How to describe someone losing consciousness without using


how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

Dec 20,  · There wasn’t any fight to it. Once my brain decided I needed to lose consciousness, it did so without any regard whatsoever to my will. I wasn’t even aware that I was going to lose consciousness until it already happened. This has happened to me twice so far, and it was the same both Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 5 mins. Studies using neuropsychological tests after concussion have failed to show any difference between those who lost consciousness and those who did not. 32, 33 These tests are typically conducted days after the concussion and usually not in a sport setting but rather in a medical office setting as a follow-up evaluation. The most powerful way of Author: James P. Kelly. Blacking Out, Fainting, or Loss of Consciousness Getting Started. Welcome. The two main reasons for blacking out are insufficient blood flow to the brain and abnormal electrical activity within the brain (a seizure).

Agree with you kerry. Perform two breaths, letting the lungs relax between breaths. Good music can seriously article source you high! I grabbed for the side of the tank and reassured myself that I wasn't actually moving. I would really appreciate if someone help me! I got to seeing the sphere, wiyhout to describe someone losing consciousness without using, and started over again. Agonal breathing refers to short, labored, gasping breaths that occur because oxygen cannot reach the brain.

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A Google search can get you started and help you find some credible sources. More on our Privacy Policy here. What are the signs of not eating enough? My character fell on his face. I step in and continue walking down deeper. CPR is an emergency procedure to assist someone when they stop breathing and have no pulse. Suddenly everything started to fade. As for feeling faint when I get up from lying or sitting down, that happens so often that I know exactly what to do. This was very helpful but am wondering about how to write about an infection? If the person is not breathing please click for source has something lodged in their throat, continue performing the chest compressions of CPR and checking witbout see whether the object has dislodged.

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Not: How to someohe someone losing consciousness without using

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The sharp pain comes afterwards when it sinks in and you try your best to move. The change originator is God, since He is perfect, and we are not. It cleared up some misconceptions I had about it — lozing the ones you wrote about after your description of The Event.

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How to describe someone losing how to describe someone losing consciousness without using without using 617
How to describe someone losing consciousness without using I appreciate the different levels of pain and the descriptive words to help illustrate them.

Ideally, the exercise would end by waking up and writing down some of the thoughts you had while you were semi-lucid and your mind was wandering. And click here is weird, is that there are so many people out there who really do use the word jesus how to describe someone losing consciousness without using a curse word! I tried dsscribe for a few days to see if I could relieve muscle tension in my neck and found the results promising. When link body slips out of consciousness, your arm should drop down and wake you enough for you to put your arm back in the air. Share the information on the tag with the representative.

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I have no idea if this is something you get better at with experience. Did they stop drawing blood?

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

Not scraping his palms, just his face. I read in a biography of Thomas Edison that he would take mini naps in his lab by sitting on a bench holding a spoon.

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What is consciousness? - Michael S. A. Graziano Step 1: Sleep Deprivation. The body and mind need rest in order to operate at peak performance. When the body and mind do not get the required amounts of rest time, they start doing weird things. Envision for a moment a talking children's toy with dying batteries. Dec 20,  · There wasn’t any fight to it. Once my brain decided I needed to lose consciousness, it did so without any regard cojsciousness to my will.

30 Thoughts to “My Fainting Fit: One Writer’s Experience in Losing Consciousness”

I wasn’t even aware that I was going to lose consciousness until it already happened. This has happened to me twice so far, and it was the same both Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 5 mins. Feb 09,  · The best thing about this online world of ours is you never know who you are going to meet. I don’t know about you, but one of the areas I struggle with is writing a character’s pain in a way that is raw, realistic but not just “one-note.” So when I crossed paths with a paramedic-turned-writer, [ ].

How to describe someone losing consciousness without using - charming

Signs of concussion in children and toddlers Concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury.

The Old Soul how to describe someone losing consciousness without using does not bother to shove anything into the closet. Did you make this project? So far, no. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I worked at being calm and still. Emergency Medicine First Aid. how to describe someone losing consciousness without using I have write a character source as cut their feet on rocks and branches.

My experience: While I initially resolved simply to lean upside down how to describe someone losing consciousness without using the edge of the couch, I decided to go all out and fully stand on my head. Luckily I have not experienced that first hand, but that makes it hard to write about. But patients with conditions like, for example, heart defects or neurological disorders, or patients who are taking a lot of medication, all these patients should always go to the emergency room. I start by creating a mantra of something private about myself that I would like to change. The mind altering experience of prayer is supposed to be a permanent life change conformation to the Biblical God's soemone word.

I say that the difference between prayer and meditation is the focus. Nav Social Menu how to describe someone losing consciousness without using A person who is unconscious may seem like they are sleeping but may not respond to things like loud noises, being touched, or being shaken.

Fainting is a type of unconsciousness that happens suddenly and may only last a few seconds. Other types can last much longer. If someone seems unconscious or unresponsive, the first thing to do is ask if they are OK in a loud voice. But if they might have a spinal cord injury, it is best not to move the person until emergency services arrive. If a person still does not respond, follow these steps in this order:. Next, call or have someone else call emergency medical services. In the United States, dial Do this if the person:. Share the information on the tag with the representative. Before beginning any first aid stepsit is essential to tell whether the unconscious person is breathing or not. If the person is unable to answer correctly, they may be experiencing learn more here change in mental status.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

Share this information with the emergency services representative. If the person may have a spinal injury, leave them as they are. Take steps to keep their neck supported and still. If the person is breathing and it is unlikely that they have a spinal injury, roll them into a recovery position on their side. Adjust their legs so their hips and knees form right angles. Tilt their head gently back to help keep their airway open. If an unconscious person is not breathing, it may be necessary to move them carefully onto their back while protecting their neck, so they can receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR. We describe how to give CPR in the next section. If the person is moving, coughing, or breathing, this is a good sign. If none of these things happen, continue giving CPR until emergency assistance how to describe someone losing consciousness without using. If something is visible at the back of the throat someonf high in the throat, and it is blocking the airway, try to remove it by using one finger to sweep the mouth.

Do not try to sweep away or grab anything that is not visible. If the person is not breathing and has something lodged in their throat, continue performing the chest compressions of CPR and checking to see whether the object has dislodged. If the unconscious person is bleeding heavilylocate the injury and place strong, direct pressure on the wounded area to slow the flow of blood. Anyone who knows how should apply a tourniquet above the bleeding area to slow the bleeding until emergency services arrive. CPR is an emergency procedure to assist someone when they stop breathing and have no pulse. Only people with CPR training should give the rescue breath part of the procedure.

To reduce the chances of injury, anyone hos training should only perform chest compressions, in steps 1—7 below. Chest compressions also help oxygen circulate. Before starting CPR, try to wake the person again how to describe someone losing consciousness without using calling their name loudly and asking if they are okay. Lay the person on their back consiousness any flat, hard surface. Protect their neck from big movements if it looks like they might have a spinal injury. Keeping your elbows straight, bring your shoulders forward over your hands to give you more upper body strength. Using the weight visit web page force of your upper body, push straight down on their chest.

Press it down at least 2. This is one compression. Did you find this content useful? Yes No. Help us become better, tell us why. Write your comment below. Thanks for your help! An error has occurred and we were unable to send your opinion, please try again later. Substantiated information by:. Subscribe Receive the latest updates related to this content. I have read and accept the privacy wkthout. Thank you for subscribing! An error occurred and we were unable to send your data, please try again later. Name field required. Email field required. I have read and agree privacy policy. I proceeded to sit on the couch and think about food and water. My mouth was dry. I had a headache. My stomach would grumble loudly once and a while to remind me that I had not been eating. I laid there until roughly sundown conxciousness then had some bagels.

Overall, I would say that my consciousness had been altered. However, would also say that it was somelne entirely negative experience that I will not soon be repeating. Albeit I am not a religious man, I would say that if there was a greater power out there, they intended for us to eat and drink. Biofeedback enables you to monitor and affect physiological functions that are otherwise not immediately apparent.

It does this by taking body functionality that you otherwise would not be able to easily sense, how to long lasting lipstick makeup represents them as sound, visuals, or tactile sensations. Withkut popular thing to sense with biofeedback is the frequency your brain is functioning at this is called neurofeedback. Using an EEG machine you could monitor brain waves and train your brain to function at certain frequencies. For instance, if you want to be more focused, you can train yourself to induce a hyper-alert beta brain state.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

This may sound like science fiction, but right! should i learn to sing opinion actually quite extensively researched and practiced. My how to describe someone losing consciousness without using One simple biofeedback exercise is to monitor neck muscle tension using EMG and train yourself to relax them to prevent tension headaches. Since I sometimes get neck stiffness and headaches on my left side, I decided to give this jsing try. I tried it for a few days to see if I could relieve muscle tension in someobe neck and found the results promising. It became increasingly easier to relax my neck muscles. I feel like that with more practice I will be able to control my neck tension without an EMG setup. Being able to prevent headaches by thinking about relaxing muscle groups is one way to subtly alter your mental state. I read that adding Clary Sage oil to a nice warm bath has a bit of a calming effect.

While it is easy to be skeptical of "hippie things" like aroma therapy baths, I found this one very much worked as advertised. It worked so well, that I would heed warning and try this while drinking alcohol it is supposed to have strong narcotic effects. My experience: After a few minutes - to my surprise - I started to feel a heaviness in my temples and a sense of lightheadedness.

Loss of consciousness explained in first person

This was a little bit unnerving at first, but after a few more minutes I started to feel very relaxed - very - very - relaxed. My motor skills seemed to be a bit off as well. I reached out to turn the spigot and add more hot water into the tub and missed it. I decided to stop reaching for things and just sit back and relax. I was now very calm. I closed my eyes.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

I was hearing all of the sounds around me. I heard water occasionally drip from the faucet, cars driving past a few blocks away on the main road, and a dog bark way off in the distance. Typically, when I take a bath, I spend most of my how to describe someone losing consciousness without using wrapped up in thought, but I found myself instead simply relaxed and my mind very clear of thought. It was like I had sunk into the world's most comfortable chair and could not get up. Eventually I managed to break free of the peaceful grip of the tub. The click the following article relaxed and lightheaded feeling persisted for some time afterwards. This seems kind of silly, but if you sit in a dark room and stare at a candle for ten minutes while trying not to blink, you will experience subtle visual hallucinations.

This sounds too simplistic to actually work, but I begrudgingly admit that it does. Which brings me too My experience: At first it was hard to keep focused on the candle without blinking. After about a minute this task started to become easier. My eyes focused on the light and began to relax and the candle doubled in vision. After a while longer there started to be a glowing red and yellow sphere around the flame. Then, I blinked. I had to start over. I got to seeing the sphere, blinked, and started over again. This time I began to see a sphere and pushed through my desire to blink. My entire field of vision began to become wavy and finally the sphere appeared to be shooting arcs of light out of it kind of like a lightning globe. This was not the most exciting thing I ever saw, but definitely was a visual hallucination. I wasn't able to maintain it for long because then I blinked, my vision reset itself and I quit because I figured I took this about as far as I could.

When I was done, I turned on the lights and had a blue and red dot burnt into the center of my field of vision for about five minutes. This alarmed me enough not to ever try this again. I suggest that you don't try this either. This seems kind of simplistic, but turning upside down will change the way you perceive things on two levels. First, it will change your how to describe someone losing consciousness without using perspective. The ceiling becomes the floor. Floor lamps become chandeliers. Things in general just get strange. That aside, if you stay upside down for more than a few seconds, you will get a rush of blood to your head. The heart has not evolved not to pump blood against gravity very well and standing on your head means that more blood will settle there.

Over a short period this will result in a mildly-altered state of consciousness. Over a long period, this can result in bad things like stroke, heart attack or blindness. I don't recommend standing on your head for very long. My experience: While I initially resolved simply to lean upside down over the edge of the couch, I decided to go all out and fully stand on my head. I cannot remember the last time that Assured, i learn something new everyday quotes join had stood on my head, and it was a bit more of a challenge than I remember. However, I leaned against a wall, and once I got up, I was very stable and confident in that position minus the discomfort of my whole entire body weight pushing down on my neck. After about 30 seconds, my orientation changed and what was up was down; and down was now up.

I was just hanging out here checking things out for about another two to three minutes when I started to feel a throbbing pressure in my head. This was the feeling of blood rushing in. I held this for another 30 seconds and suddenly things did not feel quite right. I decided that perhaps balancing on my head in this state for much longer was not a good idea. I carefully returned to my feet and was very light-headed and dizzy. Aside from a stiff neck, things were feeling good, and perhaps I was imagining things, but my vision seemed sharper. Did you find this useful, fun, or entertaining? Follow madeineuphoria to see my latest projects. Very interesting. I'm certainly going to try some of these recommendations. I already meditate everyday and use different techniques to focus or relax I have not lived numerous trances but I have had a very interesting experience following a very intense meditation.

I'm fascinated by physics quantum mechanics, relativity, q-loop gravity During this intense but extremely relax exercise it felt like my brain and my body got separated For a few seconds I understood so many things at the same time and I felt so "connected" with the world I could continue to feel the results of this trance for days afterwards and when I'm at peace, I can feel it again sometimes. The results of these thoughts are quite personal but I can clearly state that this experience has changed me for life. Keep exploring!

Very good "instructable". Reply 4 years ago. Well sir Do you have any idea what you achieved You are almost to the point of realization This is what our Sanskrit books and sages talked about The day you realize you are not your body nor your mind. That's what happened to you. Very interesting read! I tried altering or rather: how to describe someone losing consciousness without using my consciousness both ways. One of my 'natural' favourites is sleep deprivation.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

It's incredibly effective. The brain works differently after some usinf and nights without sleep. But I also altered my consciousness permanently through the studies of occultism, astrology, mysticism There's SO many things to learn! You start to question a LOT of things and here if you're really into it, it's fascinating! I started studying it intenesely three years ago and within a few weeks I started to "realise". It's difficult to explain, you have to experience it. Good music can seriously get you high! For me it's laying down in my bed, lights out, earphones, full volume and Led Zeppelin's first LP. I read in a biography of Thomas Edison that he would take mini naps in his lab by sitting on a bench holding a spoon.

He would close his eyes, and when he lost consciousness later, the spoon would fall, waking him up. Reply how to describe someone losing consciousness without using years ago. Yes that is true source it wasn't because of the same topic, it was because he was a workaholic, he felt he only needed very little sleep, once the object he was holding fell he would then go back to working. Reply 3 months ago. I am always wondering whether meditation consciounsess just work because you focus on breathing, go here your brain more oxygen and getting your elevation from this. Many people have a job where they sit, undoubtedly very unhealthy, and your organs, Most people pay attention to sit upright during meditation,etc which already takes SOME pressure away, improving breathing.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

Long story short: Try to focus on breathing long in - long out and a good posture :- Works for every religion,non-religion and other spiritual ways of living; even when you go for a walk with your dog, play table-tennis, Reply 5 years ago. Life is not only to things it is also to live things. Some things are better explained when lived Hey there, I took a look at the reviews of your recommended book, it seems that it is somehow controversial.

Since I'm not using Audible, I wouldn't download it; but there was this one review which recommends some other books, maybe they are interesting for you!? Muesse, 3. I pray every day as a Christian. If I pray consciousess more than say, 5 minutes consecutively, when I open my eyes, I usually have a feeling of sensory overload for a second.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without using

I know studies out of Duke Consciosuness have shown that prayer soemone actual physical effects on you, AND the people you pray for, but that is a aomeone topic. would say that the difference between prayer and meditation is the focus. Meditation fosters a sense of self, prayer aligns your mind with the realities of the world, and prompts you with ideas and ways to act them out for the good of the world. It gives you compassion for the person you are praying for. You increasingly become ising mature and less selfish.

Reply 7 years ago on Introduction. Having done both, I agree with what you've said about prayer, but I would disagree with your views on meditation. Buddhist meditation causes a feeling of no self and Hindu meditation can lead to feelings of being 'at one with the universe'. It is therefore not some form of selfish naval-gazing, but is a path to connecting with and helping those around you just like prayer. Agree with you kerry. The sense of self disappears over time in meditation and only the "connection to the world" remains. There are many in the Christian religion as well as in all the others. Ah, yes. I didn't mean for it to sound like meditation was selfish.

The change originator is God, since He is perfect, and we are not. IIRC, Buddah did not declare himself perfectly divine? I know that he is often regarded that way, but was his purpose to speak to each individual as they mediate for all eternity with omnipotent wisdom? That is not a rhetorical question, I do not know. The mind altering experience of prayer is supposed to be a permanent life change conformation to the Biblical God's revealed word. That Word the Bible is how to describe someone losing consciousness without using in its exhortations to put God first, others second, and self third. First of all In the ancient teachings of meditation IS nirvana. God is not a person WE are kiss me to reply more how to. ALL consciousness on all levels, from the Devic Souls that represent the weather, water, and nature spirits, to what we consider the higher forms of consciousness, meaning intelligent, sentient, self-aware and ensouled physical beings, such as humans, cetaceans, great apes There might be others that we are not aware of At least That is O.

We are spiritual beings and we all evolve on different levels and at different rates of time and speed. There is no race for the soul to evolve. Sentient, self-aware and intelligent? But that is why how to describe someone losing consciousness without using universe is such an immense place.

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