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aung san suu kyi essay

Aung san suu kyi essay

Aung san suu kyi essay

Information about events 2. Updates about the current events in the world 3. Surfing the world wide web 4. Social Networking for new friends 5.

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Communication from anywhere in the world 6. Homework and projects 8. Advantageous Knowledge 9. Speed : time is no longer a constraint in communication Clarity : With megapixel images and video, and high fidelity audio systems clarity in communication has become a never-before experience Proximity : technological advancements have made the world a smaller place to live this web page Dissemination : whether spreading information, broadcasting. Convenience: Provides a great deal of convenience in expediting personal and business transactions be it shopping, banking, or simply paying bills.

The Risks of Using Technology 1. Creates Stress - With cell phones and gadgets following us everywhere we go there is little time to oneself, many people carry their work with them everywhere they go making it so they have no breaks. Takes Away Jobs - Computers are taking aung san suu kyi essay jobs that humans once performed. Look at all the computerized phone operators for example.

Burm A Military Dictatorship Country For Many Years

Or computerized assembly machines. Continued Desire for Advancement - When one thing is created there is a desire to keep updating it and to make something better. This makes technology become outdated very quickly and creates a never ending need for "advancement". Many families are stuck in front of televisions. Many children are stuck in front of game systems. We are becoming lazier and lazier the more we can entertain ourselves while sitting in front of some form of technology.

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Perpetuates Economic Gap - Technology is expensive. Those who have technology and newer technology are at the advantage, they can get better jobs because of experience with tech Current President of Liberia since January 17,Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a hardworking and caring woman which has be shown all through her life. She was the first woman to be elected head of state in Africa. She is also the award winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and of a Presidential Medal of Freedom, a very high civil award in the Aung san suu kyi essay States for click to see more personal courage, dedication and commitments to improving people lives across Africa and trying to expand these peoples freedom.

Through achieving this, she experienced a total of 10 years in jail and was sentenced to exile having to leave Liberia, but she never gave up pushing for human rights. Be not afraid to seek peace, even if your voice may be small. She has stood by her country and campaigned for the freedom and democracy of the people of Burma.

Despite her efforts Suu Kyi was arrested by the government led by brutal dictator U Ne Win, the Junta military, and put under house arrest. During the two decades which spent under house arrest, she received a Nobel]

Aung san suu kyi essay - recommend you

It was led by Aung San Suu Kyi. The government made her remain under house arrest in Rangoon for six years. Than Aung is fairly new to this job; he assumed office 1 August This joint venture marketed and sold Lehar Pepsi until when the use of foreign brands was allowed; PepsiCo bought out its partners and ended the joint venture in This has led many Buddhists to consider the Rohingya to be Bengali, rejecting the term Rohingya as a recent invention, created for Political reasons. In , when the military leaders released pro — democracy leader of Mayanmar Ayng San Suu Kyi from house arrest, Most of the political leaders thought Burma was beginning to change for the better. When they demanded citizenship they also asked for the state that had been promised to them. Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of the national hero, General Aung San who was assassinated by his rival after he fought for Burmese independence from England, was filled with the ideals that her father fought for and became a leader for the people to unite them and challenge the right to rule of the people in power. But it refused to turn over the power to the civilian government. Both authors had rooted their campaigns in the tenets of their religious faith, which endeared themselves with the masses.

Aung san suu kyi essay - are mistaken

Numerous countries and world leaders have invited her to give speeches on her ideals and values. Suu Kyi is a well-known and loved celebrity amongst the people of Myanmar also known as Burma who is respected all over the world. She is loved not only because of her looks or riches, but because of her monumental political movements. She gave up everything and would be willing to give her life for the sake of the people of Myanmar. Suu Kyi is a living hero in Myanmar who fought for the human rights of the poor, the weak, and the oppressed. To better understand Aung San Suu Kyi , her life is categorized into three parts; her background life before involvement in politics, life during the struggle for Myanmar, and her life after the political changes in Myanmar.

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