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Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem
Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

Economic growth and industrialization are proceeding at a rapid pace, accompanied by increasing emissions of air polluting sources. Furthermore, though the variety and quantities of polluting sources have increased dramatically, the development of a suitable method for monitoring the pollution causing sources has not followed at the same pace. Environmental impacts of air pollutants have impact on public health, vegetation, material deterioration etc.

Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

To prevent or minimize the damage caused by atmospheric pollution, suitable monitoring systems are urgently needed that can rapidly and reliably detect and quantify polluting sources for monitoring by Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem authorities in order to prevent further deterioration of the current pollution levels. Consequently, it is important that the current real-time air quality monitoring system, controlled by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EEAAshould be adapted or extended to aid in alleviating this continue reading. Nanotechnology has been applied to several industrial and domestic fields, for example, applications for gas monitoring systems, gas leak detectors in factories, fire and toxic gas detectors, ventilation control, breath alcohol detectors, and the like.

Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

So as to carry out air pollution monitoring over an extensive area, a combination of ground measurements through inexpensive sensors and wireless GIS will be used for this purpose. This portable device, comprising solid state gas sensors integrated to a Personal Digital Assistant PDA linked through Bluetooth communication tools and Global Positioning System GPSwill allow rapid dissemination of information on pollution levels at multiple sites simultaneously.]

Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem - congratulate

As mentioned above — waste pollution is an incredibly broad issue, so, it requires a breakdown into the different categories and sub categories of waste pollution to get an accurate picture of the specific problems, causes, sources, effects, and solutions e. Explore and download information and key air pollution statistics for each country. Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death. About 8. This is our main data entry on plastics, with a particular focus on its pollution of the environment. Poor people, who cannot afford to protect themselves from the negative impacts of pollution, end up suffering the most. Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem. Air Pollution Is A Serious Problem

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