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indus river valley society

Indus river valley society

Indus river valley society

The first two join the Indus soon after it leaves the mountains, and the others lower down in the plains.

indus river valley society

The whole of the Beas and the head reaches of the Ravi and Sutlej are in the Republic of India, while those of the Chenab and Jhelum lie mostly in the disputed Kashmir state. The entire basin covers an area of aboutsquare miles of open land, of whichlie in Pakistan.

indus river valley society

In addition, there are about 29, square miles which lie outside the Indus basin but are dependent on the Indus river system for their water requirements and irrigation supplies. Without the Indus waters, agriculture in Pakistan would be very uncertain, because there is not much rain.

indus river valley society

Even now when Pakistan is being rapidly industrialised, it needs its water resources, because much of its industry uses agriculture produce for its raw materials. The rainfull is not evenly distributed throughout the year but is concentrated during the monsoons.

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Course[ change source source ] Rising in western Tibet, the Indus runs at first across a high plateau, then the ground falls away and the river, dropping rapidly, gathering momentum and rushing north-west, collects the waters from innumerable glacier-fed streams, and runs north-west between the world's greatest mountain ranges, the Karakoram and the Himalayas. From here on it is Pakistan's river; Pakistan's first town on the upper Indus, Skardu, at 7, feet above sea-level, stands on a bluff near the junction of the Indus and one of its great indus river valley society tributaries, the Shigar.

The majority of the people live in Skardu town; others inhabit small and scattered villages along the Indus and Shigar indus river valley society, or tiny hamlets high on the surrounding mountains.]

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