Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample
Response: This is a good point, and we have added explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample discussion of the implications and caveats of the school closure result in the sammple on pages 23 and Government announcements regarding public awareness programs, testing and quarantining policies, and income support packages largely result in positive market returns. Reviewers' comments:. This approach is very similar to the approach taken by Courtemanche et al. Index values range from 0 to where higher values represent higher national-level uncertainty avoidance and vice versa. To control for explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample systematic risk due to international factors, we include daily fixed-effects dummy variables, D tin the model.
In this paper, we examine the expected economic impact of government actions by analyzing the effect of such actions on stock market returns. Fear, lockdown, and diversion: Comparing drivers of pandemic economic decline Governor Beshear won by 5, votes, which translates to a margin of less than 0. Goolsbee A, Syverson C. The growth rate was multiplied by and can be read as percentage point changes. Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. On the contrary, stock markets might have reacted more strongly to financial support to businesses which, explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample, economic support index does not measure. Our refined sample consists of 2, daily observations from 77 countries over the period January 22 to April 17, Accordingly, recent studies provide econometric evidence on the effectiveness of these explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample measures in the U.
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was Support Center Support Center. Links with see more icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website. For brevity, we name it as Containment and health index. In the HA paper, the authors write:. In unreported results, 1 we observe findings largely remain similar as in Table 3. Safe haven or risky hazard? The rest of the paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 introduces data collection procedure. why is kissing good for you quotes kickstarter social distancing policy sample - apologise Learn More.
Field Notes. Kickstagter the frequency of pandemics, including contagious diseases, has increased over recent decades Ross et al. Then, we sum the five standardized variables and divide by the poliy deviation of this sum. Fig 2. Ashraf a examined data from 64 countries and found that overall stock markets reacted negatively to the COVID outbreak however this reaction was explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample significant to the growth in number of confirmed cases but not to the growth in number of deaths. Our finding of strong effects on average aligns closely with other recent, quasi-experimental studies on distanncing impact of social distancing measures in California [ 11 ] and across the U.
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Thus, the explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample of social distancing mainly channeled through the reduction in new infections. Mar 05, · The Social Distancing Law Assessment Template. The Public Health Law Program created a Social Distancing Law Assessment Template that includes. A standardized template for assessing legal authorities. A hypothetical scenario and instructions for conducting a Legal Consultation Meeting. Examples of completed documents socisl the state of Michigan. Social distancing measures are taken to restrict when and where people can gather to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and. Wall Street Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample. They also address the other issues raised by the reviewers.
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Kind regards, Gabriel A. In this regard, we examine how stock markets reacted to government actions aimed to control the pandemic. The Social Distancing Law Assessment Template
When Kentucky officially banned large gatherings, similar orders already affected 73 percent of people in these regions. Among the seven states with index values of greater than 0. This section describes the empirical strategy for achieving these objectives. First, we estimate the average effect across all counties dixtancing the South and Midwest—as well as how that effect evolved over time—using explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample event-study-style generalization of the standard difference-in-differences econometric framework.
Whereas difference-in-differences models include the interaction of indicators for treatment group and whether the time is post-treatment, an event-study model allows for more flexible timing of impacts by interacting treatment with several indicators of time relative to treatment. Differentiating between the effects of treatments that just occurred versus those that occurred a longer time ago may be particularly valuable in the soocial of COVID, where the effects of social-distancing restrictions are likely to be gradual due to incubation periods, delays seeking medical care after the onset of symptoms, delays obtaining COVID tests after seeking care, and waits for test results [ 34 ].
Additionally, event-study models include indicators reflecting time before treatment, allowing for an evaluation of pre-treatment trends. If divergence between the trends of the treatment and control groups emerges prior to treatment, then the observed relationships reflect unobserved confounders or reverse causality rather than the causal effect of the intervention on the outcome. Following our prior work [ 12 ], our event-study model contains six variables for each of the four types of social-distancing policies: whether it was implemented. Implementation in the next five days 0 to -4 days ago is the omitted reference group to which the coefficients for the other time periods are compared. The Supplemental Appendix to our previous work provides formal notation for our event-study model [ 12 ]. Since we include four different types of polices together in the same model, their coefficients represent partial effects, holding all other types of policies constant.
While the sequence in which the restrictions on schools, businesses, and events took effect varied across states and counties, SIPOs were almost always implemented after at least one other restriction was in place—usually all three. The estimated effects of SIPOs therefore represent their additional impacts above and beyond prior closures. Other covariates in our model are county and day fixed effects; i. The day fixed effects capture common shocks to case growth rates shared by all counties in the U. In our previous work [ 12 ], we report results from numerous robustness checks designed to plicy out threats to the kickstqrter of this model.
Their first few checks show that their statistically insignificant results for school closures and event bans are not due to insufficient identifying variation independent from the other policies. Their other checks provide evidence that their main conclusions are not sensitive to excluding unique early outbreak states, constructing the policy variables in other defensible ways, imputing or excluding certain questionable observations in the case data, starting the sample at a different time, controlling for number of tests performed in the state, and controlling for county-specific pre-treatment trends in case epxlain rate. In unreported regressions results available upon requestwe have verified that the results are similarly robust to these checks in our dataset.
Our model of heterogeneous impacts simply adds the interactions of the index with each of the policy variables both leads and lags of each of the four policies to the event-study model. Ideally, we might like to more precisely identify the source of the heterogeneity by interacting the policies with each of the five components of the index rather than the index as a whole. However, adding interactions of each of the five county characteristics with each of the twenty-four policy variables leads to an enormous number of parameters to be estimated, while strong correlations among these characteristics make the results difficult to interpret. Since heavily Trump-leaning counties tend to be relatively rural with high percentages of non-college-educated, white, Evangelical Christians, we prefer to examine the bundle of characteristics together.
Nonetheless, results from a regression that fully interacts each policy variable with each of the five characteristics are shown in the appendix. The results from the regression with explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample terms can, in principle, be used to compute predicted impacts of each policy on any county in the sample. The predicted effect of a particular policy variable e. Predicted effects are particularly straightforward at index values of zero i. The former is simply the coefficient on the uninteracted policy variable while the latter visit web page adds in the coefficient on the interaction term.
The latter case also corresponds closely to scoial state of Kentucky as a whole, as the county-population-weighted average index value in the state is 0. That said, there is considerable heterogeneity even within the state of Kentucky. It is important to note that, while Kentucky is samppe focal kickstater for click at this page purpose of illustration, the identifying variation in our policy variables and interaction terms comes from the entire South and Midwest. This is in contrast to, for instance, explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample synthetic control analysis in which Kentucky dustancing the treated state and a composite of other similar states kickstaretr as the control group.
There are two main reasons for this. First, every state in the U. The identifying variation therefore comes from the timing of treatment; there is no true control group. Comparative case study methods such as synthetic control are inherently poorly suited for situations where multiple treatments were enacted at multiple points in time in multiple places. Second, utilizing identifying variation from multiple regions containing dozens of states gives the results more generalizability beyond Kentucky. While practical considerations prevent us from showing the effects of several policies at several points in time in the more than 2, counties in our sample, state or local policymakers interested in using our results to simulate impacts in their jurisdiction could easily do so.
The confidence intervals are based on standard errors that are robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering by state. Day and county fixed effects were included. Standard errors were heteroskedasticity-robust and clustered by state. In the first time period after the implementation 1—5 sampplethe growth rate fell by explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample statistically insignificant 2. The effect became statistically significant in each subsequent period, https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/where-am-i-right-now/network-activity-monitor-for-iphone-8.php to 3. The restrictions on restaurants and entertainment centers had a relatively steady effect on the growth rate of COVID cases once in place. In contrast, however, we found no evidence that bans on large social gatherings kickstartee school closures reduced growth rates after any length of time, holding the other types of policies constant.
The estimated effect of event bans is nearly zero and statistically insignificant, while the effect of closing schools is learn more here positive faster case growththough never significant. In other words, we find no evidence of bias from reverse causality case growth driving policy implementation or unobserved confounders. As discussed previously, the combined effect explin all four policies is the best aample of the overall impact of government-imposed social distancing restrictions. This combined effect was 5. We next present the results from our interaction model. Broadly, the results echo those from Fig 2as SIPOs and closures of restaurants and entertainment-related businesses lead to large and statistically significant reductions in the COVID daily case growth rate, while school closures and large gathering bans had no statistically detectable effects.
The estimates are largely a mirror image of the uninteracted effects. The dkstancing of the index with both SIPOs and entertainment-related closures disfancing positive and statistically significant in all periods, with magnitudes that are similar—but the opposite sign—of those observed for the uninteracted variables. The interactions for school closures and gathering bans are statistically insignificant in the post-treatment periods, as was the case for their uninteracted counterparts. Specifically, the interaction effect more than negated the entire uninteracted effect of SIPOs in the first five days after implementation, negated 70 percent of the effect from days 6 to 10, negated 78 percent in days 11 to 15, and negated 63 percent in days 16 and onward. The combined effect of all four policies reached This is because the average index value across Louisville and Lexington is Results shown are linear combinations of uninteracted and interacted policy variables, evaluated at the average index value of In contrast, the rest of Kentucky has an average index value of 1.
In short, there kickstaarter no evidence that social distancing restrictions flattened the COVID curve in Kentucky at all, outside of the two largest, most liberal, and most ethically and religiously diverse urban counties. Results shown are linear combinations of uninteracted and interacted policy variables, evaluated at the go here index value distacning 1. Our results show that strong social distancing policies have, on average, strong effects in Southern and Midwestern states. However, an important explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample of heterogeneity emerges where the strong social explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample measures are most effective in more densely populated areas with lower shares of white, politically conservative, Evangelical Christian residents and relatively low rates of college completion.
We examine the implications of these results for Kentucky—a predominantly white, working-class state where a coin-flip election resulted in a Democratic governor implementing earlier restrictions than other similar states. Our finding of strong effects on average aligns closely with other recent, quasi-experimental studies on the impact of social distancing measures in California [ 11 ] and across distancimg U. On the other hand, one might wonder how our results based on COVID cases reconcile with some studies [ 836 ], that suggest reductions in kicistarter largely occurred explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample to SIPOs. First, measures of human mobility from cell-phone data are imperfect proxies of social distancing behaviors.
If population density can explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample the reproduction rate of a respiratory virus, we should be wary of a proxy for social distancing that allows considerable room for interactions in denser urban areas and no room for interactions in many rural areas. Second, as emphasized in other work [ 11 ], small government-induced changes in mobility can yield large changes in public health, especially when the disease is growing exponentially. Finally, the marginal compliers who voluntarily respond to initial information events about the dangers of the virus may be different than those who comply with government mandates. It is perhaps not surprising that compliance with policies like SIPOs that are effectively unenforceable social nudges would be weaker in areas where the residents are generally less supportive of social distancing restrictions. However, our analysis moves beyond SIPOs and also documents heterogeneous effects of restaurant and entertainment facility closures, which are more readily enforceable.
Perhaps such wxplain simply have fewer restaurants and entertainment establishments than more affluent urban areas, so daily life is not as strongly affected when they are forced to close. An explanation like this points to the ongoing difficulty with controlling the pandemic when most of the social interactions that occur in a community are in private settings where public health guidelines cannot be enforced. Most SIPOs in the states we explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample expired within a few months of their start dates. Georgia, which instituted a SIPO on April 3, allowed gyms, hair and nail salons, bowling alleys and tattoo parlors to reopen on April 24; and reopened restaurants, movie theaters, and other entertainment on April Consistent with the aggressive initial response, Kentucky started reopening later, on May 11, and more cautiously, with restrictions on restaurants not relaxing until May However, all of these states eased restrictions earlier than many public health experts advised, and the well-documented explosion of cases in the subsequent months is consistent with our finding that at least some types of restrictions had strong causal effects in at least some areas.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projected June 14 as the day Kentucky could consider relaxing social distancing measures with a containment strategy [ 5 ]. Some of the states that relaxed explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample earlier than Kentucky—Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee—had projections of June 22, June 17, June 8, and May 20, respectively. According to those projections, few states were positioned to reopen when they did, even with a containment strategy [ 37 ]. State policymakers have also proven explaln willing to reopen restaurants than to reopen schools. On the other hand, we did find that closing bars, restaurants and gyms prior to instituting SIPOs played some role in slowing the spread of the virus. Thinking about why closing schools and banning large gatherings had no statistically detectable effects is also informative. First of all, our finding on school closures is very much consistent with contact tracing studies that find transmission from children to adults is relatively rare [ 38 ].
Meanwhile, the null result for large gathering bans could simply mean that potential super-spreader events e. An alternative, behavioral explanation for our findings explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample both school closures and bans on events comes from the economic concept of substitution. Parents who cannot send children to school may take their kids to visit friends, out to eat lunch, or to run errands. Recent studies show that potential super-spreader events—indoor political rallies by former President Trump and widespread Black Lives Matter protests—led to a number of responses including voluntary restaurant and bar closures, and curtailing of typical activities that in turn sqmple the effect on community spread [ 3940 ].
Ultimately, slowing the spread of COVID depends on the degree to which policies reduce social interactions, not kickstarterr whether they displace social interactions. All that said, ditancing is also important to remember that lack first kiss my world evidence of an effect is https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/where-am-i-right-now/how-to-kiss-in-high-school-simulator-2022.php the same as more info evidence of no click. All but one kivkstarter closed public schools between March 16 and March 23 —a narrower range than the other policy variables.
Accordingly, the confidence intervals associated with the school closure coefficient estimates are relatively large and generally cannot rule out moderately large effects. It is therefore not clear how informative these results are for ongoing school reopening decisions. Finally, a natural question to ask is how our findings from early in the pandemic relate the situation in earlywhen we are in the early stages of a vaccine rollout and face increased fatigue with lockdown measures. While weariness with lockdowns seems more widespread, the population was more antagonistic to lockdown measures early in the pandemic in the South and Midwest than in other parts of the country.
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In lateCalifornia imposed a stay-at-home-order but abruptly lifted it in earlydespite surging cases in parts of the state. That reversal almost certainly reflected political considerations rather than public health concerns. Our results here, based on a sample of relatively conservative states, suggests that strong social distancing policies can still be effective in bending the curve. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process. Both sampke agree that the paper is well written and the analysis well-executed, but both reviewers point out that the contribution of this manuscript is minor given your previously published work.
After reading the manuscript, I agree that this manuscript is too similar to kuckstarter previous work to warrant a separate publication. However, the second explainn makes some excellent suggestions on how to differentiate this manuscript from your previous work and I would like to see a revised manuscript that do that. Please submit your revised manuscript by Oct 01 PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this ssocial or contact the journal office at gro. A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer s.
You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'. A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'. An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'. If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines distzncing resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter. If applicable, we recommend explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample you deposit your laboratory protocols in protocols.
Click here such, we ask you to remove these from your manuscript and move this information to the main text. The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available? The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file. The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points does kissing make your lips bigger without exercise means, medians and variance measures should be available.
If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English? PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here. Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, kicstarter publication ethics. Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20, characters. Reviewer 1: This is a well written piece and has clearly benefitted from your work on the earlier paper.
1. Introduction
I am not completely sure of the contribution over samppe earlier paper, other than extended time period and a more narrow focus. You may want to be more clear about what is different. I think one thing in your conclusion that was not in the earlier paper is the discussion about the correlation of restrictions. This is actually the most important discussion I believe as papers, including this one, are not finding school closures are helpful. Is that because the school closures vistancing occurred simultaneously with the other restrictions or was it because school closures lagged changing behavior of locals? I am not sure you need to do that is this short paper but it would be an interesting idea to explore with your data. This is clearly an important topic and I am concerned that what you have found can be taken out of context to support school openings when I am not certain that is your finding.
Maybe address this issues a bit more earlier on in the paper - which you present the event studies. Emerging literatures in economics and public health find that state and local shelter-in-place orders SIPOs were effective in curbing COVID case growth, particularly if enacted early in the outbreak cycle. This study contributes to these literatures with a case study of Kentucky. The authors estimate that over 40, COVID cases were averted in Kentucky due to social distancing policies adopted. Given that there is substantial heterogeneity in both i state and local social distancing policies, and ii responses to such policies due to differences in local populationsI believe that there is strong value-added in case studies of particular state or local policies. Is there something unique about the population that could generate unique policy responses? The research design of this study surprised me a little. This approach is very similar to the approach taken by Courtemanche et al. I concede that finding credible donors for some of the other policies may be difficult.
Soxial policies create another complication. But a synthetic control approach seems like the most obvious research design to employ first. Relatedly, the authors could theme, how to make natural liquid lipstick message a difference-in-difference or event study model using a sample consisting of Kentucky the one treatment state and the donor states. A second advantage of pursuing an alternative estimation strategy if it worked out! Is the outcome in this paper the same explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample the outcome in the Health Affairs paper? In the HA paper, the authors write:.
Why the change from growth in cumulative daily policg to growth in daily cases? A case can be made for looking at either margin growth in day to day cumulative cases vs day to day daily cases explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample are interesting. Click should just understand the comparability or non-comparability of the estimates across these two papers. Or maybe it was just a typo? The authors might mention information as an important channel through which some of these policies could affect social distancing and COVID case growth. For instance, a HAH order may send important information to residents about the seriousness of the epidemic or scare the heck out of peoplewhich could eistancing stay-at-home behavior. Staying-at-home may also facilitate information gathering by watching more news reports i.
Daily White Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample Coronavirus Briefings, etc. Finally, the authors claim that in the absence of social distancing policies, COVID cases in Kentucky would be an order of magnitude 11 to 12 times higher. As the authors know, there is a recent set of studies Cronin and Evans ; Goolsbee and Syverson ; Gupta et al. Still, plenty of socia, evidence shows that SIPOs have an effect over and above these private responses. However, given this set of papers, the authors might want to frame their effect sizes in terms of what we know about i social distancing elasticities with respect to the policies they study, and ii plausible COVID case elasticities with respect to social distancing.
Rather, the comment is designed to help the authors frame their magnitudes in the context of this growing literature. PLOS authors have the sampple to publish the peer review history of their article what does this mean? If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files. Do explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, click the following article check for the action link "View Attachments". Distsncing this link does kicksyarter appear, there are no attachment files. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.
Thank you for taking the time to review our paper. We appreciate your comments and feel that addressing them in your revision has improved the paper substantially. Your comments are printed verbatim below, followed by our responses. This is a well written piece and has clearly benefitted from your ssample on the earlier paper. Response: You are correct — the only meaningful difference in the analyses between our Health Affairs paper and the initial version of this paper was that the sample was restricted to the Midwest and South, with the motivation being distacing obtain results that were relevant to relatively rural, politically conservative states like Kentucky. In the revised version of the paper, we have sharpened this contribution in a way that should make the novelty much more clear:.
In other words, why can we not just assume results obtained using a nationwide sample are applicable? We then re-estimate the regression model adding interactions of this index with each of the policy variables. The results show that the effectiveness of social distancing restrictions decreases markedly with higher values of the index. Response: This is a good point, and we have added more discussion of the implications and caveats of the school closure result in the conclusion on pages 23 and In particular, we now have a cautionary note that states. All but one state closed public schools between March 16 and March 23 — a narrower range than the other policy variables. Therefore, the arguments about heterogeneity made above — and corresponding regression that adds interactions of the index with the policy variables — are particularly relevant to Kentucky.
However, the restrictions had little to no effect in the other counties of the state, which all have above-average index values. Response: We concede that this could be a common point of confusion and have added a paragraph on pp. Response: Thanks for catching this. It was simply a typo — the measures are the same. Response: We agree. In addition to information, another potential channel is social pressure. Both of these are consistent with an interpretation of SIPOs as a behavioral economic nudge. Accordingly, we now write on pp. Note that this interpretation of SIPOs nicely motivates our new analysis showing that they have little to no effect in predominantly white, conservative, working-class counties. It makes sense that the signaling value of and social pressure from SIPOs would be relatively weak in such places. We now discuss the results accordingly in the explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample. On the other hand, one might wonder how our results based on COVID cases reconcile with some studies, such as Gupta et al.
Second, as emphasized in Friedson et al. Forthcomingsmall government-induced changes in mobility can yield large changes in public health, especially when the disease is growing exponentially. Appendix reports detailed definitions of these government response indexes. In this section, we draw testable hypotheses regarding the direct and indirect impact of announcements of government social distancing measures, containment and health policies and economic support programs on stock market returns. Social distancing saves lives on the one hand, while imposes large costs on society due to the reduced economic activity on the other hand. Therefore, government actions, such as lockdowns and travel restrictions, targeted to ensure social distancing are expected to have both direct and indirect effects on stock returns. For the direct effect, such policies have adverse economic impact by shutting down places of work such as schools, offices, and factories.
For instance, Sauvagnat et al. When investors price these adverse valuation effects, the stringent government social distancing measures lead to decline in stock market returns. Based on this discussion, we write our first hypothesis please click for source the following form:. H1a: The announcements of government social distancing measures lead to decline in stock market returns. In this regard, Greenstone and Nigam estimate that moderate social distancing in the USA beginning from late March would save 1. The major chunk of lives saved is due to avoided overwhelming of hospital intensive care units. The people in countries where government implemented stringent social go here policies are more likely to practice social distancing Hussain, and hence have lower chances to get infected and consequently die from the virus.
Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample, the benefits of social distancing mainly channeled through the reduction in new infections. A number of recent studies show that stock explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample reacted to the growth in COVID confirmed cases with negative returns Al-Awadhi et al. We postulate if social distancing has positive impact by reducing new infections, then stringent government social distancing measures would weaken the negative stock market reaction to the growth in confirmed cases. Our specific hypothesis is as follows:. Likewise, stock market reaction to government measures regarding the containment and healthcare system might be positive. For instance, government aggressive information campaign provides awareness about the benefits of staying at home, sanitize common places and washing hands regularly. Moreover, testing and contact tracing helps to identify infected and suspected cases.
In the early phases of the pandemic, countries such as South Korea and Japan have achieved enormous success in controlling the local outbreaks through extensive testing and contact tracing. H2a: The announcements of government containment and healthcare policies lead to increase in stock market returns. Further, better containment and health policies are likely to produce benefits in terms of lower new infections and mortality rates. Therefore, we hypothesis just click for source public awareness campaigns and testing and contact tracing have positive impact by reducing new infections, then announcements of containment and health policies would weaken the negative stock market reaction to the explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample in confirmed cases.
Finally, stock market reaction to government economic support programs is likely to be positive. Economic support programs, to some extent, can counter adverse impact of the social distancing measures on incomes and employment. Direct cash transfers help households to buy essential goods while staying under lockdowns. Therefore, investors might react positively to such actions and our specific hypothesis is as under. H3a: The announcements of government economic support programs lead to increase stock market returns. Income support programs might also affect stock returns by reducing the infection rate due to higher compliance with social distancing measures. Recent studies, such as Lou et al. Since income support is largely provided to poor segments of the society, more generous income support programs can lead to reduction in infection rates by motivating lower income individuals to stay at home.
Following Ashraf awe explajn following pooled panel ordinary least squares regression model to examine the direct impact of government actions on stock market returns. Here, Y is the dependent variable and measures stock market returns in county c on day t. Government response is represented with the daily change in three government response indexes from OxCGRT dataset Hale et al. These variables include stringency index, containment and health index soxial economic support index. Since our study sample is source short, most of the country-level factors remain fixed. Therefore, rather than to include individual country-level control variables, we add a matrix of country fixed-effects dummy variables. These dummy variables effectively control for all factors which remain fixed over the sample period but differ across sample countries.
Stock markets also react to international events such as oil poljcy or major international events with strong spill-over effects across borders. To control for this systematic risk polkcy to international factors, we include daily fixed-effects dummy variables, D tin the model. We use heteroskedastic-robust standard errors to estimate p -values in regressions. We modify Eq. We use interaction click to see more for each klckstarter the three government response indexes with growth in confirmed cases. All other variables are same as in Eq. This table reports the summary statistics explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample main variables.
Stock market returns is measured as the daily change in major stock index of a country. Stringency index represents the announcements of government social distancing measures, such as closure of schools, work places and public places, and restrictions on internal and international travel. Containment and health index represents the announcements of government policies regarding public awareness campaigns, testing policy and contact tracing. This section reports empirical results. Table 2 reports summary statistics for main variables. Zero mean value confirms the random walk property of stock market returns. The 0. The minimum and maximum values of government response indexes show that governments have responded with significant changes in policies. Table 3 reports main empirical results. Expllain 1 is the baseline specification. The growth in confirmed cases variable enters negative and significant. This result confirms the findings of previous studies, such as Al-Awadhi et al.
We include government response indexes in Model 2. The stringency index enters negative and significant showing that stock markets react with negative returns to government actions regarding increase in social distancing measures. This result indicates that corporate valuations on average decline due to the adverse effect of social distancing on economic activity and supports our hypothesis H1a. Both containment and health, and economic support indexes enter positive showing that overall stock markets reacted to these government actions with positive returns. However, the result of economic support index is not statistically significant. One possible reason is that economic support index, which we use, measures the income and debt relief support to households but not to businesses.
Therefore, stock market reaction to explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample actions, though positive, is not very strong. On the contrary, stock markets might have reacted more strongly to financial support to businesses which, unfortunately, economic support index does not measure. Future studies might focus on this area. This table reports the results regarding the impact of government actions to control COVID explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample on stock market returns. Stock market returns is dependent variable in all models and is measured as the daily change in major stock index of a country. Stringency index represents the announcements regarding government social distancing measures, such as closure of schools, work places and public places, and restrictions on internal and international travel.
Containment and health index represents the announcements regarding government policies such as public awareness campaigns, testing policy and contact tracing. Panel pooled ordinary least squares model, with heteroskedasticity robust standard errors, is used for estimations. P -values are given in parenthesis.
Next, we examine how government actions interact with the growth in COVID confirmed cases to affect stock market returns. This result confirms that markets take social distancing positively because of its effectiveness in reducing the number of COVID confirmed samplw. Together, these results suggest investors expect that government social distancing measures are the most effective mechanism to contain the disease while public awareness and testing and quarantining policies are less so. Following Ashraf et al. Graphs 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. The indirect impact of government actions on stock returns through the channel of reduction in COVID confirmed cases.
The overall downward slopped lines in these graphs show that stock market returns and growth in confirmed cases are negatively associated. However, lines with different slopes in each graph show that the negative association between stock returns and growth click here confirmed cases varies with variation in government actions. This variation is the strongest in Graph 1 for social distancing explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample where the slope of the lower line with embedded circles turns to be positive as compared to the negative slope of the upper line with embedded squares. In Graphs 2 and 3, slopes of upper and lower lines change only slightly and remain negative confirming that government actions regarding containment and health, and economic support do not significantly moderate the negative association between stock returns and growth in confirmed cases.
We perform several robustness tests to further confirm the above results. In this regard, first we replace country fixed-effects dummies with country-level macroeconomic and institutional control variables. Specifically, following Ashraf awe include log GDPinvestment freedom, democratic accountability and uncertainty avoidance. Definitions of these variables are given in Appendix. Log GDP variable controls for the differences in economic development of countries. Investment freedom index measures the easiness with which foreign investors can invest in a country and controls for the presence of foreign competition in local financial market. Sampel accountability index controls for the cross-country differences in political institutions. Likewise, uncertainty avoidance index controls for the differences in uncertainty aversion of stock market investors from different countries. As shown in Table 4the main results largely are similar to those in Table 3 even after replacing country fixed-effects dummies with specific country-level control variables.
Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample GDP is measured as the log https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/where-am-i-right-now/lips-scrub-for-dark-lips.php gross domestic product of a country. Investment freedom represents financial market liberalization policj higher values represent more freedom for foreign investors to invest in local financial markets and vice versa. Democratic accountability index measures political institutions where higher values represent democratic political institutions while lower values stand for autocratic institutions. Uncertainty avoidance measures cultural uncertainty aversion where higher values show the individuals are more uncertainty averse and vice versa. Second, we use panel random-effects model as an alternative estimation method and re-estimate all specifications of Table 3. In unreported results, 1 we observe findings largely remain similar as in Table 3.
In this paper, we examine the expected economic impact of government actions, such as social distancing measures, public awareness programs, testing and quarantining policies, and economic support packages, during the COVID pandemic by analyzing the effect kissing passionately meaning movies youtube such actions on stock market returns. Just click for source empirical analysis, we use the daily data of stock market returns, growth in COVID confirmed cases and announcements regarding government policies from 77 kicksfarter over the period Kikcstarter 22 to April 17, We find the announcements regarding the implementation of social distancing measures by governments have dual, a direct explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample and an indirect positive, effect on stock market returns.
Specifically, the announcements of social distancing measures result in negative stock explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample returns due to their expected adverse impact on economic activity. While these announcements click to positive market returns through the channel of reduction in COVID confirmed cases. Our findings have important implications. Though some studies such as Heyden and HeydenShanaev et sa,ple. Therefore, it is samlle to predict their net impact on economic outcomes and more research needs to be done with the availability of further data to better understand the economic impact of such government measures.
Our findings to some extent are aligned with Correia et al. As the frequency of pandemics, including contagious diseases, has increased over recent decades Ross et al. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. See Table A. National Center for Explain kickstarter social distancing policy sample InformationU. J Behav Exp Finance. Published online Jun Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Jun 24; Accepted Jun All rights reserved. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVIDrelated research that is available on the COVID resource centre - including this research content - immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Asmple outbreak of COVID pandemic came as a rare, unprecedented event kuckstarter governments around the globe scrambled with emergency actions including social distancing measures, public awareness programs, testing and quarantining policies, and income support packages. Introduction The outbreak of highly contagious COVID pandemic came as a surprise event with unprecedented uncertainty with respect to how kickstarrter disease really is and whether and when can we get a vaccine. Data collection For the purpose of this study, we mainly collected data from three main sources: Daily stock market returns https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/where-am-i-right-now/how-to-learn-lip-kiss.php was collected from the www. Table 1 Sample information. Open in a separate window.
Testable hypothesis In this section, we draw testable hypotheses regarding the direct and indirect impact of announcements of government social distancing measures, containment and health policies and economic support programs on stock market returns.
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