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African Women During European Expansion

African Women During European Expansion

African Women During European Expansion

End of preview. Want to read all 3 pages? Upload your study docs or become a GradeBuddy member to access this document. View Full Document Unformatted text preview: In the past discussions and essays we have looked at the major benefits supporting Africa through the expansion of Europe. Throughout the 19th century many European countries decided to colonize into Africa. In the time between andpeople in Africa African Women During European Expansion faced much economic and political oppression from the Europeans decision to expand.

European imperialists decided to expand into Africa with two major intentions of economic and political growth. The movement started in the nineteenth century just as the collapse of the slave trade was in works.

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The Europeans had desire to have lots of wealth, resources and cheap labor. They at first had a high demand for raw materials that would have been found cheaper in the land of Africa. Many countries in Europe such as France, Germany and Italy disadvantages of oil competing for power in the European political system. The best way to assert your dominance into the political system was to gain territory around the world, such as Africa. This was a main reason that they decided to branch out from Europe into other continents. The Scramble for Africa was such an intense time period that they were having realizations that if it kept going like this that their would be inter-imperialist wars.

The Berlin Conference also known as the Congo Conference, was a meeting of people that regulated the colonization and the trade from the Europeans in Africa during New Imperialism. After this debate many different European counties sent representatives to sign protection treaties coinciding with the leaders African Women During European Expansion the African societies and states.

The reasons for these intrusions were to provide more land and economic sustainability for Europe. The European countries were still fighting to hold most of the political African Women During European Expansion by taking over the African area.

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The treaties that were signed had two different sides to them. The European people believed that the treaties meant that they signed over their economic powers and African Women During European Expansion to them but the African leaders believed that the treaties were just diplomatic and peace among the two. The African leaders realized that their treaty was being taken advantage of and that the European powers were trying to gain political authority. African resources were mostly left untouched by the native people living their, and this gave a huge economic reason for the European countries to colonize in their countries. Because of these riches hidden within the ground of Africa the Europeans decided it would be good for economic growth. In the advancement of economic trade the Europeans utilized the Amazon river in order to transport rubber goods from place to place. Throughout all of this change the main motives of the Europeans was primarily to get more economic growth, trade and in order to expand to gain more power in the political landscape of Europe.

Cole FaierstainDiscussion 3Discuss the economic and political motives for European expansion into Africa in the19th CenturyIn the past discussions and essays we have looked at the major benefits supportingAfrica please click for source the expansion of Europe. In the time between andpeople in Africa had faced much economic and political oppression from the Europeans decision toexpand.]

African Women During European Expansion Video

British Colonization of Africa - Animated History African Women During European Expansion.



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