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Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

Yet they were not the only people who went into hiding rather than be victims of Nazi deportation. To do so, they needed some means of supporting themselves and a network of people to support them.

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

While some hid in the cities they knew, many of them went out into the country. It all depended on what connections they had. Born in Amsterdam on 20 Augustthe son of Isaac and Rosette van Straten, Arnold van Straten, after receiving his Hogere Burgerschool diploma from a technical school, became an office clerk. Despite being shortsighted, he was found fit for compulsory military service in but this was for less than six months followed by reservist exercises for a few weeks in and His brief perfunctory military training was no real preparation for the hardships to come of living in the wild.

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

He was a soft https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/argumentative-essay/story-of-an-hour-symbolism.php civilian not a hardened soldier. By he was living in Oisterwijk, North Brabant, and employed by a leather factory, but was based in Amsterdam from 4 October Arnold later became a commercial agent. His sister Serline, born inmarried the merchant Barend Schijveschuurdere.

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

He married Lea Mendelson, the daughter of a tailor, born on 2 Auguston 10 February A son Isaac was born on 9 November The young couple set up home in a modern flat at Roerstraat They could afford to employ a maid. They wore good quality and expensive clothing. Until the German occupation of the Netherlands in Maylife was good for the young family and promised future prosperity for an up and coming businessman.

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The German occupation and the increasing restrictions imposed on Jews were to mean the end of the comfortable family life Arnold and Lea had built for themselves here would split the family for ever. Fears of deportation and forced labour after July drove them to leave their home and possessions to go into hiding towards the end ofalthough as yet the full horrors of the extermination camps was not apparent. It could not have been an easy decision.

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

As law abiding citizens, they were flouting the regulations and going into an illegal existence. It was a comfortable life that they were leaving behind. Their flat would be emptied and everything in it confiscated to be sold or sent to Germany. Anne Frank And The Jewish People During, having abandoned home comforts and warm elegant clothing, at first was to find it difficult to adapt to the cold and other hardships of life in hiding in the countryside. While there were more places to hide, more food and opportunities to work in the countryside, for sophisticated people who had always lived in a city, life in the countryside was alien and for an Orthodox Jew it would be more difficult to fully observe religious practices. The area here which they went, the Veluwe, was a popular holiday area though life in hiding was to be far from a vacation.

Van Straten went into hiding with his son while Lea found another refuge for herself. Lea was to be rounded up and sent to Auschwitz to die on 23 March In Novemberwith his son Isaac, van Straten went into hiding in the forest near Ernst,Gelderland, where he found shelter with the farmer Aalt van Wemde, who had been helping a number of Jews in hiding since However, informers betrayed them and there was a raid on the farmhouse.

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Luckily van Wemde had been warned just in time and Isaac was moved to another safer house at the smithy of Gerrit and Cornelia Mulder in Zuuk, who refused any payment for caring for him. His father was hidden in the woods in an underground hiding place. Arnold van Straten had recovered his strength by the summer of A network of Jews being hidden by the postman Arie Bruijnes fell into the hands of the Germans, but van Straten was not discovered.]

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Anne Frank And The Jewish People During ItineraryThis is a typical itinerary for this productStop At: Westerkerk, Prinsengracht , GW Amsterdam The NetherlandsMeet your expert guide and small group in front of the tall Wester church tower, next to the small statue of Anne Frank. Nearby is Anne Frank's House where diarist Anne Frank, her family and others hid in the 'Achterhuis' from Nazi persecution for two years during. Aug 01,  · Inevitably when people think of Dutch Jews going into hiding, they think of Anne Frank and her family. Yet they were not the only people who went into hiding rather than be victims of Nazi deportation. During the Second World War, 28, Dutch Jews went into hiding out of . 2 days ago · This Anne Frank Reading Comprehension Activity introduces students to the life of Anne Frank, and the horrors that she faced in her short life. Hidden from Nazi occupation, she kept a diary of her thoughts and experiences, and that diary has served as a bold and unforgettable look into the lives of Jewish people during WWII.
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Anne Frank And The Jewish People During - final, sorry

Expert guide for insider's local knowledge. We don't visit Anne Frank's House. Due to space limitations, guided tours are not permitted inside Anne Frank's House. Instead, they have an excellent self-guided exhibition which we highly recommend you explore independently. See where secret hiding places were located. Have all your questions answered: Was Amsterdam ever bombed? How was the anti-Nazi resistance organized? Anne Frank And The Jewish People During

Anne Frank And The Jewish People During Video

Tour of the Secret Annex



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