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Walmart case study solution

Walmart case study solution

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Shubham Article Economics Hi everybody. If you want to be a legendary entrepreneur then this episode is for you. Samuel Moore Walton and the company that he started is what we know today as the retail giant Walmart. They employ about 2. The question is What was so special about Sam Walton that he was able to build such a humungous business empire and most importantly, as aspiring entrepreneurs what are the lessons that we need to learn from this legendary businessman.

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And just like any other post-war situation, the economy was bad and the Walton family just like many other People was struggling to make ends meet in a recovering economy. And since his family was not well-off Walton all throughout his teenage and early 20s had to work at multiple jobs just to pay for school and college. He sold walmart case study solution, worked at retail stores and even waited tables. And because of the nature of his job he had to interact with a lot of people from diverse backgrounds. And through those conversations Sam Walton was able to understand the operations of several businesses source in the market.

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In fact, while he was working at a retail store, he used to go the extra mile and study the rest of the competition although it was never a part of link job. But this ability of his to go the extra mile helped him understand the retail market. And this is where walmart case study solution retail journey began. Now, people, just like with any other franchise model even with Ben Franklin although he had the liberty to use brand name they came with a lot of restrictions. And in this tedious process of examining the competitors and studying the retail market Sam Walton learnt 3 very important things that helped him become the richest man in America.

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The first thing that he learnt was the power of something called discounting which is a technique of selling read article at a lower margin in order to maximise walmart case study solution volume sales. The first benefit was that discounting resulted into more volume in sales which meant more people brought products at the store and hence resulting into more footfall which means more visitors. For example if the other players buy about 10, units you could buy 20, units because of your accelerated sales volume.

But when Walmart scaled up using the same principle they became so powerful that they started dominating the sellers. Which means what?

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The selling price of Walmart is lesser than the cost price of the retailer. This is the power of discounting.

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But later on when he opened his first Walmart store this aggressive pricing strategy of discounting was a game changer that accelerated the growth of Walmart and made them millions of dollars in profit. This is the first reason why Samuel Walton became super successful and that is the power of discounting. There were other bigger players in the market. In fact, those people had more capital than Sam Walton then why did Sam Walton specifically succeed? And this brings me to the second attribute of this legendary businessman and that is market research. And he started taking notes about what they were doing well and what they were not. And in this process he observed that every successful retailer, knowingly read more unknowingly, had walmart case study solution that attracted more people to their store.]

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Business-to-Business eCommerce Business-to-Consumer eCommerce In this particular case, only a few of the IT considerations evaluated above are unique to the customer return process. This is because there is a large transaction processing system POS and inventory system already in use. This solution is merely expanding the capability by making the return process portable and increasing the number of returns that can be processed at one time with no increase in staff. It also is important to note that some of the areas considered include not just the IT system, but could involve a business process or the physical environment. Management Approval — Executive Presentation Prior to beginning the project, management approval must be obtained for the allocation of resources and to start the project.

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In the next edition, I will look at personal trilemmas. Trilemma 1 Price-Quality-Time. Solution: Develop a portfolio. This trilemma follows us everywhere. Whether we are getting our house painted, making an advertisement, or hiring house help. walmart case study solution.



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