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Atlantis conspiracy

Atlantis conspiracy

Share Lost City of Atlantis The Lost City of Atlantis, first mentioned atlantis conspiracy the ancient Greek philosopher Plato https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-samples/my-persistent-passion-for-the-effective-application.php than 2, years ago, is known as one of the oldest and greatest mysteries of the world.

According to Plato, the utopian island kingdom existed some 9, years before his time and mysteriously disappeared one day.

atlantis conspiracy

Famed for having been the exhibit of all worldly pleasures in the world, this city is as enigmatic as it is inviting. Even after years of research, the exact truth about this city has not been found and that adds even more to all the folklores attached with it. An unsolved mystery The world is full of unsolved mysteries. What seems stranger to us is the ocean, which is home to many myths, legends and mysteries. While scientists have succeeded atlantis conspiracy explaining many of these mysteries, there atlantis conspiracy quite a few still remaining as unexplained.

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Lost cities, hidden treasures, mystic ships are all part of the alluring marine world. Of all these, the lost city of Atlantis tops the list.

atlantis conspiracy

He made this city on top of a hill, in an isolated island in the sea, to protect her and named it Atlantis. It was then he fell in love with Cleito when he finds her in atlantis conspiracy island.]

atlantis conspiracy

Atlantis conspiracy Video

Atlantis Conspiracy [Sci-Fi Action Short Film] by James Lee

Atlantis conspiracy - absurd situation

Thus, the NAA was able to freely access the energy quanta of earth and her inhabitants without resistance, because awareness of this fact was methodically erased from historical references and the information suppressed from earth humans. Effectively, this produced anti-human control and mass consciousness enslavement on the earth. The incarnating earth human was no longer able to naturally access the intelligent consciousness of his own spiritual body, without employing sophisticated esoteric practices that necessitated long term efforts for rebuilding the consciousness. The techniques for building the lightbody were taught in the Mystery Schools of various lineages and this information was a tightly held secret, only given to the sequestered monks, elite or the ruling classes. The eradication of all of the technology, memories, histories and identities during the advanced civilization of the Atlantian colonies on the earth, is a conspiracy enacted through a blood covenant made with the Illuminati hybrid humans that make up the Power Elite and answer to the Thothian Luciferian groups. To control the belief systems in the religiously minded, there has been a mass promotion that traditional holy doctrines represent the absolute word of God and that nothing in them can be questioned. Sadly, this is a cruel deception designed to fully confuse individuals about the nature of reality and the nature of their direct relationship with God, the inner Christos spirit. The Living Eternal God Spirit is not contained within the confines of words written within a book, but is found within the flow of loving kindness that exists in the sacred heart of each living person, as well as the organic consciousness of a place or thing. The perpetrated manipulation of human Consciousness into mind-controlled religion has been a long-term agenda that has been active since the Atlantian Flood , and is another aspect of comprehending the aggressive coverup of any evidence of the Atlantian Conspiracy.

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