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the effect of sleep deprivation

The effect of sleep deprivation

The effect of sleep deprivation
the effect of sleep deprivation

AU - Johnson, Anna B. AU - Nelson, Timothy D. All rights reserved. To provide a quantitative summary of this literature, three conceptually related meta-analyses examined the effect of sleep restriction and sleep deprivation on mood, emotion, and emotion regulation across the lifespan i.

the effect of sleep deprivation

Methods: A total of effect sizes from 64 studies were selected for inclusion, and multilevel meta-analytic techniques were used when applicable. For negative mood only, studies that used total sleep deprivation had larger effect sizes than studies that restricted sleep.

What Is Sleep Deprivation?

Conclusions: Sleep loss compromises optimal affective functioning, though the magnitude of effects varies across components. Findings underscore the importance of sleep for healthy affective outcomes. AB - Study Objectives: New theory and measurement approaches have facilitated nuanced investigation of how sleep loss impacts dimensions of affective functioning. KW - emotion.]

the effect of sleep deprivation The effect of sleep deprivation

The effect of sleep deprivation Video

Sleep deprivation and memory problems - Robbert Havekes - TEDxDenHelder the effect of sleep deprivation.



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