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Are Leaders Made Or Born

Are Leaders Made Or Born

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Get Custom Essay Early research was based on the study of people who were already great leaders and from an aristocratic lineage thereby contributing to the notion leadership had something to do with breeding. A number of scenarios confirm the assertion leaders are actually born and not made. One of the evidences is that leaders are noticed when they are at their prime or tender age.

Are Leaders Made Or Born

They readily assume command and leadership skills to them appears to be so effortless Waldman, Bernard and Walter, Can enrolling for a programme on management and leadership makes someone a leader upon completion? Can Charisma, Influence, Integrity and the ability to Inspire be taught?

Are Leaders Made Or Born

Soft skills can be explained, but not implanted Anton, and Andersen, Thomas Carlyle popularized this theory in the s and in later years Spencer argued successfully that great men are the product of their society and that their actions would be impossible without the social conditions built before their lifetime.

Nevertheless, they all believe people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership Thomas Carlyle Great Man Theory Formulated by Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle in the s, the theory refers to individuals who succeed in reshaping the society with their inherent attributes including leadership prowess, superior intellect, heroic courage, divine inspiration and destined Are Leaders Made Or Born rise to leadership when needed Hyacinth, The theory contends these traits remain stable over time and across different groups.

If everyone were born to a royal family, the social elite or even to the polity, chances are that they continue the legacy and succeed as leaders. For instance, a king or queen who rules a monarch would want their blood to take charge in time Seltzer and Bernard, These individuals often include aristocratic rulers who achieved their position through birthright Jacobs, ; Prigg, While prominent personalities such as Frederick Adams Woods and William James have lauded this theory, critics in the likes of Sidney Hook and Herbert Spencer have vehemently condemned the approach claiming there is no factual data to support the theory and do my paper leaders were made by societies more than they form societies Carlyle, Prompted by this theory and the emerging interest in understanding what leadership is, researchers focused on the Are Leaders Made Or Born — who is a leader?

Are Leaders Made Or Born

What are the distinguishing characteristics of great and effective leaders? This gave rise to the early research efforts to the trait approach to leadership Cherry, Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioural characteristics shared by leaders Gurriello, and Wagner, Recent advances in personality research including the development of comprehensive trait frameworks have inspired a reassessment of the role of individual differences in leadership and sparked renewed interest in trait approaches to understanding leader emergence and leadership effectiveness Judge and LePine, Among the core traits identified in this theory are drive energy, ambition, focusconscientiousness honesty, integrity, ethicsself-confidence, openness flexibility, adaptability, innovativecharisma vision, inspiring, good communication Are Leaders Made Or Born, persuasiveemotional intelligence balance of emotions, self-control, consistency, caring, empathy, consultative, approachable, listening skillsassertiveness, adaptability, review and follow-up Cox, ; Hasan, ; Spears, ; Swaroop and Prasad, Charismatic Leadership Theory One of the three leadership styles described by German sociologist Max Weber, the charismatic leadership theory was posthumously published in along with bureaucratic and traditional leadership styles House, It relies on charm and persuasiveness of a leader driven by conviction and commitment who Are Leaders Made Or Born up when need arises Nikezic et al.

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Furthermore, neo-charismatic leadership deals with the process of change and consequently the transformation of followers. This process contains charismatic and visionary aspects Kendall, Murray and Linden, Transformational Leadership There are a number of similarities between charismatic and transformational Are Leaders Made Or Born. Inspirational motivation is the second quality of transformational leaders and it is what charismatic leaders are known for. However, through this continually here relationship, the parties essentially change the moral norms Are Leaders Made Or Born behaviour.

The leader begins a continuing cycle of change in which the organization itself is ultimately transformed Bernard, and Paul, Transformational leaders are known for leading groups and teams that perform excellently. In addition, they gain fame for their ability to identify and foster leadership capacity in the followers. They also devise methods of assisting the organization or group to innovate and change Ames and Flynn, They inspiring people and are known for intellectual simulation, idealized influence and individualized consideration among many other distinguished traits Judge and Timothy, Situational Leadership Developed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey, the theory scrutinizes four leadership styles: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. It refers to when the leader or manager of an organization must adjust his style to fit the development level of the followers he is trying to influence Hersey and Blanchard, According to this theory, the most effective leaders are those that are able to adapt their style to the situation and look at cues such as the type of task, the nature of the group, and other factors that might contribute to getting the job done Kanfer and Ackerman, Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice and experience over time Farlow, ]

Are Leaders Made Or Born

Are Leaders Made Or Born - something is

How then do you develop leadership traits? They are not far from been found. They possess great charisma and noticeable presence not by appearance but words of wisdom combined with great decision-making skills, which make them stand out. We have all had excellent class captains, group leaders, and team leaders who display excellent leadership skills at a very young age. These are born leaders. Over the past few years, studies and researches have been carried out to show if leadership traits are genetic or hereditary. One of these famous studies is the twin studies. This study involves twins of the same genetical composition and is examined.

Are Leaders Made Or Born - idea very

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