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punishments during the salem witch trials

Punishments during the salem witch trials

Punishments during the salem witch trials

How did the salem witch trials affect america - rectoria. Pavlac How did the salem witch trials affect america - share Search for an answer or ask Weegy.

punishments during the salem witch trials

User: what type of government did anti federalists favor Weegy: Anti-federalists favored a weak central government. Score 1 User: after the revolutionary war, which branch of government did the states make more powerful Weegy: After the revolutionary war, the branch of the government that states made as more powerful was: the state government. Score 1 maimai Points User: who believed power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual Weegy: John Locke considered power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual.

Score 1 User: how many states needed to ratify the constitution Weegy: 9 states needed to ratify the Constitution. In theory, justice should be the core concern in a criminal justice system. Fafect legal systems, based in large part on Roman law [1] are designed to punish those who inflict or intend to inflict harm on their communities and to deter future crime [2] However, the administration of justice is often a secondary consideration in many cases throughout western legal history.

punishments during the salem witch trials

From the trial of the pig of Falaise to the Fells Acres child abuse case, the pursuit of justice has often been superseded by fears in the community and desires to see those fears addressed. Navigation menu Oftentimes, the semblance rather than the true administration of justice puts communities at ease and grants them https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/research-paper/satire-in-david-ives-sure-thing.php symbolic end to their worries.

punishments during the salem witch trials

In this paper, I argue that mass hysteria and political considerations often hinder the pursuit of justice in trials and punishments. The political climate and current events have a strong influence on who is put on trial.

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The colonists therefore concluded that New England was under assault in the visible world by Native Americans and in the invisible world by witches [5]. Such attitudes influenced the trials of those accused of witchcraft. Neither piece of testimony offers a positive relationship between the evidence and witchcraft, and yet both testimonies were admitted by the court. To a modern-day historian, the use of such evidence begs the question: why are courts willing to hear testimony that is either unprovable or not rooted in law? In some cases, trials serve as a mechanism to demonstrate a break with the past and therefore thwart prior law. Existing laws on xalem books were enacted during the monarchy and therefore the National Convention chose to abandon them.

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Members of the National Convention like Morrison represent how the political leanings of those in power can have dramatic effects on not only who is put on trial, read more also what kinds of evidence are seen as legitimate. That Louis XVI was protected by the old Constitution was irrelevant to many of the revolutionaries in the National Convention, and since the trial was conducted by the National Convention dkd, [9] the court or rather committee who tried Louis XVI did not find the old Constitution legally applicable.

punishments during the salem witch trials

Like in the Salem Witch Trials, the how did the salem witch trials affect america allowed evidence into the record that does not appear to follow legal precedent or procedure. Interestingly, in the Trial of Louis XVI, the court finds public sentiment arguments far more compelling. In his speech, Robespierre argued that Louis XVI did not deserve a https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-service/legit-paper-writing-services.php and should be executed for his crimes [11].

Although the National Convention put Louis XVI on trial, similar opinions to Robespierre were given weight, and many other members of the National Convention made similar arguments to put the king on trial. Having doubts about how to write your paper correctly? Robespierre does not mention a law that the king broke, but instead a need for the public to feel at ease.]

Punishments during the salem witch trials Video

SCENES FROM SALEM: Episode 8 -- Mab in the Dunking Chair punishments during the salem witch trials.

Punishments during the salem witch trials - suggest

April Learn how and when to remove this template message Accusations and arrest[ edit ] Martha was accused of witchcraft in May by a group of young women known as the Salem Girls who consisted of Susannah Sheldon , Mary Walcott , Elizabeth Hubbard and Ann Putnam Jr , who would travel through Essex County, Massachusetts rooting out suspected witches by engaging in a theatrical display. Whether the court actually believed this act is still open to debate, but what is known is that when Martha was confronted by the girls, she acted as any rational person would when faced with their wild behavior. The girls accused her of leading a strong witch army, using her occult powers to murder and afflict people with terrible diseases and of being promised the dubious position of "Queen of Hell". Martha vehemently denied these charges and in turn charged her accusers with insanity. Martha's young children were sent to prison with her, apparently in hopes that their confinement would cause her to confess. Punishments during the salem witch trials



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