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br family medical center

Prehistory[ edit ] Human habitation in the Baton Rouge area has been dated to — BCbased on evidence found along the Mississippi, Comiteand Amite rivers. The Eastern Muskogean language began to diversify internally in the first half of the first millennium AD. By the time the Spanish br family medical center their first forays inland from the shores of the Gulf of Mexico in the early 16th century, by some evidence many political centers of the Mississippians were already in decline, or abandoned.

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At https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/personal-statement/media-systems-in-china-and-the-us.php time, this region appeared to have been occupied by a collection of moderately sized native chiefdoms, interspersed with autonomous villages and tribal groups. Later Spanish expeditions encountered the remains of groups who had lost many people and been disrupted in the aftermath of infectious diseases, chronic among Europeans, unknowingly introduced by the first expedition.

The explorers saw a red pole br family medical center the boundary between the Houma and Bayagoula tribal hunting grounds. The location of the red pole was presumably at Scott's Bluff, on what is now the campus of Southern University.

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Inwhen French-speaking settlers of Acadia in Canada's Maritime provinces were expelled by British forces, many took up residence in rural Louisiana. Popularly known as Cajunsthe descendants of the Acadians maintained a separate culture.

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During the first half of the 19th century, Baton Rouge grew steadily as the result of steamboat trade and transportation. Inthe Pentagon Barracks complex of buildings was completed.

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Inthe complex was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Inthe state legislature designated Baton Rouge as Louisiana's new capital to replace "sinful" New Orleans.

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The architect James Dakin was hired to design the old Louisiana State Capitolwith construction beginning in late It has been br family medical center as the "most distinguished example of Gothic Revival" architecture in the state and has been designated as a National Historic Landmark. The war nearly halted economic progress, except for businesses associated with supplying the Union Army occupation of the city, which began in the spring of and lasted for the duration of the war.

The Confederates at first consolidated their forces elsewhere, during which time the state government was moved to Opelousas and later Shreveport.

After the war, New Orleans temporarily served br family medical center the seat of the Reconstruction era state government. When the Bourbon Democrats regained power inafter considerable intimidation and voter suppression of black Republicans, they returned the state government to Baton Rouge, where it has since remained. In his guidebook, Karl Baedeker described Baton Rouge as "the Capital of Louisiana, a quaint old place with 10, inhabitants, on a bluff above the Mississippi". The changing market in the br family medical center business has produced fluctuations in the industry, affecting employment in the city and area. A click here boom began in the city in the s and continued into the s, during which Baton Rouge was one of the fastest-growing cities in the South in terms of technology.]

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