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Tat personality test

Tat personality test

This means that TAT data consist of how people respond to a task they are given to do, not what they may say about themselves.

In further contrast to self-report measures, the TAT resembles the RIM in providing an indirect rather than a direct assessment of personality tat personality test, which makes it particularly helpful in identifying characteristics that people do not fully recognize in themselves or are reluctant to disclose. The TAT is a storytelling technique in which examinees are shown pictures of people or scenes and asked to make up a story about them.

First, being real pictures rather than blots of ink, the TAT stimuli are more structured and less ambiguous than the Rorschach cards. Rorschach examinees are questioned specifically about where they saw their percepts and what made them look as they did.

tat personality test

On the TAT, as elaborated in the present chapter, people are asked only in general terms to expand on the stories they tell e. Third, the TAT requires people to exercise their imagination, whereas the RIM is a measure of perception and association.


As elaborated in Chapter 11, the RIM was originally tat personality test as a test of perception that focused on what people see in the test stimuli, where they see it, and why it looks as it does. The development of tat personality test TAT is discussed further following the description of the test. Fourteen of the cards show a picture of a single person, 11 cards depict two or more people engaged in some kind of relationship, three are group pictures of three or four people, two portray nature scenes, and one is totally blank. The cards are numbered from Performance-Based Measures 1 to 20, and nine https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-samples/moralism-in-the-lottery.php the cards are additionally designated by letters intended to indicate their appropriateness for boys B and girls G aged 4 to 14, males M and females F aged 15 or older, or some combination of these characteristics as in 3BM, 6GF, 12BG, and l 3MF.

Twenty cards are designated for each age and gender group.

tat personality test

People are asked to tell a story about each of the cards they are shown. They are told that their stories should have a beginning, a middle, and an end and should include what is happening in the picture, what led up to this situation, what the tat personality test in the picture are read article and feeling, and what the outcome of the situation will be. When people have finished telling their story about a tat personality test, they are asked to add story elements they have omitted to mention e. All TAT stories have a structural component that is defined by certain objective features of the test protocol. The length of the stories people tell can provide information about whether they are approaching this task-and perhaps other situations in their lives as well-in a relatively open and revealing fashion long stories or in a relatively guarded manner that conceals more than it reveals short stories.

tat personality test

Shifts in the length of stories from one card to the next, or in the reaction time before the storytelling begins, may identify positive or negative reactions to the typical themes suggested by the cards, which are described later in the chapter. The amount of detail in TAT stories provides another informative structural element of a test protocol. Aside from their length in words, TAT stories can vary in detail tat personality test a precisely specified account of who is doing what to whom and why which might reflect obsessive-compulsive personality characteristicsto a vague and tat personality test description of people and events that suggests a shallow style of dealing with affective and interpersonal experience.

A related structural variable consists of the number and type of tat personality test details that are noted in the stories. Most of the TAT pictures contain a some prominent elements that are almost always included in the stories people tell; b some minor figures or objects that are also included from time to time; and c many peripheral details that are rarely noted or mentioned.

Divergence from these common expectations can have implications for how people generally pay attention to their surroundings, particularly with respect to whether they tend to be inattentive to what is obvious and important, or whether instead they are likely to become preoccupied with what is obscure or of little relevance. Also of potential interpretive significance is the extent to which TAT stories revolve around original themes or common themes. A preponderance of original themes may reflect Thematic Apperception Test creativity and openness on the part of the examinee, whereas tat personality test common themes often indicate conventionality or guardedness. All TAT stories have a thematic as well as a structural component. Because they depict real scenes, the TAT cards provide more numerous and more direct opportunities than the Rorschach inkblots for examinees to attribute characteristics to human figures in various circumstances. These kinds of information typically derive from four interpretively significant aspects of the imagery in TAT stories: 1.

How the people in a story are identified and described e. How the people in a story are interacting; for example, whether they are helping or hurting each other in some way.

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The emotional tone of the story, as indicated by the specific affect attributed to the depicted characters e. The plot of the story, with particular respect to outcomes involving success or failure, gratification or disappointment, love gained or lost, tat personality test the like.

Whether they appear self-assured or tentative, friendly or surly, assertive or deferential, and detached or engaged can characterize individuals while they are telling their TAT stories, and these test behaviors are likely to reflect general traits of a similar kind. On the TAT, by contrast, the thematic imagery in the Performance-Based Measures stories almost always provides more extensive and more useful data than the structural and behavioral features of a test protocol.

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TAT stories tend to help identify particular persons and situations with whom various motives, intentions, and expectations are associated. With respect both to the inner life of people and the nature of their social relationships, then, the TAT frequently provides more information than the RIM. As befits a storytelling tat personality test, the TAT emerged as the outcome of an interesting and in some respects unlikely story. Like the history of Rorschach assessment, the TAT story dates back to the first part of the twentieth century, but it is an American rather than a European story.

tat personality test

The tale begins with Morton Prince, a Boston born and Harvard-educated neurologist who lectured at Tufts Medical College and distinguished himself as a specialist in abnormal psychology.]

Tat personality test

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