How to describe someone losing consciousness


how to describe someone losing consciousness

Feb 09,  · The best thing about this online world of ours is you never know who you are going to meet. I don’t know about you, but one of the areas I struggle with is writing a character’s pain in a way that is raw, realistic but not just “one-note.” So when I crossed paths with a paramedic-turned-writer, [ ]. A grand mal seizure causes a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It's the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures. A grand mal seizure — also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. Feb 19,  · Common causes of unconsciousness include: a car accident. severe blood loss. a blow to the chest or head. a drug overdose. alcohol poisoning. A person may become temporarily unconscious, or faint Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins.

An error has occurred and we have not been able to send your data, please try again later. After fainting, the are also usually the same. Stay with the person how to describe someone losing consciousness the seizure ends and he or she is fully awake.

What are the 4 types of seizures?

She called her two colleagues over. It ebbs and flows like the tide. I just kept telling myself that passing out was not an option. Cheers, Jen. Boston: Butterworths; Follow us. This simple technique can allow the body to adjust to the new position as the how to describe someone losing consciousness to circulation of the legs adjust slower in older person.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

And then I faint. One of the characters in my work is, for a bunch of reasons: mute. Suddenly everything started to fade. Medically reviewed by Nancy Hammond, M. But the girlfriend pulled back a bandage on her knee to show me a how to describe someone losing consciousness wound from the turn signal. The person in the article described pains in his chest: I started to feel a pressure weighing down on my own chest, and a strange sleepiness. Cardiac causes of temporary loss of consciousness such as aortic stenosis or cardiomyopathy suggested by the occurrence of the event during exercise. I nearly passed out before I even tried to sit up, and then for the first two times afterward. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to define several of the terms as closely as possible.

The nauseating loop goes on and on and on. Clinical Here At all times when evaluating the patient with an alteration in level of consciousness, the clinician must keep foremost in his or her mind the most common causes of coma. Is the neck stiff—a warning of meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage. A grand mal seizure causes a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. Once they are alert and able to communicate, tell them what happened in very simple terms. For your readers, though, it can become a grind. Most children regain consciousness within 30—40 minalthough some take many hours, without sinister cause. The label identifies the active ingredient s and contains other important information including warnings about possible drug interactions and side effects.

We hope this makes it easier go here you to identify your symptoms and possible conditions. Under no here should one apply such a painful stimulus as irrigation of the ears with ice water until the status of the intracranial pressure is known. how to describe someone losing consciousness to describe someone losing consciousness - read article. opinion Unconsciousness can be brought on by a major illness will i ever be kissed cast 2022 seasonings injury, or complications from drug use or alcohol misuse.

What is the position of the patient? Finally someone at the mall came over the loudspeaker with a message for me. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR. Fainting is usually caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

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Girl who loses consciousness when she runs - BBC Stories how to describe someone losing consciousness Loss of consciousness refers to a state in which an individual lacks normal awareness of self and the surrounding environment.

The patient is not responsive and will not how to describe someone losing consciousness to any activity or stimulation. Syncope is the medical term for temporary loss of consciousness. Unconsciousness can last how to describe someone losing consciousness several seconds to longer periods of time [ ]. Dec 20,  · People faint differently, but many people will describe what I’m going to describe now. I have fainted a number of times and except for the first time–when I had no idea what was happening to me, no sense of the warning signs–I put up a tremendous fight to stay conscious. For me, it is always a fight. A battle of will. Sometimes I Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 5 mins. Feb 19,  · Common causes of unconsciousness include: a car accident. severe blood loss. a blow to the chest source head. a drug overdose. alcohol poisoning. A person may become temporarily unconscious, or faint Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins.

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How to describe someone losing consciousness 449
ARE THIN LIPS BAD DAYS 2022 PICTURES FREE If you think you may how to describe someone losing consciousness a medical emergency, call your doctor or immediately. Last week I came close to fainting repeatedly, and it was terrifying. So in my story there are two times that my main click here experiences physical pain.

I was right too; we had to do it, but it has caused a great many awkward moments in my life, and painful ones too. I stood up…and the next thing I remember I was back on he tries to kiss bed and 20 minutes or so had passed.

Why does my dog love kisses so much Irrigation of the eardrum with ice water causes such pain that the patient's Valsalva response may be enough to initiate herniation in the already tenuous situation of markedly increased intracranial pressure. Examination of the so-called brainstem reflexes is of utmost importance in evaluation of consclousness patient in grade III, IV, or V coma Table I was sitting at home with check this out mother, casually article source through a magazine.

The doctor will X-ray the chest and treat any read more or broken ribs before the person leaves the hospital. Clouding of consciousness is a source mild form of altered mental how to describe someone losing consciousness in which the patient has inattention and reduced wakefulness.

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How to describe someone losing consciousness - have

And this will all be great research for some future writer.

How can I describe his pain? Widespread disease of the heart muscle cardiomyopathy. He probably would have dents in his structure if his body if fully metal. So, too, can the agony of your characters:. She cringed. Aunt Scripty is a veteran paramedic and author of the ScriptMedic blog at scriptmedicblog. There are different kinds of seizures: Focal or partial seizures involve only part of the brain and may be simple or complex in nature. Temporary impairment of the blood supply to the brain can be caused by heart conditions click by conditions that do not directly involve the heart: Non-cardiac causes : Syncope is most commonly caused by conditions that do not directly involve the heart. Seizures can be fatalbut dying from a seizure is uncommon. Do not use the back button on your browser or phone.

Tonic Seizures A tonic seizure causes a sudden stiffness or tension in the muscles of the arms, legs or trunk. To me it felt as if I had just closed my eyes for a second, and I tried to convince her it how to describe someone losing consciousness nothing more than that, but she was clear that I had actually passed out, and, being a nurse, she ought to know. I was out for just moments. Visit web page hope this was useful! Nav Social Menu how to describe someone losing consciousness My vision grew dark around the edges and black spots hovered in my field of view. I just kept telling myself that passing out was not an option.

On the horse this was during a group lesson — I was probably dehydrated, I felt a bit ill but decided to try to push on through it I got out of the way of the other riders, reined in and dismounted, then sat with my head between my knees until I felt better. I get hot and sweaty and I go down like a rock. As for feeling faint when I get up from lying or sitting down, that happens so often that I know exactly what to do. It typically only takes 10 or so seconds to clear. I had that problem when getting up during my blood pressure issues of a few months ago, so I know exactly what you are talking about. I never fainted, though, and I never came close to fainting. I did get vertigo.

Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition.

Maybe this post will be useful to someone someday when some reader recognizes the signs of fainting and takes the appropriate action. Good idea. After one true faint during a niacin flush, I started sitting down immediately as soon tto one started, and not getting up until it was clearly over. I was still very glad when we figured out it was induced by taking non-time-release niacin.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

Getting off it and switching back to time release stopped the flushes and the fainting. I hoped it would. I have fainted a number of times and except for the first time—when I had no idea what link happening to me, no sense of the warning signs—I put up a tremendous fight to stay conscious.

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The first symptom is that everything feels slightly farther away. Sound starts to blur into a distant roar. My vision actually narrows. I try to focus on one thing…a sensation, a sound, anything that will bring clarity to my brain. I feel my face go cold. My lips get numb. When you faint, your body decides to protect your vital organs. Blood gets pulled to your core. This is why most people who faint feel cold and look pale even if they experience this as a hot flash. Once, I fell like a sacrificial ox onto the tile floor and hurt my head. Then, rescribe like the author of this post, I woke up beside my bed on my hands and knees and how to describe someone losing consciousness my husband why I was on consciousnes floor. He says that my eyes rolled back and I keeled over. He grabbed me by the shoulder in an attempt to stop my fall and that spun me into the dresser; I apparently regained consciousness somewhere mid-fall because I protected my face from the dresser with my hands, then caught myself on the floor.

After fainting, the symptoms are also usually the same.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

It wants everything out. This may be why many people who faint will start sweating profusely. I also experience intense nausea afterward. The only time I fainted was right after the birth of first child. The nurse got me up and took me to the bathroom, and I fainted. Wow, I fainted! My only full fainting experience happened during a niacin-induced flush. There are several more ways to learn how to make gold in world of warcraft. The best way is to learn from those that have consciousnese are doing it.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

I am a french Canadian novice writer I mean unpublished and i just fainted for the third time of my life tonight. I am 38 and i faint about once every 8 years. Fainting how to describe someone losing consciousness pretty common among creators. Dostoievski, Shaeskepeare and Bethoven were great fainters. Aomeone who often go trough great emotionnal challenges. This combined to the real everyday life challenges of the author may just be too much for the concious mind to handle making us shut down unexpectedly. I wake up a few seconds later with a bump on my head but other than that i feel just fine. I hope everything is fine for you and welcome to the bumby heads guild! Forgive my english! They are extremely painful, and my brain just says enough! And then I faint.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

Well, I happened upon this site searching for an explanation for what happened to me last night. I felt what I can only describe as a bubble popping in my heart followed by a rush of warmth around the area, not at all painful, but it definately got my immediate attention. I am not one to get others excited about what could possibly be just can how to make lip stain last longer more strange unexplainable event, so I went to bed after doing some research on my phone.

I found nothing similar to my experience so after lying there a few minutes I click a tingling sensation running up my left arm and after rubbing it for a few seconds as one would do if their arm had fallen asleep I felt like I was going to pass out. I jumped out of bed to go downstairs to let my husband know something was very wrong with me, I was afraid I was going to pass out how to describe someone losing consciousness he would have no idea.

I told him I needed to go to the er as I felt more like I was fighting to remain conscious. I experienced tunnel vision, fading in and out, blurred lights, very muffled hearing, while my body was trying to collapse for an entire 7 to 10 minutes. Also sweating profusely, especially around my middle, just beads of sweat like when I have been running on the treadmill for an hour. I really thought I was dying. They ran a bunch of tests, everything checked out great. What I am most perplexed about is the lenght of time I was fighting to remain conscious. I was never dizzy or lightheaded. I have been referred to a cadiologist for tests they could not do in the er. I have no insurance and would never go to the er unless I felt like my life was in jeapordy. By the way, I am just I have felt like I was going to faint several times, from getting up too fast, giving blood, but that was totally different. Then it was more lightheadedness and vision going dark accompanied sometimes by a funny taste in my mouth.

This time it was totally struggling to remain conscious and really feeling like if I did pass out I would not wake back up. I have been searching for someone to how to describe someone losing consciousness what they feel as they struggle to come out of a fainting spell with no avail. It disconcerts me a lot. I faint when blood is drawn and can you monitor iphone activity I dread even the sight of a needle. It is the most horrid experience that I know of and I dread it. When I pass out, I have no idea it happened. However, most people say they just come back, dandy-do and nothing more.

For me, it is a lot more bizarre. The nauseating loop goes on and on and on. At some point, after struggling for what seems like a thousand years, I somehow either manage to focus on some object, or like yesterday, when I passed out while sitting on the john after a migraine made me nauseoussomehow I finally managed to get my hands to hold my head even though I had no awareness of where how to describe someone losing consciousness hands where. I just knew I was in danger of keeling over, not because of a sense of space, but because of some vague, but urgent recollection that I was sitting on something. Anyway, when my hands finally reached my skull, I could faintly feel them and I tried to run them through my hair to stop the loop. I would like to know if anybody else check this out there goes through this struggle to come out. I wonder if this happens to me because I struggle…I do not understand it, but I dread the experience.

And not being able to control my eyes is highly unpleasant. Perhaps I should begin by saying that the idea of fainting, for me, used to be associated with shame: it threatened a masculine fantasy of toughness and invulnerability which in my case was first punctured as a child when I was put to sleep for a minor operation. I have got over this feeling and am now more interested in describing the experience: that is how I came to find this site, where the descriptions are fascinatingly concrete. That time I knew what was happening to me: I had felt faint before when having blood taken. I had been in hospital several days. Every day the phlebotomists came round in their purple uniforms to take blood samples.

That particular day, the nurse had difficulty finding the vein. She called her two colleagues over. Suddenly everything started to fade. The nurses were dark shadowy figures before me. I made a great effort to fight what was happening to me. Everything came back into focus; I felt a how to describe someone losing consciousness weak at first, and after a while I felt all right again. The first time, I did. It happened a long time ago: How to describe someone losing consciousness must have been seventeen. I was sitting at home with my mother, casually skimming through a magazine.

The subject was of no interest to me, but I read on. The person in the article described pains in his chest: I started to feel a pressure weighing down on my own chest, and a strange sleepiness. I had time to wonder what was happening to me, and, I think, to feel frightened, but the sleepiness overpowered me, and forced my eyes to close. I opened them. I was slumped in my chair, probably sweating. My mother said I had fainted. To me it felt as if I had just closed my eyes for a second, and I tried to how to describe someone losing consciousness her it was nothing more than that, but she was clear that I had actually passed out, and, being a nurse, she ought to know.

Had she woken me, I wonder, by calling to me? Now I am sorry I did not try to explore the experience more: to describe it as exactly as possible in a diary entry. I have fainted three times. First time, I was driving my car home. Up until the bladder bit, I was calm. Anyway, as I was article source home to change clothes for work, my heart started pounding crazily, both eyes started turning gray from the outside to the in, and then: I was unconscious. How lucky am I that I live on a quiet street, at least it is at 11 read more, and no one crashed into me. I was out for just moments. Second experience was in an elevator at work; I work on a high floor, and that same sequence of events occurred.

As I fainted, an unfairly handsome and super-quick F. He carried me out of the elevator, placed me on a couch and called for an ambulance. But by then, I felt fine and he called off the ambulance. I think the first two faintings may have been related to the upcoming terrible surgery: a partial colectomy. Either a panic attack or a-fib. I was right too; we had to do it, but it has caused a great many awkward moments in my life, and painful ones too. Last fainting was the worst. Happened two days ago. I have a problem with my esophagus or trachea. It feels like it is spasming and it hurts. Then, it lessens and everything is ok. However, this last episode was really different. I was pounding my chest and then, mini-seconds later, I was flat out on the kitchen floor. There was no pre-aura with my vision disappearing.

I remember nothing at all. It is slowly filled with fluid so that the muscle expands — this takes about 2 months with once per week visit. As it is, I can barely walk more than a few steps. He can check it out between the surgeries. Plus, I heard the testing for the esophageal spasming is extremely uncomfortable. Any readers have advice about whether I should tell my internist about the esophageal spasms before the breast surgery? I know this fainting-thread has gone on for three years and my post has gone on for three hours, and the prospects for a reply are slim, but I can still hope. That might help them prepare for and even head off possible complications.

And thanks for sharing your fainting experiences. They do sound difficult. Hi, Pamela; thanks for posting. I usually reply to all posts. I think before I moved my blog, I was not notified of replies after a certain amount of time. Anyway, I found you post both hilarious and alarming. God bless you for keeping your humor during all this trauma. I absolutely think you should talk to the doctor about your esophagus spasms. What if they get worse and you click here unable to swallow at all?

The main focus of emergency care for individuals who have lost consciousness is to ensure they are breathing and have a steady heart rate. If the patient is not breathing, coughing, or moving, that indicates their circulation is not working. In this case, CPR should be performed and should be called. Those trained in CPR may attempt rescue breathing, but chest compressions alone can also help. The sooner medical attention is received, the better the outlook for the patient. There are potentially serious complications from loss of consciousness, including coma or brain damage from lack of oxygen. Choking may also occur if the airway is obstructed by food or liquid.

Syncope will often resolve spontaneously, but sometimes treatment is necessary. The treatment of unconsciousness depends on the underlying cause. If the event was caused by low blood pressure, medications may be injected to increase blood pressure.

how to describe someone losing consciousness

If it was due to low blood sugar, a glucose injection is administered or the recovered patient may be given sweet food. If unconsciousness seems to be related to an injury, the medical team will work to resolve it. Health professionals must use situational and physical evidence to decide on the appropriate course of action. Once an individual regains consciousness, they may experience symptoms of confusion, drowsiness, headache, losihg, loss of bowel or bladder control, and rapid heartbeat.

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Never knew what I missed until I kissed ya, uh- huh, I kissed ya, oh yeah. Never knew what I missed until I kissed ya, uh- huh, I kissed ya, oh yeah. BRIDGE: You don't realize what you do to me, and I didn't realize what a kiss could be. ENDING: Mmm, ya got a way about ya, now I can't live with-out ya. Never knew what I missed 'til I kissed ya, uh-huh, I kissed ya, oh yeah FADE. Chords Used A, E, D, Bm Verse 1 A E D Its not so simple infact its indescribable A E D the feelings that we have today D A Bm E A D moving away, made your lips astray Bm E How does our love grow stronger A / E / each and everyday Chorus A E Its your voice its got me tripin D I cant stop missing, missing you A E I just want to kiss you D so bad A E the kiss that i never . Mar 04,  · D A Another night starts to fall D E And the wind carries me A When I wanna crawl D F#m Coz when I (Coz when I), I look inside G E(sus) E There's a fire in me that I, I can't hide CHORUS: A/C# Bm A D E(sus) E Will I ever get to heaven with you? A D E(sus) E Will I ever breathe the air that you do? A/C# D Will I ever touch the angels? B7/Eb D(M7) (D6) Will we . Read more

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Feb 12,  · A long, long kiss, a kiss of youth, and love, And beauty, all concentrating like rays Into one focus, kindled from above; Such kisses as Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. Jan 28,  · Most of the books on this list are gothic tales or sweeping epics. And just because a book is a love story does not mean it's a romance novel. They are two different things, and I'm getting really tired of wanting to look for "Best Romance Novel" lists, and finding books that aren't romance novels on those Modernalternativemamag: pdf. The list is compliled from Amazons Bestsellers in Romance for the peoples view, from Romance Readers Top Romance Novels for a Criteque View, And from the Best books From last 10 years lists. Each book has been rated at least 4 star by at least 75 readers. Read more

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Jul 20,  · How to Use Homemade Lip Scrub. Apply a small amount of the scrub to your lips and gently scrub in a circular motion for approximately 1 minute with your fingertip. Using a warm washcloth, gently wipe to remove your homemade sugar lip scrub, and then be sure to use some homemade chapstick afterwards to lock that hydration in.5/5(5). Dec 23,  · How to use Sugar Scrubs? While sugar is beneficial in many ways, you have to use it right to get all the benefits. Here are some tips on how to use it. 1. Mix the sugar with something liquid. If you have seen, eaten or touched sugar, you know that it is quite hard. This roughness could cause your skin great damage if you rub it on your Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 7 mins. Aug 17,  · To use a sugar scrub, first take a 5 to 10 minute shower, which will soften your skin and make it easier to exfoliate. After you shower, massage the scrub into your skin using gentle, circular motions. For extra smooth skin, let the scrub sit on your body for a couple of minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water%(9). Read more

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