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james lange thoery

James lange thoery

James lange thoery

It was developed independently by two 19th-century scholars, William James and Carl Lange. The basic premise of the theory is that physiological arousal instigates the experience of emotion. Instead of feeling an emotion and subsequent physiological response, the theory proposes that the physiological change is primary, and emotion is then experienced when the james lange thoery reacts to the information received via the bodys nervous system.

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It proposes that each specific emotion is attached to a unique james lange thoery different pattern of physiological arousal and emotional behavior in reaction due to an exciting stimulus. The theory has been criticised and modified over the course of time, as one of several competing theories of emotion. Modern theorists have built on its ideas by proposing that the experience of emotion is modulated by both physiological feedback and other information, rather than consisting solely of bodily changes, as James suggested.

Psychologist Tim Dalgleish states that most modern affective neuroscientists would support such a viewpoint.

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Ina research paper on the autonomic nervous system stated that the theory has been "hard to disprove". Theory Emotions are often assumed to be judgments about a situation that cause feelings and physiological changes. Inpsychologist and philosopher William James proposed that physiological changes actually precede emotions, which are equivalent to our subjective experience of physiological changes, and are experienced as feelings. In his words, "our feeling of the same changes as they james lange thoery is the emotion. Can one fancy the state of rage and picture no ebullition of it in the chest, no flushing of the face, no dilatation of the nostrils, no clenching of the teeth, no impulse to vigorous action, but in their stead limp the basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is, calm breathing, and a placid face?

The present writer, for one, certainly cannot. The rage is as completely evaporated as the sensation of its so-called manifestations.

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Physician Carl Lange developed similar ideas independently in james lange thoery Both theorists defined james lange thoery as a feeling of physiological changes due to a stimulus, but the theorists focused on different aspects of emotion. Although James did talk about the physiology associated with an emotion, he was more focused on conscious emotion and the conscious experience of emotion. For example, a person who is crying reasons that he must be sad.

Lange reinterpreted Jamess theory by operationalizing it. He made Jamess theory more testable and applicable to real life examples. However, both agreed that if physiological sensations could be removed, there would be no emotional experience.]

James lange thoery - curious question

James lange thoery - www. Then, describe the main result and explain how it is supportive, in 2 or 3 sentences. Provide 1 citation in APA style for a research study that contradicts the James-Lange theory of emotion. Then, in 2 or 3 sentences, describe the main result and explain why it is contradictory to what the James-Lange theory would predict. Are you busy and do not have time to handle your assignment? The Effects Of Interpersonal Competence On Interpersonal Communication Then, describe the main result and explain how it is supportive, in 2 or 3 sentences. Then, in 2 or 3 sentences, describe the main result and explain why it is contradictory to htoery the James-Lange theory would predict. james lange thoery.

James lange thoery Video

The James-Lange Theory of Emotion



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