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marx communist manifesto summary

Marx communist manifesto summary

Marx communist manifesto summary
marx communist manifesto summary

Buy Study Guide The Communist Manifesto opens with the famous words "The history of all hitherto societies has been the history of class struggles," marx communist manifesto summary proceeds https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/research-paper/summary-the-impact-of-stress-on-college-students.php the next 41 pages to single-mindedly elaborate this proposition In section 1, "Bourgeois and Proletarians," Marx delineates his vision of history, focusing on the development and eventual destruction of the bourgeoisie, the dominant class of his day. Before the bourgeoisie rose to prominence, society was organized according to a feudal order run by aristocratic landowners and corporate guilds.

marx communist manifesto summary

With the discovery of America and the subsequent expansion of economic markets, a new class arose, a manufacturing class, which took control of international and domestic trade by producing goods more efficiently than the closed guilds. With their growing economic powers, this class began to gain political power, destroying the vestiges of the old feudal society which sought to restrict their ambition. According to Marx, marx communist manifesto summary French Revolution was the most decisive instance of this form of bourgeois self-determination.

marx communist manifesto summary

Indeed, Marx thought bourgeois control so pervasive that he claimed that "the executive of the modern State is but a committee marx communist manifesto summary managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie" This bourgeois ascendancy has, though, created a new social class which labor in the new bourgeois industries. This class, the proletariat, "wage-laborers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labor power in order to live," are the necessary consequence of bourgeois modes of production As bourgeois industries expand and increase their own capital, the ranks of the proletariat swell as other classes of society, artisans and small business owners, cannot compete with the bourgeois capitalists.

Additionally, the development of bourgeois industries causes a proportional deterioration in the condition learn more here the proletariat. This deterioration, which can be slowed but not stopped, creates within the proletariat a revolutionary element which will marx communist manifesto summary destroy their bourgeois oppressors.

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As Marx says, "What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable" In Chapter 2, marx communist manifesto summary and Communists," Marx elaborates the social changes communists hope to effect on behalf of the proletariat. Marx notes firstly that the interests of communists do not differ from the interests of the proletariat as a class; they seek only to develop a class consciousness in the proletariat, a necessary condition of eventual proletariat emancipation.

marx communist manifesto summary

The primary objective of communists and the revolutionary proletariat is the abolition of private property, for it is this that keeps them enslaved. Bourgeois economics, i. In other words, the existence of bourgeois property, or capital as Marx calls it, relies on its radically unequal distribution.]

Marx communist manifesto summary Video

POLITICAL THEORY - Karl Marx marx communist manifesto summary.

Marx communist manifesto summary - consider

Code: The Communist Manifesto and Major World Figures The events predicted in The Communist Manifesto bear a lot of resemblance to some of the significant activities and changes that took place in different parts of the world, both before and after the publishing of the book. All these men displayed the urge and zeal to change their societies to alleviate the life of the ordinary man Toropov Thomas Jefferson finds historical significance in the struggle for the independence of the United States of America from the British Empire. He believed in the supremacy of the human and universal rights Toropov History states that he freed a total of seven slaves from his farm and never bothered to pursue the other two who escaped, although he was raised as a slave owner Chinard His notable work to show dedication towards fighting for equity among people is coined in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence Chinard The document has since stood as the emblem of universal liberty. It contained a declaration that advocated for the equality of men regardless of their birthplace, wealth, or status in the society Chinard The Communist Manifesto relates better to the part that emphasized on the role of the government as a servant and not a master. In addition, the breaking away of the US from the British Empire with the guiding principles found in the Declaration of Independence document preempted the rise of the proletarians to greater power Engels and Marx 7.

Marx communist manifesto summary - topic

Synopsis[ edit ] The Communist Manifesto is divided into a preamble and four sections, the last of these a short conclusion. The introduction begins: "A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of communism. Subsequently, the introduction exhorts Communists to openly publish their views and aims, to "meet this nursery tale of the spectre of communism with a manifesto of the party itself". In capitalism , the industrial working class , or proletariat , engage in class struggle against the owners of the means of production , the bourgeoisie. As before, this struggle will end in a revolution that restructures society, or the "common ruin of the contending classes". The bourgeoisie constantly exploits the proletariat for its labour power , creating profit for themselves and accumulating capital. However, in doing so the bourgeoisie serves as "its own grave-diggers"; the proletariat inevitably will become conscious of their own potential and rise to power through revolution, overthrowing the bourgeoisie. Marx communist manifesto summary



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