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In one America, there is a whichhilary revolt by citizens who do not earn whichhilary living from politics against the tiny class of insiders in the other America who do. Similarly, the story of the contest for the Democratic nomination for president is a tale of two Hillary Clintons.


One Whichhilary is the most qualified candidate in memory, while the other Hillary gives no evidence of having a higher purpose other than being elected. In our tale of two cities, two Americas and two Hillary Clintons, I confess that whichhilary my support for Clinton is rock solid, I support her with less enthusiasm, excitement and hope than I have ever felt supporting whichhilary presidential candidate. So far, instead of crossing this great divide, the Hillary Clinton candidacy has been an exercise in straddling it.


She speaks to the great aspirations of one America while courting the support and money of the other, resulting — predictably — in a deficit of trust. Mtfull sequence Hillary fights for working people whichhilary the other takes no position on the trade bill. One Hillary would save the world from climate change while the other will not make up her mind on the Keystone pipeline until President Obama makes up his.


We can now envision a like scenario in which Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. Clinton has the right stuff to win a landslide victory and become a historically great president, but only if she truly crosses whichhilary great divide of the two Americas whichhilary provides a decisive, appealing end to the tale of two Hillarys.


Brent Budowsky.]

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Hillary Clinton's Record on Race #WhichHillary

Whichhilary - many

Trump Won 3, of 3, Counties-Truth! The Truth: Claims that Trump won 3, of 3, counties are true — but the idea that he won a 7. Fifty-five point seven million out of the The remaining 5. County-by-county breakdowns of election returns show that Donald Trump won 3, counties — but many of them were rural and sparsely populated. A map that Breitbart published with its story showed the vast majority of the country colored red for Trump — but it failed to take into account the distribution of voters. The University of Michigan created this graphic to demonstrate county-by-county returns based on population density, not geography: The point is that election results are based on the sizes of populations, not geographical locations. And, as the Telegraph notes , the same number of ballots were cast in counties of which Hillary Clinton won as in the remaining 2, counties in the United States. So, the claim that Trump won 3, counties, or a 7. whichhilary

Variant: Whichhilary

Types of punishment Dec 02,  · And, as the Telegraph notes, the same number of ballots were cast in counties ( of which Hillary Clinton won) as in the remaining 2, counties in the United States. So, the claim that Trump won 3, counties, or a million popular vote landslide in those areas, doesn’t take into account how many voters were in those counties. Jul 30,  · Which HIllary: One Hillary gives no evidence of having a higher purpose other than being elected. Brent Budowsky: One Hillary is the most qualified candidate in memory, while the other Hillary. “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise.
Whichhilary 277
THE RAVEN ONLINE Owen telephones an order to Hillary's store for certain goods, which Hillary delivers to Owen. Neither party says anything about the price or payment terms. What are the legal obligations of Owen and Hillary. Implied Contracts. Owen and Hillary's agreement deals in goods, so the contract falls within the UCC. Omission of a stated price would. In the presidential debates, which Hillary Clinton will we see? Will it be ‘Sick Hillary,’ 'Pandering Hillary,’ 'Lying Hillary’ — or ‘Hip Hillary'? LifeZette shares a preview of the. 21 hours ago · Category: Social Media 1. Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Don’t vote for anyone you wouldn’t Feb 19, — Democratic Nominee, SecState, Senator, hair icon.

Whichhilary - final, sorry




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