement Attlee.

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Many moved from the countryside to the cities. This forced displacement transformed parts of Europe. An estimated 46 million people were displaced in Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union alone between and The Nazis had move hundred of thousands of foreign workers into Germany, million more were POWs, some returned to their homeland, other were forced, hundreds found refuge in W. Changes in borders after the war also uprooted many people. Decolonization in the postwar period led to many European colonials to return to Europe from overseas.



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