Should i kiss my baby on the lips


should i kiss my baby on the lips

Dec 20,  · I don’t get why anyone would kiss someone else’s kid on the lips. I have met my fil maybe 5 times. I had to explain to my husband that not only do I find kissing on the lips very inappropriate but to me it’s a random old man kissing my baby daughter on the lips. How would you feel if a guy you barely knew did this. But for parents who think there’s nothing wrong with the kisses, here are the pros of kissing a baby on the lips: 1. It’s a great way to show love to your baby There are few things as beautiful as a parent’s love for their child. A 2. Loving hugs Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. Mar 23,  · Should I kiss my baby on the lips? Lauren P confesses that she kisses her children on the lips and has no plans to stop. Do you kiss your kids on the lips? friendship When do you stop kissing your children on the lips? Lauren P. Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins.

Appearing on the cover of click the following article April issue of Redbook, Should i kiss my baby on the lips answered a bunch of questions for the feature. Lis is a great word to describe it. I typed this out and am going to send it to immediate family and post to my social media. I know should i kiss my baby on the lips mom means no harm and all the babies love her and are always laughing with her but we are still in Covid times and I kisw RSP is on the rise as well. More info would be so upset if that happened to me. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page.

Kkiss that, somewhere, between [percent] are caused HSV type 1. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. According to Perez Hilton. Site Links. Registry Builder New. Read more of Lauren P's parenting adventures at goldcoastmum. Jump to Bagy Week of Pregnancy. Delete Comment? Babies under two months of age are under the greatest risk for contracting some type bahy disease from mouth-to-mouth kisses. Your Guide to the Second Trimester should i kiss my baby on the lips Pregnancy. Latest: 11 months ago lzwakhals. However, it's only her parents and her grandparents that she kisses this way.

Whilst most things are fine for adult faces, for baby faces they can be severely irritating.

Should i kiss my baby on the lips - tv videos on filmed romantic most ever scenes Cold sores are highly contagious! People allow dogs to lick at their mouths. Lauren P. Do you kiss your kids on the lips? Strong perfumes could cause respiratory issues for young babies also — if we cough when we smell strong perfume, imagine what that would be like for tiny newborn lungs! This is a hard no!

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Opinion obvious: Should i kiss my baby on the lips

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Should i kiss my baby on the lips 170
Should i kiss my baby on the lips And skip tasting it before feeding your child as well.

should i kiss my baby on the lips

GirlMumxx, is a great word to describe thf. I have met my fil maybe 5 times. They spread through saliva, skin-to-skin contact or through objects handled by someone infected by the virus. My in-laws do this and it creeps me out. There click at this page be no kissing.

should i kiss my baby on the lips Posting as.

should i kiss my baby on the lips

If not, why not? Leave a comment. There's no harm in a peck on the lips, surely though those sloppy kisses that come with lkps free side of slobber and snot can sometimes be not so pleasant. Jessica had no clue why that was, and went on to defend her parenting skills. Is it safe to kiss your babies on the lips when they're older? My Free Superfoods Cookbook.

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The research would suggest that caution is applied when it comes to kissing babies, especially in the early period following their birth. So Jessica Alba has gone out and defended kissing her children on the lips. Related Stories should i kiss my baby on the lips Appearing on the cover of the April issue of Redbook, JAlba answered a bunch of questions for the feature. According to Perez Hilton. But one thing that Jessica seemed taken aback by was when she realized not ALL parents kiss their kids on their lips!

Jessica had no clue why that was, and went on to defend her parenting skills. People allow dogs to lick at their mouths. I agree!

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What could tue be wrong with showing some affection to your little ones. Is it really such a big deal? I can does feel good to sitting around with colleagues at a work should i kiss my baby on the lips a few years ago, discussing this sometimes touchy subject as we viewed photos of celebs kissing their kids for a pic spread in an upcoming edition of the magazine. A male colleague, who had no kids at that stage, expressed his disgust at mums and dads kissing their offspring on the lips. Not yet a parent myself at that stage, but pretty sure of my maternal instinct, I defended the act. And now, years later, with four children of my own, I can proudly say, teh I'm one of those mums who can't help but smother bubs big and small with kisses.

Who can resist those chubby cheeks, milk-drunk smiles and chubba bubba thighs?! There could be a few months before the baby can have vaccines when people carrying the illnesses could transmit them to the newborn. Influenza, whooping cough, and other respiratory viruses are some of the diseases that can be serious for babies. Also, be sure to take care of your own oral health. Have more questions? These are whole foods you can find in your local grocery store…. Partha Nandi M. This content is for informational and educational purposes only.

It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Neither Dr. Nandi nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for shoulld health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. Designed by Intergalactic Marketing. Skip to content. Contact Menu. Free Resources.

should i kiss my baby on the lips

Tooth Decay Kissing seems so harmless, but research suggests that you could spread oral bacteria called Streptococcus mutans through saliva if you have active tooth decay. Underdeveloped Immune System Babies are particularly susceptible to severe infections in the first month of life. And lipd tasting it before feeding your child as well. Last year, an day-old baby died after being kissed on the lips by a relative who was infected with the Herpes Simplex Virus. Her condition quickly became critical, with the infection morphing into a case om viral meningitis, according to CNN. Tanya Altmann, a pediatrician at Calabasas Pediatrics in California, told CNN, "The first two months after a child is born are very critical, as a virus can rapidly spread and cause serious illness in newborns. It's not just kissing, either. If you'll recall a few years ago, an interesting way of feeding your baby made the rounds on the internet thanks to celebrity Alicia Silverstone of Clueless.

She reportedly fed her babies like little birdsaccording to Daily News, chewing up the food and spitting it into her baby's mouths. She defended the practice saying that this practice, commonly referred to as "premastication," has been practiced for thousands of years, and her son benefitted from it. Well, according to recent research published in The Journal of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association, this click here not an advisable practice. In fact, it turns out this should i kiss my baby on the lips a pretty easy way to transfer sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, and that can spiral from bby into worsening infection.

should i kiss my baby on the lips

It seems as though any mouth-to-mouth interaction could be a cause for concern, but according to the website KidNurse, nurse Dani Stringer advised the following: "Speaking ideally, it kisz best to ask your friends and family to not kiss your baby, especially under the age of 2 months while their immune system is immature and still developing.

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