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european colonization of americas

European colonization of americas

european colonization of americas

August 3, at pm I think Columbus is often overrated. He is almost always depicted as a genius, misunderstood by everyone. But that is simply not true. He was wrong in almost every aspect. The "the Earth is spherical" story is complete rubbish of course, but Columbus hugely underestimated the circumference of the Earth, because he made some errors when he translated ancient writings on the subject.

european colonization of americas

The Portugese and the Spanish both refused him initially not because of ignorance, but because they were actually right and he was wrong. The scholars in Salamanca knew far better than him, that the distance to East Asia was too big to allow for a realistic voyage.

european colonization of americas

If the new continent wouldn't have been there, laying in his way, if Columbus' plan had actually succeeded, then he and his men would've perished or been forced to turn back in european colonization of americas. Only this coincidence saved them. And Columbus was even ignorant enough to never acknowledge that these new lands were not Asia or "India", even though some of his contemporaries like Amerigo Vespucci were able to figure it out.]

european colonization of americas

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THE CAUSES OF POVERTY 2 days ago · Topics #America #American history #aztec empire #aztecs #Central America #christopher columbus #colonization #Conquest #conquistadors #European #geo #geo history #geo history reaction #historian #historian reaction #historian reacts #history #history of the entire world i guess #history of the world #history reaction #incan empire #incans #. 1 day ago · European Colonization Of Europeans And Native Americans Spanish conquistadors with only a few hundred soldiers defeated large Indian empires. In Hernando Cortes and few hundred soldiers marched into Aztec capital and eventually destroyed the city, later rebuilt as Mexico City. 57 minutes ago · Like other postulates (Faust et al., ), they associated this CO2 dip with depopulation in the Americas following European colonization: thus, Lewis and Maslin regard it as an anthropogenic marker of ‘transoceanic movement of species [that] is a clear and permanent geological change to the Earth system’.

European colonization of americas - can help

Prices were also high because groups of merchants controlled the trade and could charge whatever they wished. Vasco da Gama had found a route around Africa that belonged to Portugal. Some geographers thought the world was so small, ships could sail west around the world to reach East Asia. On October 12, after weeks at sea, the ships reached an island in the Bahamas. Columbus named this island San Salvador. He thought it was an island of India, so he called the people "Indians". Columbus next sailed farther into the Caribbeanreaching Cuba where he saw people smoking tobacco. The King and Queen gave Columbus many honors. European colonization of americas european colonization of americas



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