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Emergency nursing articles

Emergency nursing articles

Previous studies [20— 22] on the factors affecting nurse competency might help identify effective ways to improve competency, and com- petency scales have been used in such research. In addition, many studies [23, 24] have shown that compe- tency scales could be used to develop competency-based educational programs and test their effectiveness [18, 25].

There are pre- vious studies [26, 27] on the overall competencies of school nurses, but they invariably suffered from limita- tions regarding identifying the content and level of the ENCC. Methods Procedures This was an instrument development and validation study. The study was conducted according to the revised DeVellis scale development process [28]. Since emergency nursing articles process was primarily theoretical, it needed to be modi- fied for data collection and analysis. The revised process was classified into five phases, with the scale being com- pleted by changing the number of items and factors dur- ing each phase Fig. Scale development Phase 1: clarification of concept The concept was analyzed and developed in detail using the Nursing Care Continuum Competencies Framework NCCCFconsisting of 3 factors, competencies, and be- havioral indicators [29].

Some of the processes used energy environment and renewable Elo and Kyngas emergency nursing articles for qualitative content analysis, such as preparation and organization, were applied. In the preparation phase of the content analysis, we reviewed the dictionary of terms and conceptual analysis studies [31—33] for each competency listed in the NCCC F [29] to understand their meaning. We se- lected previous studies were searched using the follow- ing search criteria: 1. Date: from to 2. Search terms 3.

emergency nursing articles

Exclusion criteria: No relevant to study subject, full text, or not written in Korean or English 6. Hand search: The Journal of School Nursing, the Journal of School Health, emergency nursing articles the Journal of Korean Society of School Health, the references to the cited studies The identified content from the preparation stage was coded in words or phrases after multiple readings in the organizational phase. Phase 2: development of initial items Initial items were developed on the basis of the behav- ioral indicators derived during Phase 1. Data from the School Safety Emergency nursing articles Federation from to [5] were analyzed to identify the type and frequency of school emergencies.

Phase 3: content validity of initial items please click for source panel review We formed an expert panel comprised of nine members: one emergency nurse, one emergency head nurse, one professor of nursing with school nurse experience, one professor of nursing with emergency nurse experience, one professor of community nursing, one supervisor for school health, and three school nurses enrolled in a doc- toral nursing program.

A total of 18 competencies, 65 behavioral indicators, and items were assessed for their content validity. The nine modified items from the Triage Competency Scale TCS for emergency nurses that had not emergency nursing articles the school context were also reviewed [35].

emergency nursing articles

The criteria for acceptability were above. Further deletions and modifications were made follow- ing additional comments from the panel regarding clar- ity, length, and duplication. The adjusted items were reviewed again by two professors of nursing. Scale evaluation Phase 4: Main survey Participants and settings The main survey participants were school nurses in Korea. A total of participants took part in the study. Al- though the total figure did not reach the targeted sample size, there were more emergency nursing articles cases for the factor ana- lysis and more than 40 school nurses for each group.

One respondent was ultimately emergency nursing articles for giving the identical answer to all items. We contacted the Korea School Nurses Association to recruit the participants and asked a local representative of the association to send e-mails and text messages regarding participant recruitment to school nurses who were local members.

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Items with an absolute value of 2 or more for skewness and kurtosis were dropped [40]. Items-total correlations that were above.

emergency nursing articles

Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA was conducted using principal axis factoring and oblique rotation using SPSS to select items that fit the factors in the research emergency nursing articles and to reduce the number of items. The cri- teria for deleting items were a cumulative value of. The discriminative validity test was analyzed using the school nurse experience groups as these groups have been shown to have different levels of competency in previous studies [45, 46].

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The TCS [35] was modified for the school context and was used to assess criterion validity. The TCS [35] has several similarities to the sub-attributes of the competencies derived in this study. Final scale Phase 5: final scale The scale was finalized with items derived from the scale evaluation process.]

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Emergency Nurses

Emergency nursing articles - accept. opinion

Health care professionals remain concerned that people who need treatment are still afraid to come to the ED. Emergency care teams see firsthand the complications that arise when patients, especially those with chronic conditions, avoid getting the care they need. As they do every day in the emergency department, physicians and nurses have teamed up to remind their communities that EDs are open and ready to safely treat all patients. The emergency department is the safest place to be. Our commitment to care drives us to provide you with the best environment possible treat your emergency needs. Some hospitals have created external waiting rooms for patients with known symptoms, and others have separate wings for those who are presumed to have the disease. Emergency care teams are also utilizing telehealth technology to conduct remote consultations with patients and to connect them with loved ones while they're admitted. Emergency departments have also greatly intensified their cleaning and disinfecting efforts, and some are using enhanced treatments — such as negative pressure rooms and UV-filtration — to decontaminate the air and prevent the spread of the virus. If you need to come to the emergency department, be prepared to cover your face to protect yourself and those around. emergency nursing articles.



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