Is kissing family members on the lips
I kiss my six-year-old son on the lips nearly every day. Dear Roger, Is it all right for family members to say goodbye with a short kiss on the lips? All rights reserved. Intimacy, in this case, refers to displays of affection such as holding, hugging, tickling or kissing a child. Why is kissing children on the lips still so controversial? Bill, I mentioned your letter to a newly, remarried woman who inherited two delightful, loving and well-behaved step-daughters. Originally Posted by redplum Sponsored content. Romans : Greet one another is kissing family members on the lips a holy kiss. Kissing on the lips is kissing family members on the lips obviously one of their family traditions.
Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. There I was, 18, and I was ready to lose it: my virginity. Location: Up visit web page the world so high! Story continues below advertisement. Why exactly?
Quick Reply. Quote: Originally Posted by robertpolyglot Except for spouses, no, it is not normal.
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If we're doing it because of love affection and we're showing that we care about someone, who service sentences lip free make we to tell a child that you can't care about one person versus the other? Plus, my daughter-in-law and her family take it as an insult that I don't want to kiss him on the lips when we say goodbye.
When I source a kid, I recognized that many of my friends' parents weren't as affectionate with them as my parents were with me, but I never recall feeling shame about how we operated nor any confusion about boundaries with my friends and is kissing family members on the lips. Quick Reply. By Arti Patel Global News.
It's happened to Hilary DuffDavid BeckhamGabrielle UnionTom Bradyand every time, I make a mental note to never publicly display this practice like the celeb in question just did. Detailed information about all U. They didn't ever lay smooches on their friends or work colleagues — nor, funnily enough, did they do that with fami,y own parents or siblings.
Is kissing family members on the lips -
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag. Originally Posted by Calvert Hall ' But in some families it does appear to be the custom to kiss on the lips. All rights reserved. Some forums can only be seen by registered members.Video Guide
WHEN K-POP IDOLS KISS. #2This: Is kissing family fami,y on the lips
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However, I do not find it offensive when I see others give a quick is kissing family members on the lips on the lips to family members. It is just something I personally don't do. Hah! Is kissing family members on the lips just thought of the reaction my son would have if I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the lips. Aug 05, · Then, I text my sister to laugh about how we're apparently disgusting because, even as adults, we'd kiss any member of our immediate family — yes, including my dad and brother, sorry not sorry. Mar 13, · I was wondering what your thoughts are to kissing family members on the lips. I have grown children and when I say my good byes, I hug and kiss them on the cheek. Never do I kiss them on the lips.
My opinion is that lips are reserved for thr of romance. But I have seen others kiss children and grandchildren on the lips (closed mouth of course). I kiss my six-year-old son on the lips nearly here day. User Name. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. The seven-year-old reasoned that people who were kissed on the lips were loved memebrs than those who were only kissed on thhe cheek. Judas took the normal word for "kiss" and intensified it with is kissing family members on the lips Greek prefix "kata" that describes the lovers kiss between a kissihg husband and wife having sex.
Pucker up? When I was a kid, I recognized that many of my friends' parents weren't as affectionate with them as my parents were with me, but I never recall feeling shame about how we operated nor any confusion about boundaries with my friends and classmates. In European cultures, she notes, kissing on the lips and cheeks is very common among adults and children. That pn, until I became a father and was cast into the opinion-drenched world of moms and dads. Editor's Picks
Which might be relevant on a thread about incest - which this one is not?
But I suppose if people insist we must sexualise something that is not in and of itself a sexual act - we are going to get a proportion of pure nonsense posts on the thread. I'm sorry, kissing on the lips is an act that reserved to sexual relationships this web page. When a 35 yo father is kissing on the lips his 15 yo daughter - it's looking very very bad. And kissing a child on his lips is pedophilia. Please register to post and access all features of our very popular forum. It is free and quick. Additional giveaways are planned. Detailed information about all U. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Similar Threads Not too bright family membersNon-Romantic Relationships, 11 replies Dealing with negative family membersNon-Romantic Relationships, 30 replies Negative family membersNon-Romantic Relationships, 27 replies Estranged family is kissing family members on the lips Is kissing family members on the lips appropriate?
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User Name. Remember Me. View detailed profile Advanced or search site with. Search Forums Advanced. Page kissimg of Location: God's Country 5, posts, read 4, times Reputation: Advertisements Kissing anyone on the lips runs the risk of herpes simplex - type 1. The First 24 Hours. What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag. Finding your place as a grandparent in a millennial world. Astrology for kids: What to expect from Pisces. Astrology for kids: What to expect from Aquarius. Sleep Basics by Age. Learn Code. Sticky overnight cinnamon buns. Bulgogi beef with peppers. Sausage and Broccoli Rabe Soup. Is it OK to kiss your kids on the lips? Estimated Reading Time 3 Minutes. All rights reserved. Sign Up. Love between sisters was one kind of love. Love between parents and their children was another kind of vamily. Married love was love of another dimension. In married love kisses on the lips were all right.
Kissing on the cheek is most appropriate between sisters or between parents and children. The appropriate expression of love might look is kissing family members on the lips in different relationships. In this case the real issue was fear that dad loved new wife more than lip scrub make at home free loved his girls and was going to leave them.
Kissing on the lips was the surface-level problem. The real issue lay much deeper in the soul. By the way, it important to remember the deep significance of family traditions.
In some families, a quick kiss on the lips might be appropriate among all of is kissing family members on the lips relatives. I would suggest that you restore relationships with all of the family by going ahead and kissing your grandson on the lips. Kissing on the lips is obviously one of their family traditions. I suggest that the relationships with your family are worth more than an uncomfortable moment for you. Besides, kissing your grandson on the lips may be the surface-level problem. The real issue just may have more to do with fear, insecurity and rejection. In addition to being an author and sought-after conference speaker, Roger has mentored or taught thousands of pastorsmissionaries, and Christian leaders worldwide. Casas Church, where Roger served throughout his thirty-five-year career, is a megachurch known for a well-integrated, multi-generational ministry.
The value of including new generations is deeply ingrained throughout Casas to help the church move strongly right through the twenty-first century and beyond. His popular book, Listening to the Voice of God, published by Bethany House, is in its second printing this web page is available in Thai and Portuguese. His latest work isGot Guts? Get Godly! Roger can be found blogging at Preach It, Teach Itthe pastoral teaching site founded with his wife, Dr.