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tariffs in the great depression

Tariffs in the great depression

Tariffs in the great depression
tariffs in the great depression

The unemployment rate rose higher and remained higher longer than in any other western country. As it deepened, the Depression had far-reaching political consequences. The Depression vastly expanded the scope and scale of the federal government and created the modern welfare state.

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It gave rise to a philosophy that the federal government should provide a safety net for the elderly, the jobless, the disabled, and the poor, and that the federal government was responsible for ensuring the health of the nation's economy and the welfare of its citizens. The stock market crash of October brought the economic prosperity of the s to a symbolic end. For the next ten years, the United States was mired in a deep economic depression. Byunemployment had soared to 25 percent, up from 3.

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Industrial production declined by 50 percent, international trade plunged 30 percent, and investment fell 98 percent. Causes of the Depression Causes of the Great Depression included: insufficient purchasing power among the middle class and the working class tariffs in the great depression sustain high levels of production; falling crop and commodity prices prior to the Depression; the stock market's dependence on borrowed money; and wrongheaded government policies, including high tariffs that reduced international trade and contracted the money supply. It produced a major political realignment, creating a coalition of big-city ethnics, African Americans, organized labor, and Southern Democrats committed, to varying degrees, to interventionist government. It strengthened the federal presence in American life, spawning such innovations as national old-age pensions, unemployment compensation, aid to dependent children, public housing, federally-subsidized school lunches, insured bank depositions, the minimum wage, and stock market regulation.

It fundamentally altered labor relations, producing a revived labor movement and a national labor policy protective of collective bargaining.

tariffs in the great depression

It transformed the farm economy by introducing federal price supports. Above all, it led Americans to view the federal government as an agency of action and reform and the ultimate protector of public well-being. The Great Depression and American Culture The Great Depression challenged certain basic precepts of American culture, especially the faith in individual self-help, business, the inevitability of progress, and limited government. The Depression encouraged a search for the real America.

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The movies played a crucial role in sustaining American ideals in a time of social upheaval across Europe. Films projected images of a world in which financial success was possible and of a society in which class barriers could be overcome.

tariffs in the great depression

This section examines why the seemingly boundless prosperity of the s ended so suddenly and why the Depression lasted as long as it did. It assesses the Depression's human toll and the policies adopted to combat the crisis.

tariffs in the great depression

It devotes particular attention to the Depression's impact on African Americans, the elderly, Mexican Americans, labor, and women.]

Tariffs in the great depression Video

Causes of the Great Depression: Raising Tariffs

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Tariffs in the great depression 21 hours ago · part, of the Great Depression EXCEPT Ticket A. Excessive deficit spending by the Hoover administration on social-service programs B. An overall decline in demand, especially for housing and durable goods C. Underregulated financial markets that encouraged speculation and volatility D. Protectionist tariffs that likely curtailed economic growth. 2 days ago · Tariff act enacted in , it imposed record tariffs to protect US companies. Some say it made the depression worse. It raised prices of foreign imports. Made things worse, as European countries retaliated and enacted protective tariffs of their own. 5 days ago · A. Europe increased trade to the United States. B. The United States reduced investment in Europe. C. New trade agreements D. Congress lowered tariffs on foreign imports. Weegy: Congress lowered tariffs on foreign imports. contributed to the spread of the Great Depression overseas.
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Tariffs in the great depression tariffs in the great depression.

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Which factor contributed to the spread of the Great Depression overseas? Europe increased trade to the United States. The United States reduced investment in Europe. New trade agreements D. Congress lowered tariffs on foreign imports. Original conversation User: Which factor contributed to the spread of the Great Depression overseas? Weegy: Congress lowered tariffs on foreign imports. User: The crisis over the Missouri Compromise exposed the A.



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