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Cori wong

Cori wong

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Cori wong - was specially

I grew up in Idaho, studied in Pennsylvania, and live in Colorado. I love teaching, but now I primarily lead diversity and inclusion efforts in higher education. My joy is in thoughtfully connecting with people on deeper levels, and I do this work as a life-long learner. I continue to be informed and influenced by the wisdom and generosity of many whose lives, creativity, stories, and reflections have molded and shaped my own. I am profoundly grateful to those who help me better understand myself and the world around me, show me how to be a better friend in community, and support my own growth and healing. They continually inspire me to live and love whole-heartedly.

Yes something: Cori wong

ALCIBIADES 1 Cori Wong, 6/2/11 Cori Wong grew up in Boise, Idaho, studied philosophy at Colorado State as an undergrad, and is currently a graduate student at Penn State University in Philosophy and Women’s Studies. A large part of her academic work is motivated by the desire to make philosophical reflection accessible to people beyond the university. Cori Wong is a professor in the Philosophy department at Pennsylvania State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. See Cori Wong's age, phone number, house address, email address, social media accounts, public records, and check for criminal records on modernalternativemama.com Country: El Camino Real, , California.
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EYE CONTACT THE POWER OF THE GAZE View the profiles of people named Cori Wong. Join Facebook to connect with Cori Wong and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share. See Cori Wong's age, phone number, house address, email address, social media accounts, public records, and check for criminal records on modernalternativemama.com Country: El Camino Real, , California. View the profiles of people named Wong Cori. Join Facebook to connect with Wong Cori and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share.
cori wong.



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