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Presidential system of goverment

Presidential system of goverment

Presidential and Parliamentary Systems of Government Essay

The United States Constitution is a model of this type of political arrangement. Nigeria of the second Republic is another example. In presidential system of government, the executive powers are vested on the hand of one person called the President.

He is not a member of the parliament and he is not accountable to the parliament.

presidential system of goverment

In presidential system of government, the president is elected into the office by the electorates. Although he may be a leader of political party, but once he is elected into the office as president, he is above the party. The presidential system of government is characterized by the election of presidential system of goverment executive president to manage the affairs of the state. The president is the head of government, the Commander in Chief of Armed Forces and the head of state. The president ensures that government policies are executed.

presidential system of goverment

He is usually elected in a general election as in the case in Nigeria and through Electoral College in United States. The presidential system of government was developed in the United States of America after the American War of Independence.

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Some authorities criticize presidential system and state that it is another form of monarchy or in fact a much more powerful constitutional monarch. In Nigeria, even though the election of the president is through a general election, parties regulate the nomination of candidates that contest the presidential election.

The president is elected for fixed term of four years and can serve two tenures in office if elected the second time.

presidential system of goverment

The president appoints ministers from within and outside the ruling party; the ministers are responsible to the president. The president is not accountable to National Assembly but the masses. The president can recommend a bill through the ministers but he can also introduce one in the National Assembly. He signs bills duly passed into law by the National Assembly. The presidential system of government is said to be expensive.

Ministers and government parastatals are duplicated in Federal or State government. Moreover, the presidential system encourages the principle of winner takes it all. The executive can threaten, presidential system of goverment or manipulate the arms of government and the machinery of government against the opposition in order to achieve their interests. The president, therefore, combines the functions see more ceremonial head with those of real executive, authority is centralized in presidential system of government.

A Presidential System For A Parliamentary System

The president is elected separately, from that of members of the legislature by direct popular election. In presidential system of government, the president tenure in office is fixed for duration of time. In presidential system of government, members of the cabinet are appointed by the president, subject to legislative approval but are responsible to him only. He can also dismiss them when he wishes. The president can only be removed from office by impeachment by the legislature. There is separation of powers in presidential system of government, the legislature makes the law the judiciary interprets the law while executive implement the law.

In presidential system of government, there are checks and balances; this enables one arm of government to check the abuse of power by the other arm of government to avoid tyranny and authoritarianism. In presidential system of goverment system of government the president appoints his minister and special advisers; these adviser and ministers are not accountable to the parliament. In presidential system of government the president does not presidential system of goverment laws but can initiate bills which can be passed to the parliament for consideration into law.]

Presidential system of goverment - remarkable

Two Executives. Who has the highest decision making power? The Cabinet is a part of Council of Ministers. It is a body comprising of ministers. It directs the council of ministers by taking policy decisions which are binding on all ministers. Its importance lies in that, it is the highest decision making authority in the politico-administrative system. Which of the following characteristics is not related to parliamentary government? Which of the following characteristics is not related to the federal government? Explanation: Flexible Constitution provision is not related to the federal government. Which one of the following is the most important characteristic of a parliamentary government? control theory juvenile delinquency.

Presidential system of goverment - congratulate, simply

The correct answer was given: bhavya d. This head of government is in most cases also the head of state, which is called president. In presidential countries, the executive is elected and is not responsible to the legislature, which cannot in normal circumstances dismiss it. Such dismissal is possible, however, in uncommon cases, often through impeachment. The title "president" has persisted from a time when such person personally presided over the governing body, as with the President of the Continental Congress in the early United States, prior to the executive function being split into a separate branch of government. A presidential system contrasts with a parliamentary system, where the head of government comes to power by gaining the confidence of an elected legislature. There are also hybrid systems such as semi-presidentialism. Countries that feature a presidential or semi-presidential system of government are not the exclusive users of the title of president. Heads of state of parliamentary republics, largely ceremonial in most cases, are called presidents. Dictators or leaders of one-party states, whether popularly elected or not, are also often called presidents.



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