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characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

Characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

Characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

Assignment Help The Cask of Amontillado Essay Topics Choose one of the essay options below, and write a well-organized, five paragraph essay answering the prompt. Be sure to adhere to the essay format and the essay write rules.

characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

The descriptive details used in The Cask of Amontillado create a specific mood. Write an essay describing what that mood is, which key details create it, and in which scenes that mood is most strongly expressed. Consider the many details given about Montresor: the way he is dressed, his family name, his coat of arms, and family motto. Explain what significance each of these details has to the story. Montresor places a great deal of importance on connoisseurship, or being an expert at something. Explain how he plans his revenge on Fortunato like an expert.

characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

Support your argument by giving at source 3 examples of how he plays with Fortunato, his victim, or examples showing how much he enjoys his revenge. Fortunato is dressed like a fool, and Montresor wears a mask of black silk.

Explain why these costumes are appropriate for the roles they play in the story. Use details from the story to support your opinion.

characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

Reread Montresors description of Fortunato toward the beginning of the story. According to Montresor, in what ways is Fortunato a respectable man? In what ways is he a quack? What kind of person do you think he is? Support yourself with details from the story. Setting: What is significant about the time the narrator has chosen for his plot? What are the practical reasons for choosing this time? What are the symbolic reasons for choosing this time?

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Discuss in detail how Fortunato tests whether or not Montresor is a free mason. Fortunatos name translates to one who is fortunate. Why is this ironic? Updike puts together details that create a normal, ordinary grocery store the setting is supposed to be realistic.

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What details stand out to you as true to life? What does paying close attention to the details contribute to the story? Think about the character of Sammy. What traits good or bad does Sammy show? In what ways is he a real person? Is he less of click hero because he wants the girls to notice him? What part of the story is the exposition?]

Seems remarkable: Characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado

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characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado.

Characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado - for that

Montressor is a manipulative and vengeful person. These characteristics lead to the death of Fortunato, a man who has wronged him. Through the acts, words, and thoughts of the character, one is able to see him carry out his plan for revenge. The setting is lively and jubilant at the carnival. It is a place of doom where the story takes place in Italy at a carnival where Montressor and Fortunato happen skeletons lie against damp walls covered in nitre. His clothing seems to indicate his trusting but foolish nature. The clothing of both characters seems to set the mood for what types of characters they were. From the start of the story, his vengeful nature sets the tone for the acts that will follow.

Characteristics of montresor in the cask of amontillado - can suggest

The Cask Of Amontillado Setting Analysis Words 3 Pages the wrong place or time is chosen to commit the murder, then they risk being caught. With all the time that he had to plan the crime out, he chooses the flawless setting to guarantee him getting away with his dirty deed. Even though this story consists mostly of the dialogue between Montresor and Fortunato; there were many specific words that contributed to the gloomy atmosphere of the setting. The setting in the vaults had a very dark and sinister feel due to the diction and knowledge of what was going to happen to Fortunato. For example, on page 2 Po describes the vaults as "insufferably damp. Every single part of the story revolves around this. What the characters look like, how they talk to eachother, where they live, what is going on around them. The main conflict is even determined by the time period and where in the world it takes place. For example, the story "The Cask of Amontillado" is set in Paris, France around the rennaissance era.



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