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theories of existence

Theories of existence

Theories of existence
theories of existence

This parallel self or selves can exist on the same reality plane or in one of many parallel universes. Parallel Lives-Spiritual Twins The speculation is that a higher self incarnates into more than one ego self simultaneously due to the fact that it cannot possibly learn all aspects of its lessons through one life.

theories of existence

In addition, an individual ego self is constantly faced with a set of choices and corresponding consequences as it progresses through life. Some of these choices are monumental in the sense that the individual typically wonders who he might have become if he had chosen another available option.

According to the hypothesis, a parallel self carries out the manifestation of the other available option, thereby allowing the higher self to experience all that it wishes to. In a sense they are spiritual twins, experiencing the same lesson through an opposite set of circumstances that result in a divergent set of life choices.

theories of existence

The thought is that these parallel selves exist separately in alternate, simultaneous realities or parallel worlds. Communication between them often occurs via dreams, where their separate subconscious minds catch glimpses of their alternate identities. Although they may be unaware of it, their lives often share several synchronicities.

by Donal O'Regan, D. O'Regan

These synchronicities can show up as personality traits, major life events, innate talents, hobbies and interests, or perhaps even random connections to the same people and geographical places. Spiritual twins can essentially develop and manifest in the same manner that genetic twins do, even if they are unaware of any connection.

As genetically identical twins have experienced accounts of mental telepathy at higher rates than the general population, spiritual twins can also develop a telepathic means of communication that is at times spontaneous theories of existence unintentional. Read more: Is spirituality encoded in human genes?

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Spiritual Relationships Genetic twins share identical DNA-essentially they are mirror copies of each other, but each has a separate free will to become the person he wishes to be. Separate physical incarnations of an identical higher self share the same spiritual DNA, if you will.

theories of existence

The essence contained within their eyes is a mirror image of the other, even if there theories of existence no physical resemblance between the two. There is also the potential to be surrounded by a sense of disbelief and shock over the discovery of a parallel self; the same way one might be shocked to learn of a previously unknown relative or twin sibling.]

Theories of existence

Not: Theories of existence

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In my opinion you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss.

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Very interesting idea

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It is difficult to tell.

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