Explain first pass of assembler data set
Why do we need it? Top clipped slide. Describe in brief what is done under explain first pass of assembler data set pass. Explain the one time pad scheme. Explain four passes of MD5 message digest algorithm. Explain transaction handling using JSTL. Why concurrency control is needed?
Show the translation of given statement by different phases of compiler to produce assembly language statement What is code optimization? Value expressions ii. Discuss the different form attributes and design a simple form to here for new semester. How it can be overcome? Raise and handle exception s for invalid values of x and y. Explain onLoad, onBlur, image preloading, change image size, mouse curser position. Explain the measures of finding out the cost of a query in query processing. Explain Modularity source Synergy. System Programing Unit 1. Which are the two popular algorithms for string matching?
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Explain first pass of assembler data set - amusing question
Explain interprocess communication mechanism waitnotify and notifyall being used by java to avoid polling Answer the following questions: i Explain the life cycle of a thread. Explain different website designing issues. Explain database system architecture with diagram in detail. Explain three models, their purpose and relationship among them. Write the steps of Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.Video Guide
3.03 First Pass of AssemblerExplain first pass of assembler data set - share
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there are no hard and fast rules as to what you complete in each pass, and it is not necessarily a pass "on the file" but a pass "on the data". First pass: As you read each line you parse it. Oct 09, · Two pass Assembler 1. WALCHAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SOLAPUR PRESENTING A SEMINAR ON TWO PASS ASSEMBLERS 2. TWO PASS ASSEMBLER • Processing the source program into two passes. • The internal tables and subroutines that are used only during Pass 1. • The SYMTAB, LITTAB, and OPTAB are used by both passes.
Jun 21, · Tasks performed by the passes of two-pass assembler are as follows: Pass I. Separate the symbol, mnemonic opcode and operand fields. Determine the storage-required foe every assembly hug youre to - when how taller statement and update the location counter. Build the symbol table and the literal table. Construct the intermediate code for every assembly language statement. Pass IILoop: Ad hoc network What are the essential explain first pass of assembler data set differences between 1 And 3rd Generation of networks? What is https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/who-is-the-richest-person-in-the-world/what-does-customer-service-mean-to-you-examples.php blog? While processing a statement containing a forward reference, language processor does not posses all https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/who-is-the-richest-person-in-the-world/how-to-write-kissing-books-free-online-full.php information concerning referenced entity.
Breath First Search. Explain system recovery procedure with check point record concept. Add a comment. Why synchronization is required in multithreaded programming. Describe the following. Write a PHP program to display table of cube for 1 to Describe the Java Collections Framework. Table of Contents
What do you mean by attributes, attribute visibility and attribute constraints? Explain association and links in detail. What is multiplicity? Explain types of multiplicity What is aggregation and composition?
Also give difference between aggregation and composition. Explain generalization with example. What so you mean by metadata in class model? Explain types of click to see more with example. Explain 4 types of constraints on generalization set. Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity, generalization, association concepts. And add at least attributes explain first pass of assembler data set operations for particular class Page, Shape, Point, Line, Arc, Ellipse, Rectangle, Circle Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity, generalization, association concepts. And add at least attributes and operations for particular class. Prepare a class diagram for Hospital management system. Prepare a class diagram for Library management system. Prepare a class diagram for food ordering system using multiplicity, generalization concept.
And add at least attributes and operations, default value, static operations for class: Customer, Order, NormalOrder, SpecialOrder. Why we need state diagram? What is event? Explain types of events with example. What do you mean by See more and Conditions? Explain parts of Transition What do you mean by Transitions and Conditions? Explain types of Transition. Explain Do, Entry and Exit activity with example. Construct a state diagram for railway reservation system. Draw a state diagram for chess game. Draw a state diagram for ATM. Draw a state diagram for Online Shopping System.
Draw the functional block diagram of internal architecture of IC and explain its working. Explain the execution here the instruction STA H with neat timing diagram Write a detailed note on Interrupts of Difference between System Software and Application Software Explain macro expansion process with example. Explain roles of first two phases of it. Also explain symbol table. Compare single pass assembler and two pass assembler. Explain two pass Assembler in detail with suitable example. Explain analysis and synthesis phases of an assembler by clearly stating their tasks. Explain two pass assembler. Explain the complete working of first pass of the double pass assembler along with the data explain first pass of assembler data set used. Also give details of their fields. Explain various suitable data structures for the symbol table.
Define forward references. How it can be solved using back-patching? Explain in brief design of a Single Pass Assembler Differentiate one pass and two pass assembler. Explain how forward references are handled in two pass assembler. Which are the different assembly language statements? Explain each of them with suitable example. Explain use of read more data structures needed in pass-I of the assembler and give details of their fields. Compare the features of subroutine and macros with respect to following. Explain design specification tasks for macro preprocessor with suitable example. Define two macros of your choice to illustrate nested calls to these macros. Also show their corresponding expansion. Show their usage for expansion time loop by giving example. Describe tasks and data structures considered for the design of a macro preprocessor.
Explain attributes of formal parameters, default specifications of parameter and semantic expansion for macro by giving examples. Explain Design of Macro Preprocessor. What is macro in programming language. Write an algorithm for macro definition. Explain various data structures of Macro definition processing with example Define Lexical and Semantic Expansion. Explain macro expansion in details. What is macro-preprocessor? Explain explain first pass of assembler data set of macro-preprocessor design.
Write general purpose macro to move the contents of one area of memory into another area of memory. Assume that destination area is larger in size, remaining part of click here should be padded with zeroes at the end of the area. Explain with example expansion time sequencing symbols and expansion time variable. Compare and Contrast the following i macro call and function call ii macro preprocessor and macro assembler.
Explain following terms with suitable example.
What is overlay? Explain the execution of an overlay structured program. Explain absolute loader with example. Explain BSS loader with example. Explain design of linker by addressing issues of relocation and linking.
Explain the term self relocation program. Explain the term loader. What is loader?
Enlist basic functions of loader. Explain program relocation with example. What is program relocation? How relocation is performed by linker? Explain left recursion, left factoring and backtracking in top down parsing. Explain left factoring by giving example.
Define the term Parsing. Compare top down and bottom-up parser. Explain recursive descent parser with suitable example. Also state its drawbacks. Explain types of grammar. Explain lexical analysis of explaiin processor. Explain recursive descent parsing algorithm. List and explain various types of grammar. Explain left recursion and left factoring with suitable example. Where a, b, c are float type. Show the translation of given statement by different phases of compiler to produce assembly language statement What is code optimization? Explain Software Project Plan. Explain Software Prototyping. Using example explain the spiral model. What do you mean by software model? Explain each model in detail. And encrypt the message test this process. Construct a playfair matrix with the key occurrence. Generate the cipher text for the plaintext Tall trees Define Cryptography and Cryptanalysis.
Draw and explain conventional cryptosystem. Define the Caesar cipher Define the following terms briefly. Define the terms threat and attack. List and briefly define categories of security attacks. Differentiate Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography. Explain monoalphabetic cipher and polyalphabetic cipher by giving an example. Explain the one time pad scheme. Explain the various types of cryptanalytic attack, based on the amount of information known to the cryptanalyst. Is playfair cipher monoalphabetic cipher? Construct a playfair matrix with the key moonmission and encrypt the message greet. Let the keyword in playfair cipher is keyword. Encrypt a message come to the window using playfair cipher.
List and briefly define the security services. Explain first pass of assembler data set is cryptography? Briefly explain the model of Asymmetric Cryptosystem. What is the objective of attacking an encryption system? Write the two approaches to attack a conventional encryption scheme. What is the purpose of S-box fjrst DES? Explain the avalanche effect in DES. Expkain the three operations used by International Data Encryption Explaim. Draw and explain Feistel think, pm kisan samman nidhi yojana paise check karna Goes! for encryption and decryption Explain Blowfish encryption algorithm Explain how subkeys are generated in blowfish algorithm and also explain the encryption in blowfish algorithm. How does the key-size in blowfish differ from cast? Explain single round function of DES with suitable diagram.
Explain the DES encryption algorithm. Explain the terms diffusion and confusion. List various modes of operations of block cipher. Explain any three of them briefly. The exact realization of Feistel network depends on the choice of which parameters? What is the difference between fiestel structure of Blowfish and cast? Explain the fiestel structure of Blowfish and cast What is the purpose of S-boxes in DES? Explain the avalanche fidst. Which parameters affect RC5 encryption algorithm. Explain RC5 encryption and decryption process. Why mode of operation is defined? Explain the simplest mode for block cipher modes assemhler operation?
Also discuss various attacks on RSA. Explain four passes of MD5 message digest algorithm. Explain the key distribution scenario and write how does decentralized key control work? How key exchange using elliptic curves can be done? What is the plaintext M? List and explain four general categories of schemes for the distribution of public keys. What is a trap-door one-way function? What is its importance in esplain key cryptography? What is an elliptic curve? What is the zero point of an elliptic curve? What is KDC? With the help of diagram explain how KDC do key distribution. What is public key cryptography? Compare it with conventional cryptography. Find GCD of and using Euclid algorithm pasw. Find all primitive roots of a number 7. Define congruent modulo. Also Find integer x such that 1. Explain first pass of assembler data set two criteria are used to validate that a sequence of numbers is random?
Explain the linear congruential method to generate pseudorandom numbers. Write two properties of prime numbers. Explain digital signature algorithm in detail. Explain MD5 Hash Algorithm. Explain the following properties of article source function i One way property ii Weak and strong collision resistance iii Compression functions in hash algorithm. Explain the operation of secure hash algorithm on bit block. Define the terms. Explain first pass of assembler data set variety of ways in which hash code can be used to provide message authentication. What is MAC? Explain HMAC algorithm. What is the need for message authentication? List various techniques used for authentication. Explain any one. Write the Euclid algorithm and show the steps of Euclid algorithm to find gcdExplain Secure electronic transaction protocol.
Explain the one-way and two way authentication in X. Explain the ticket granting server TGS scheme in Kerberos What is a dual signature in reference to secure electronic transaction? Write the key features of secure electronic transaction. Assume that message is going from A to B. What is the difference between transport mode and tunnel mode?
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What parameters characterize the nature of a particular security association in IPSec. List and define the parameters that define secure socket layer connection state. Which parameters define session state and which parameters define connection state in SSL secure socket Layer? Explain shadow mask technique and explain how does it differ from beam penetration technique? Explain working principle of scanner How coordinate values of selected screen position is determined in touch screens? List advantages and disadvantages plasma panel display. Briefly explain the following display technologies 1 Raster refresh systems 2 Vector refresh systems 3 LCDs Consider a raster system with resolution of by What size of frame buffer is needed for given system to store 24bits per pixel?
How many colors are possible in given system? What is the access time per pixel if refreshing rate is 60 frames per second? How persistence characteristic of phosphor affect on refresh rate of system? What is a winding number? Explain boundary fill and flood fill for polygon filling. Explain three methods of character generation. Define the term a Antialiasing, b anchoring Which two types of sensors are used in digital cameras? Briefly explain the advantages of Look table used in Graphics display system. Derive all necessary formulas for Bresenham line drawing algorithm.
Bresenham line drawing algorithm is used to draw a line from 0, 0 to 6, 4. Determine all the pixels which will be on as the line is drawn. Derive all necessary formulas for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm. Write pseudo code for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm. Write and explain the midpoint circle generation algorithm. Briefly explain the attributes associated with line and characters. Briefly explain the different methods for the generation of thick lines What is aliasing? Briefly explain anti-aliasing techniques.
Develop and implement a flood-fill algorithm to fill the interior of any specified area. What are the differences between flood-fill learn more here boundary fill algorithm? What is a polygon mesh? Discuss various ways to represent a polygon mesh with their merits and demerits. Explain DDA line drawing read more. What are the limitations of DDA line drawing algorithm? Derive all formulas for Bresenham line drawing algorithm. Write a function Bresenhamline x1, y1, x2, y2, type so it draws line with specified type.
Briefly explain different methods to generate thick lines. Discuss merits and demerits of each method. Briefly explain scan line polygon filling algorithm. Explain the fields of edge table and criteria for adding and removing edge to active edge table. Define polygon mesh. Briefly explain different methods used to represent polygon mesh with example Give advantages and disadvantages of DDA algorithm. Draw a line from 20,10 to 30,18 using DDA algorithm. Write the steps of Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Mention the limitations of algorithm. How it can be overcome? Derive transformation matrix for 2D rotation. What is window and view-port? Retrieve equations for the scaling factors to map the window to view-port in 2D viewing system. What is homogeneous coordinate? Why is click required?
Click that successive rotation is additive and commutative Briefly explain first pass of assembler data set cyrus back line clipping algorithm. Find out the transformation matrix which makes its size half such that its centre remains same. See more a triangle with vertices A 1,1B 5,2 and C 3,4. Find out the transformation matrix which rotates given triangle about point C 3,4 by an angle 30 clockwise.
Also find rotated triangle. Briefly explain different techniques to make visible surface determination algorithm more effective. Briefly explain back face culling algorithm. Explain the parallel and perspective projection techniques to project 3D object onto 2D view plane. Explain reflection with respect to any plane in 3D transformations. Also find the coordinates of reflected object. Compare parallel and perspective projection. Derive perspective transformation matrix with centre of projection 0, 0, -d and xy as a plane of projection. Develop and implement Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithm. Briefly explain https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/who-is-the-richest-person-in-the-world/how-many-cheek-kisses-in-france-2022-maple.php viewing process.
Explain ambient light and diffuse illumination Briefly explain Z-buffer visible surface determination algorithm. What is depth buffer method? Write and explain the steps of a depth buffer algorithm. Explain XYZ color model. What is navigation? Discuss the characteristics of effective navigation. What components are click the following article by modern email? What is HTTP? How does it work? Give appropriate example. Explain different website designing issues. What do you mean by browser? What are the problems with FTP file transfer protocol? Enlist and explain the website design principles.
What do you mean by planning a website? Discuss about the objectives and goals, and target audience in detail with proper example. How do you identify the contents for your website? How do you organize them for easy and quick access? Discuss with some real example. Explain the architecture of the browser. Explain how does the session run when a Telnet more info try to connect to a Web server and ask for the initial page? What is the interpretation? What other error codes can be returned? Discuss the different form attributes and design a simple form to register for new semester.
Explain the following with example a. Unordered lists b. Ordered lists c. Nested lists d. Definition lists What is Metadata? Explain with example how Metadata is included in a document? Show explain first pass of assembler data set use of the HTML table tag to design the tables with different requirement with example. How copy right and registered symbol can be put on HTML document? How can you open a link in a new browser window? What is HTML form? Design a simple HTML form for registration of a student. Explain ordered and unordered list with example. Write a form to collect details of a user such as name, explain first pass of assembler data set, radio button to choose subject of book he wants to buy, Dropdown to choose favorite author, comments for the last book he read.
How an inline frame be embedded on a page with graphics and text? What are frames? List out its advantages and disadvantages. How can you do following with cascading style sheet? Text Decoration b. Text Indentation What is the difference between class and id? How can a style rule be defined with an id red heading that gives red color explain first pass of assembler data set heading h1 with text of heading right aligned? Explain CSS with all types. Define a class which defines a text alignment style to be left. Show how this same style can be applied to multiple tags?
How can a style sheet be linked to a web page or how a cascaded style sheet be embedded within a document? With the help of cascaded style sheet change background color. What changes are to be done to set an image as a background? Manipulate a background image so it can be repeated over an area. Define CSS. Enlist and explain methods of using CSS in web page. Specify the CSS to provide; link: after visited blue color and before visited red color, table with odd rows white and even rows blue color.
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Write cascading style sheet to get following formatting for the paragraph. Text color-green b. Text-indentation — 2 cm c. Font-courier d. Font style-italic e. Why do you need validation? Show the use of regular expression in JavaScript to validate the email address with example. What are JavaScript objects? List the important built-in objects. How can you write your own object? Write a JavaScript that uses function to calculate how many days are left in your birthday? Write a JavaScript, that uses a loop, that searches a word in sentence held in an array, returning the index of the word. Explain the Document Object Model. Explain the explain document object with example. Show the use of events for the following with example. When the mouse is over the heading the background color should be yellow and when the mouse goes out of the heading, color should change to black.
What is JavaScript event? List the major events explain first pass of assembler data set show use of at least one event by writing JavaScript code. Write a JAVAScript to take 2 digit number and then separate these 2 digits, then multiply first is it haram to kiss after marriage by itself for second digit times. How a constructor explain first pass of assembler data set be used to populate data in the object? What are differences between client side and server side scripting language? Write down java script code to check mobile number mobile number should start with 9 or and mail id check and. Write down java script code to validate user name and password password length must in between 6 to 12 characters. Explain onLoad, onBlur, image preloading, change image size, mouse curser position.
Explain advantages of external JavaScript with example. Explain different types of pop box in JavaScript. What is DTD? Give and explain the sample DTD. Write an XML file to store your semester mark sheet. Assume that your semester marks of all the subjects are store in XML. Explain the two ways in which XML parser checks whether a document follows the expected order and structure.
Write suitable document type definition and schema for the XML. What is a blog? What subject areas can be covered in blogs? What is role of Web server? List the popular Web servers with their characteristics. What is Web service? Give an example. Explain Web feeds. Explain Web server. What is aggregation in web services? Explain need and working explain first pass of assembler data set web services with diagram. Explain web feed and blogs with their importance and in specific situation where they should be used. Specify the name and path for configuration file, error log file, access log file of apache. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 10 years ago. Active 10 years ago. Viewed 10k times.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Score. Dont know of any tutorials, there really isnt much to it. First pass collects labels with info on where they are, only needing ram for the label table. Second pass generates output using the source code and label table to resolve forward references. This is the real source of the two terms. It is rare to need to actually make two passes on the source today.
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