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gorean slave quotes

Gorean slave quotes

Gorean slave quotes
gorean slave quotes

You really have to use the word chimps? There's no need for these kind of terms when addressing fellow Somalis.

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Click to expand That's what you have a problem with? Not the video? Put yourself in the poor shop keepers position, being robbed in a violent manner by niggas meant to serve and protect you.

gorean slave quotes

They're chimps, apes, gorillas. Whatever I feel like calling them.

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You gorean slave quotes what i think this is This is 1 of these if you dont pay me for protection we will comeback and take shit from you shit. They really do extort these poor small business owners.

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Instead of protesting their shitty pay to the government they take it out on these poor people. These chimps should not be allowed to carry gorean slave quotes weapon outside of work, they threaten innocent civilians and their own family members with it.

How many news reports of these thugs murdering their mothers, wives, children etc with these same weapons.]

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