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New england colonies flag

New england colonies flag

Colony of Virginiaestablished in as a proprietary colony; chartered as a royal colony in Province of Maryland check this out, established as a proprietary colony — Province of Carolinainitial charter issued in ; initial settlements established after ; initial charter voided in by Charles II ; rechartered as a proprietary colony in Earlier, along the coast, the Roanoke Colony was established in ; re-established in ; and found abandoned in The Carolina province was divided into separate proprietary colonies, north and south in Province of North Carolinapreviously part of the Carolina province until ; chartered as a royal colony in Province of South Carolinapreviously part of the Carolina province until ; chartered as a royal colony in Province of Georgianew england colonies flag as a proprietary colony in ; royal colony from The overlapping area yellow was granted to both companies on the stipulation that neither found a settlement within miles km of each other.

new england colonies flag

The location of early settlements is shown. Southern colonies[ edit ] The first successful English colony was Jamestownestablished May 14,near Chesapeake Bay. The business venture was financed and coordinated by the London Virginia Companya joint-stock company looking for gold. Its first years were extremely difficult, with very high death rates from disease and starvation, wars with local Native Americans, and little gold. The colony survived and flourished by turning to tobacco as a cash crop.

new england colonies flag

Calvert's father had been a prominent Catholic official who encouraged Catholic immigration to the English colonies. The charter offered no guidelines on religion. It was a private venture, financed by a group of English Lords Proprietors who obtained a Royal Charter to the Carolinas inhoping that a new colony in the south would become profitable like Jamestown. Carolina was not settled untiland even then the first attempt failed because there was no incentive for emigration to that area.

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Eventually, however, the Lords combined their remaining capital new england colonies flag financed a settlement mission to the area led by Sir John Colleton. Present U. Beginning inDutch traders explored and established fur trading posts on the Hudson RiverDelaware Riverand Connecticut Riverseeking to protect their interests in the fur trade.

Many of those who did immigrate to the colony were English, GermanWalloonor Sephardim.

new england colonies flag

Beginning in the s, the English and Dutch engaged in a series source warsand the English sought to conquer New Netherland. Large numbers of Dutch remained in the colony, dominating the rural areas between New York City and Albany, while people from New England started moving in as well as immigrants from Germany. New York City attracted a large polyglot population, including a large black slave population.

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The main population elements included the Quaker population based in Philadelphia, a Scotch-Irish population on the Western frontier and numerous German colonies in between. They initially moved to the Netherlands, but eventually sailed to America in on the Mayflower.

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Upon their arrival, they drew up the Mayflower Compactby which they bound themselves together as a united community, thus establishing the small Plymouth Colony. William Bradford was their main leader. After its founding, other settlers traveled from England to join the colony.]

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