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shining shakarr

Shining shakarr

Shining shakarr
shining shakarr

Thrusts his hammer forward in a dark energy smash. Jumps backwards away from the player normal attack.

Vindictus - Shining Shakarr Macha (Scythe Evie)

Lowers his head and charges at the player, swinging his hammer once at the end of the charge. Jumps backwards and immediately bends to charge.

shining shakarr

He swings his hammer once at the end of the charge. Tracks the player better than the other charge. Swipes his hammer to the right if you were behind him, normal attack.

shining shakarr

Swipes his hammer to the left if you were behind him, normal attack. Kicks forward with his right foot normal attack and swings his hammer once smash attack.

(NA) Vindictus - Scythe Evie Flawless Solo - Shining Shakarr [HD]

Swings his hammer once from his front right to his left normal attack. Taunts the player to come at him with his left hand.

shining shakarr

Turns away from the player and quickly swings his hammer back at the player.]

Shining shakarr Video

Paradin V2 VS Shining Shakarr - VindictusThailand shining shakarr.

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Do not take him for granted though, as he is a considerable "Glass Cannon" enemy. Most of his attacks hit hard and can possibly 2HKO you if you are not careful. Before moving on to the guide, few things to keep in mind: 1. Let him approach you so it's easier for you to predict his upcoming attack. Follow the guide below and you'll be hunting Magic Powders with ease. This is simply avoided by not going near the floating mines.



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