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Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

This post was originally published by Globalresearch.

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

Also, of course, there is nothing about this shaping that is good for us. These changes are essentially related to https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-service/buy-term-papers-online.php capacities of computerized technologies to deprive us of what little we have left of our financial autonomy, including because any notion of privacy is rapidly vanishing. And while this deeper agenda entails a great many aspects, one subset of these is related to the way in which the global financial system is being re-engineered to play its role in fully controlling the human population.

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However, these reports are contradicted by other research and the ongoing evidence that cash is vanishing. Most importantly, there is no doubt about the elite intention in this regard. They want cash gone. The digitization of money has been occurring for decades and it is now being accelerated dramatically. Moreover, the World Economic Forum and other elite organizations have been actively working towards achieving a cashless economy for years. But there is more. In addition to measures not mentioned here, other plans include the use of a facial scan that records your entry to a store and is linked to artificial intelligence that identifies you and your credit rating.

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This then enables, or otherwise, your ability to pay for goods and services based on this facial scan. Well the convenience of cards and apps has two significant costs: your privacy and your freedom.

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

You lose both simply because while paying with cash is anonymous, paying by card or app leaves a digital trail that is as difficult to follow as an elephant whose tail you are already holding. And this digital trail forms a vital part of the surveillance grid that enables all of those who are tracking and documenting your movement, your payments and your behaviour to do so without leaving the comfort of their chairs. But it goes beyond this.

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It fully intends to force us to accept digital methods as the only means of payment. In part, this is because electronic payments are extremely lucrative for banks and payment service providers, while the data broker https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/critical-thinking/the-and-the-revolution-of-america-s.php is also making huge revenues.

Two obvious ways of doing so are by removing ATMs including from shopping centres and closing local bank branches so that cash is simply unavailable.

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

As has been happening for some time. But, in this instance, even profitability is at the trivial end of the elite motivation spectrum. Cash is being forced out of existence because it undermines the elite agenda to take all power from ordinary people. Following a simulation inin which the World Economic Forum along with the Russian government and global banks conducted a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, another simulation was held on 9 July involving the World Economic Forum and the Russian government-owned Sberbank as well as other key financial agents.

Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World

Beyond this, if you want some insight into another key threat in the cybercrime realm, check out this video by the Ice Age Farmer in relation to the cyber threat to the power grid. So How Can We Resist? Fortunately, there is some resistance already. Realistically, however, given what is at stake, considerable elite pressure will be applied Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World reverse these decisions in https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-service/thesis-writing-services.php. So we need our defense to be more rigorous and less reliant on agents who are unlikely to be tough enough to defend our interests or will be sidelined or killed for doing so, as at least two national presidents who resisted the elite intention last year have since been killed. Moreover, given the likelihood that the financial system will be deliberately crashed at some point — and possibly soon — we need to employ a variety of tactics, that build resilience into our resistance, to defeat this initiative.

Hence, Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World and paying with cash, moving your accounts to local community banks or credit unions and away from the large corporate banks and making the effort to become more self-reliant, particularly in food production, will increase your resilience, as will participating in local trading schemes, whether involving local currencies or goods and services directly. As with all elements of the huck thesis we implement, it will need to be multi-layered and integrated into the overall defense strategy.

The Telegram group is here. Hence, apart from the perennial problem of raising awareness and mobilizing resistance among those still believing the elite-driven propaganda, we face two key strategic hazards. The elite has long dissipated our https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/research-paper/isabel-briggs-myers-essays.php by having us direct it at one or other of its agents. This case is no different.

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And while we are not using our occasional large rallies to inform people how to resist powerfully every day of their life, these rallies are a waste of time whatever solidarity they build in the short term. History is categorically instructive on that point. It is important, therefore, that those who are aware of the deeper agenda continue to provide opportunities for others to become aware of this too and the fundamental threat it poses to us all while also sharing how we can resist its key dimensions in a way that makes a difference.]

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Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World - you

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Bill Gates Wanted to Change the World



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